10 Health Benefits of a Sauna

By james
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Saunas originated from the cold climates of Scandinavia and have been around for hundreds of years. The basic premise is heating water, often over hot stones or coals, to create steam. This will be in an enclosed room and the hot steam causes the room to heat up. Saunas are still popular today and are found all over the planet.

The heat of a sauna causes us to perspire heavily, and this provides numerous benefits to our health. It can help our bodies to purge toxins and other unwanted items from our bodies. The main draw for some people is that they are simply enjoyable and they can also be a lot of fun.


Health Benefit Of Sauna #1: Flushing Toxins

In our day to day lives, we are picking up all sorts of toxins from the environment around us. Toxins can be found on the surfaces we touch, the food that we eat and even in the air that we breathe. We have evolved to be able to handle these toxins, and organs like the liver and the kidneys do a good job at filtering out the bad stuff.

Even our organs can do with a little help from time to time, though, and a sauna can provide just that. Perspiring in a sauna will help your body to purge toxins that have built up in our bodies.


Health Benefit Of Sauna #2: Relaxes Muscles

We can all experience times when we are feeling a little tense. It can cause aches and pains and generally feels uncomfortable. Being tense can also affect our mental well-being if it is prolonged and could also lead to problems with the muscles themselves. If your muscles are feeling tense, you really should try and do something about it.

One option is to use a sauna. Saunas have been shown to be able to relax muscles which is one reason why many people choose to use them. Use a sauna and you can be feeling relaxed and ready to face the world again.


Health Benefit Of Sauna #3: Clears The Skin

Many people strive for the perfect complexion, or at least for a complexion that is as clear as possible. This can be difficult to achieve, though, especially when we live in polluted cities where particles can contaminate the skin. The good news is that a sauna can help make your complexion clear and free from contaminants.

The action of sweating will help to force out impurities from beneath the layers of the skin. It will also bring fluids and nutrients to the skin’s surface, helping to enrich it. An improved flow of blood can also help to bring a healthy glow to your complexion.


Health Benefit Of Sauna #4: Sleep Better

Sleeping well is essential to our physical and mental well-being. For many people, though, even getting enough sleep can be difficult. This can lead to a significant drop in their quality of life as they can struggle with work, their social lives and everything else. If you are struggling to sleep then a sauna might be just what you need.

Studies have shown that people who use saunas are able to sleep better than those that don’t. This has partly been attributed to the release of endorphins as a result of the heat of the sauna. It could also be down to the body temperature falling at bedtime after being raised beforehand.


Health Benefit Of Sauna #5: Stress Relief

Life can be tough at times. People from all walks of life can find that they are feeling under pressure or are struggling with seeing other people suffer. This can cause stress and although stress is usually short term, it can be something more permanent. Stress can lead to a serious deterioration in your health so it is wise to do what you can about it.

Being in a sauna helps to encourage the release of endorphins. Endorphins are one of our ‘happy’ hormones and these will help make us feel good rather than feel stressed. It may not be a permanent solution to whatever is causing us stress, but even a temporary respite can make a very big difference.


Health Benefit Of Sauna #6: Combat Illness

As effective as our bodies are at fighting off disease, they are not impervious. We can occasionally be overwhelmed resulting in a cold or flu. If we are unfortunate enough we might even pick up more serious illnesses. It shows just how important our immune systems are to us, and that we should support them where we can.

Studies have shown that saunas are able to bolster our immune systems by encouraging the production of white blood cells. These are the cells that are on the front line of defense and also help with maintenance and repair. A sauna can also help with certain conditions such as sinus congestion.


Health Benefit Of Sauna #7: Calorie Burning

Keeping excess weight off can be difficult. It can involve diets that are difficult to stick to, and exercise that can be just as hard to keep at, if not harder. Keeping weight down is all about regulating the calories that we take in and burn off and every little bit will help. The good news is that a sauna is able to help to this end.

Studies have shown that the process of sweating heavily can burn up to around 300 calories in a single sitting, which is about as much as a cheeseburger. While it in no way should be used to help you lose weight as a stand-alone method, the occasional sauna could help you to achieve your weight loss goals.


Health Benefit Of Sauna #8: Boost Cardiovascular Function

Our cardiovascular system is essential to our well-being. It carries essential nutrients and oxygen throughout our bodies and we would literally not be able to live without it. The better our cardiovascular system is working, the healthier we are, and the occasional sauna can help in that regard.

A sauna has the effect of dilating the blood vessels and increasing the heart rate. This has a similar effect to exercise in that it trains the heart to work harder and really get the blood pumping around the body. With regular sauna use, you can see improved cardiovascular function in the long-term.


Health Benefit Of Sauna #9: Feel Good Factor

In a busy old world, it can be difficult for us to find time for the things we enjoy. It is important that we do, though, as our mental health can begin to suffer if it is all work and no play. What we do enjoy is largely a matter of personal preference, but a sauna is top of the list for many people.

A sauna is a great way to get away from the rat race and enjoy some peace and quiet. They get the endorphins flowing, helping to make you feel good and forget about all the negative stuff that is going on. This is reason enough for many people to enjoy the sauna in addition to the other health benefits it provides.


Health Benefit Of Sauna #10: Socializing

We have evolved as a social species and being with other people is important to us. Being with other people makes us feel good and being alone for too long has the potential to have profound effects on our mental well-being. In a busy world, though, getting to socialize with other people can be difficult to do.

A sauna, however, makes a great opportunity to get together with people and have a good time. Sharing a sauna with people you don’t know can also provide the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. In some countries, many people look forward to using the sauna because it provides an opportunity to socialize with others.


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