Why Am I So Tired?

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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It is inevitable that we will get tired. We can only go for so long before we need to sleep, and physical activities are also likely to wear us out. A good nights sleep and plenty of food should help make you feel refreshed, though, but it is not always that easy for some people.

If you are feeling tired all of the time then it might be down to your lifestyle choices. In some instances, it might be down to a medical condition. If you are feeling tired all the time then you should make an appointment with your doctor to find out why. Here’s a look at some of the most common reasons why excess tiredness occurs.


1. Lack of Sleep

Not getting enough sleep is an obvious reason as to why you are feeling tired, but still, some people struggle to get the sleep that they need. This is often down to lifestyle choices and can be rectified quite easily. Are you staying out with friends late, are you staying up late watching TV or playing games?

Most people need around 8 hours of sleep every night if they are to feel refreshed the following day. If you are not getting the sleep that you need then you should take a closer look at your schedule and ask yourself what you can change. It might mean sacrificing on your pleasures a little, but you will feel a lot better for it.


2. Diet

Tiredness might also be down to diet. For starters, it is a good idea to try and avoid caffeine for a few hours before bed time because it can keep you awake. In addition, you need to be getting enough energy from your food, and this means calories.

Calories are often given a bad name because too many contribute to obesity, but too few is also a problem. Try and make sure also that you are eating as much fresh food as possible, that is opposed to heavily processed foods. Fresh foods are better for your system and more nutritious, helping you to feel more energized.


3. Activity

How active are you? A lot of people live rather sedentary lifestyles. Transportation means that we can be delivered from doorstep to doorstep with little activity in between. Some of us also spend a lot of time sitting around doing nothing but watch TV, and this is going to do nothing to keep us in good shape.

While exercise is tiring in the short term, it is also more energizing in the long term. People who do exercise more often are generally more energetic than those that don’t. You don’t necessarily have to go on a heavy exercise regime either, even some light physical activity such as walking the dog will help to make the difference.


4. Anemia

Anemia is a condition that means there is not enough hemoglobin in the blood. This is relevant because hemoglobin allows our blood to carry oxygen throughout the body, and oxygen is an important part of the metabolic process. In short, oxygen helps to give us energy.

Because anemia means there is less hemoglobin, it also means there is less oxygen, thus the patient will have less energy. The good news is that this is usually relatively easy to fix by adding more iron to your diet, or by using supplements. Otherwise, you should speak with a doctor about what treatment is necessary.


5. Underactive Thyroid

The thyroid gland, which is located in the neck, is responsible for producing and secreting the thyroxine hormone. This hormone helps in regulating our metabolism and the more of it we have, the more energetic we feel.

On the flip side, not having enough of it will make us feel tired. The thyroid gland is prone to developing problems, and this can include not producing enough of the thyroxine hormone. In addition to making you feel tired, the condition will also cause other symptoms such as aching muscles, dry skin, and putting on weight. It is more likely to occur as you get older, and it is more likely to affect women than men.


6. Diabetes

We get a great deal of the energy that we need from sugar. In addition to the kind of sugar we have at home that is added to some food and drink, sugar also occurs naturally in a variety of forms. Once we have eaten sugar, a hormone known as insulin processes this sugar so it can then be used by our cells for energy.

Diabetes is a condition that means the patient is unable to process the sugar they eat. This means elevated blood sugar levels and it also means our cells struggle to get the energy they need. Diabetes is potentially a very serious condition and it is important that it is managed as well as possible.


7. Celiac Disease

Gluten is a type of protein that is found in wheat, as well as a number of other grains. Wheat flour is a very common ingredient in foods, particularly cakes, bread, and cereals.

This is not a problem for most people, but not everybody is so fortunate. Some people have a bad reaction to gluten and this results in a number of unwelcome symptoms for them. Approximately 1 in 100 people have the condition, which is known as celiac disease. It causes symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea, anemia, and tiredness. It often goes undiagnosed, but it is relatively easy to get an accurate diagnosis, so see a doctor if you have the symptoms.


8. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a condition that can be devastating to people who have it. Also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis, it is a multisystem disease that affects the functioning of various aspects of the body.

Around three quarters of those affected find themselves unable to work, and around 25% will end up bed-ridden. It affects approximately 1 million people in the United States. Symptoms of the condition include joint pain, difficulty concentrating, muscle and/or joint pain, insomnia, a sore throat, nausea, and fatigue. Treatment is aimed at helping to relieve the patient of their symptoms, and some people will go on to make a full recovery.


9. Sleep Apnea

When we sleep, our muscles relax, and this can cause problems for some people. Some circumstances can cause the tissues in the throat to fall back into the throat, temporarily blocking the airways. This then causes the patient to wake up in a condition known as sleep apnea.

This can happen several times during the night, meaning the patient might not get enough sleep. There are other potential causes of sleep apnea but an obstruction of the airways (obstructive sleep apnea), is the most common. Devices are available that can help to prevent the problem and help to reduce snoring that often comes with sleep apnea.


10. Depression

If you are feeling tired all the time then it might be down to depression, and tiredness is only likely to make depression worse. There is still a lot that we don’t know about depression, but there is still help available that can help patients to overcome the problem.

Depression is a lot more than just feeling a bit down. It is potentially very dangerous and it does take lives. If you are experiencing symptoms of depression, or if you know somebody else that is, make sure to get professional help as soon as possible. Speaking with a professional could literally save a life.


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