Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome Symptoms

By james
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Our heart muscles are stimulated by electrical impulses. These impulses cause the muscles to contract sharply, and this causes blood to be forced out of the hearts chambers and around the rest of the body. If there was something wrong with these electrical impulses, then it follows that the performance of the heart will be affected.

Wolff Parkinson White syndrome is a condition in which the heart has too many electrical connections, and this affects the output of electrical signals. It does often come with unwelcome symptoms, but it is not usually dangerous, although it can cause a fatality in a small number of cases.

Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome

1. No Symptoms

Fortunately, Wolff Parkinson White syndrome is not usually a dangerous condition. Indeed, a lot of people will go throughout their lives with the condition and not even be aware of it. For many people with the syndrome, there are no symptoms at all. Often, the condition is only spotted when a patient has an ECG for other reasons.

When it is detected, medical professionals will consider the case to determine whether or not treatment is necessary. In many cases, no treatment is required and the patient can live a perfectly normal life as though they don’t have the condition at all.

Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome

2. Palpitations

We will all experience palpitations from time to time. Quite often, it will be because we are excited about something, or are feeling anxious or afraid about a situation.

The palpitations will usually subside in time having done no damage to the patient. If you do experience palpitations for no apparent reason then it could well be a sign that something is wrong. In some instances, it can mean that the patient has Wolff Parkinson White syndrome. Palpitations are perhaps the most common symptom of the condition and, thankfully, it is rarely something to be concerned about on its own.

Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome

3. Short of Breath

Being short of breath is another very normal phenomenon that anybody will have experienced. For some people, even just walking up the stairs can be enough to make them feel breathless.

It is not normal to feel out of breath without having exercised, however, and it is something you should get checked out if you experience it. Being short of breath is a symptom associated with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome, but it is thankfully not too serious. Regardless of whether it is a serious condition or not, it is still wise to get checked out by a medical professional.

Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome

4. Lightheadedness

There are numerous reasons why you might be feeling lightheaded. Often, it is simply a matter of us not taking proper care of ourselves, and a nourishing meal and some rest might be all that is needed.

While it is usually nothing to worry about, it is sometimes a sign of an underlying medical condition so it is wise to get it checked. If you are experiencing lightheadedness for no apparent reason, there is a small chance it is being caused by Wolff Parkinson White syndrome. It is not necessarily a serious condition, but it is still something that you should get checked if the symptom persists.

Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome

5. Chest Pain

Of all the places in the body to experience pain, the chest is perhaps one of the most alarming. Such pains can automatically lead people to think of heart attacks but, thankfully, this is not usually the case. It can still indicate a problem with the heart, however, and it can mean Wolff Parkinson White syndrome.

While a pain in the chest may not automatically mean an emergency, it is still something you should get checked out if it happens often. You should also get it checked if it is particularly painful and/or if you feel as though something is not right.

Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome

6. Fatigue

Fatigue is more than just feeling tired after a long day. Rather, it is a longer-term issue that doesn’t go away by getting a good nights sleep. It can be caused by a prolonged period of excess stress and/or work, while it can also be caused by a number of medical conditions.

One of these conditions is Wolff Parkinson White syndrome. It can be very easy to overlook fatigue as something temporary that will pass but you should not dismiss it too easily if the symptom lingers. There is a chance it can be caused by a serious underlying problem, so you should make an appointment with your doctor to be on the safe side.

Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome

7. Tiring Easily

Exercise is important for us because it exercises our heart, helping to keep it healthy and strong. People that are not used to exercise will tire more easily than those that do, but their stamina will gradually increase with the more exercise they do.

People with certain medical conditions can also find that they tire more easily than other people do. Because their heart is not functioning as well as it should be, people with Wolff Parkinson White syndrome might find that they get tired more easily than they otherwise would. It might not be noticeable at first as people might simply think that they are not in good condition physically.

Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome

8. Sweating

Sweating is a simple yet effective solution to overheating. It works because moisture on the skin draws in heat from the body and this heat is then carried away by wind and/or by evaporation. It allows us to feel comfortable in a range of temperatures, within reason, but it is not without its drawbacks.

Some conditions, like Wolff Parkinson White syndrome, have a habit of causing excessive sweating. While this may not be dangerous to the patient, it can still lead to some embarrassment. Deodorants and anti-perspirants will be able to help in the short term, while dealing with the underlying cause will help in the longer term.

Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome

9. Anxiety

Anxiety is not a pleasant sensation, and for some people, anxiety can be a real detriment to the quality of their lives. Despite this, it is also a very important sensation because it helps to ensure that we are alert to certain situations.

Keeping us alert like this can literally save our lives in some scenarios. The real problems arise when a person experiences prolonged anxiety. This can be a result of too much stress while it can also be a result of some mental and/or physical conditions. Remember that too much anxiety can be very bad for your short-term and long-term physical and mental health, so you should consider speaking with a professional if necessary.

Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome

10. Cardiac Arrest

A cardiac arrest is the medical term for when the heart stops pumping blood. It is different from a heart attack, which means that the supply of blood to the heart has stopped. A cardiac arrest is an extremely dangerous situation and it does cause a fatality in the majority of cases.

For most people, Wolff Parkinson White syndrome is quite harmless and, as mentioned, the condition will even go unnoticed in some cases. In a very small number of cases, however, the condition can lead to a cardiac arrest. If you do suspect a cardiac arrest, you should find immediate medical assistance.

Wolff Parkinson White Syndrome

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