What Is Goodpasture Syndrome?

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Some people fall ill due to autoimmune diseases, which is when their own immune system is attacking their body from within. There are numerous types of autoimmune disease, and they can cause some very unwelcome symptoms. There is, as yet, no known cure for autoimmune conditions, but they can usually be managed effectively.

Some are more serious than others, and Goodpasture syndrome is an autoimmune condition that is definitely on the more dangerous side. It can progress very rapidly and quickly become a very real threat to the patient’s life. If a case is suspected then it should be treated as an immediate medical emergency.

Goodpasture Syndrome

1. Autoimmune Disease

The potential threats around us from pathogens are pretty much constant. Despite this, most people don’t get ill often. This is thanks to our natural defense system that is commonly known as the immune system. As essential as it is for our well-being and survival, however, it is sometimes the source of problems.

In some people, the immune system will attack the patient’s own body in what is known as an autoimmune disease. This can result in a number of unwelcome symptoms and it can also be very dangerous. There are various different types of autoimmune disease, and Goodpasture syndrome is one of them.

Goodpasture Syndrome

2. Goodpasture Syndrome

Goodpasture syndrome is, thankfully, a very rare condition. Collagen is a type of protein that is present in everybody’s body. It is a very important substance because it helps to form connective tissues. It is found throughout the body, including in the kidneys and lungs.

In cases of Goodpasture syndrome, the patient’s immune system recognizes the collagen as something that should not be there. This causes it to attack the collagen, and this can be very problematic. The condition will often result in some very unpleasant symptoms, and it can be fatal in some cases so it should be treated as soon as it is discovered.

Goodpasture Syndrome

3. Recreational Drugs

Recreational drugs are popular the world over, regardless of their legal status. It is true that they can help people feel good, but they need to be treated with caution because they come with downsides. Indeed, their legal status is largely down to the dangers associated with using drugs.

People that use drugs excessively are at risk of a number of health problems and can also become dependent. Although rare, one of the potential health problems certain drugs can cause is Goodpasture syndrome. Smoking cigarettes is another habit that can cause Goodpasture syndrome. It is advisable to avoid using drugs and tobacco for a number of reasons.

Goodpasture Syndrome

4. Chemicals

Everything around us is made from chemicals, and the vast majority are completely harmless. Some are not so harmless, however, and need to be treated with the utmost caution. Even just breathing in when certain chemicals are present can be very dangerous for us.

Certain chemicals can cause damage to our lungs and to other parts of the body. They can also lead to some other medical conditions, one of which is Goodpasture syndrome. Some people that work with metal also need to be very careful. Metalworking can produce very fine metallic dust, and inhaling it can be very harmful to us.

Goodpasture Syndrome

5. Viral Infections

When we fall ill, it is usually down to a virus or bacteria, although there are some other potential causes. There is a wide range of viruses and they can affect our bodies in different ways. Symptoms range from being very mild, to being downright dangerous. Viruses can also cause other medical conditions, one of which is Goodpasture syndrome.

Although the chances of developing Goodpasture syndrome are slim, it is still another reason to take all practical cautions against viruses. It is advised to wash your hands regularly using soap and/or hand sanitizers. You should also try and keep surfaces clean, and try and keep clear of other people that appear to be ill.

Goodpasture Syndrome

6. Who’s at Risk?

Nobody is completely safe from Goodpasture syndrome, but there are some groups that are more likely to develop the condition than others. For example, it is more common in white people than in people of other races. This does not mean to say people of other races cannot get the disease, however.

Men are also more likely to catch it than women are, and men in certain age brackets are also a higher risk category. Those between the ages of 20 and 30 are in high risk category, as are those over the age of 60. All people are advised to take health precautions regardless of which categories they fall in.

Goodpasture Syndrome

7. Early Symptoms

Symptoms of Goodpasture syndrome are likely to be quite mild at first and will often be passed off as something else. When symptoms do show, they will often include fatigue, and patients will also often have breathing difficulties. Nausea is also likely, while the nausea will also often lead to vomiting.

The condition is also known for causing the patient to develop pale skin. This can help contribute to an unhealthy appearance overall. While the symptoms will usually start off mild, they can quickly progress to something more severe. If left untreated, the symptoms can become a threat to the patient’s life.

Goodpasture Syndrome

8. Later Symptoms

Goodpasture syndrome can cause some unpleasant symptoms when it is in the lungs. It can even cause bleeding in the lungs, which may be quite dangerous depending on the degree of bleeding. The disease can become very dangerous if/when it reaches the patient’s kidneys, however.

When it reaches the kidneys, Goodpasture syndrome can cause blood in the urine, and the urine can appear foamy. A high blood pressure can develop and edema can occur in the patient’s legs, hands, and feet. The patient can feel pain below the ribs in their back, while urinating can also become painful. Goodpasture can cause kidney failure, which is a very serious condition indeed.

Goodpasture Syndrome

9. Diagnosis

Goodpasture syndrome can develop very rapidly into a very dangerous condition, so it will need to be diagnosed as soon as possible. If Goodpasture syndrome is suspected, a doctor will perform a number of tests that will help determine the cause of the patient’s symptoms.

A blood test can be performed that will help to look for the antibodies responsible for attacking the kidneys and lungs. An analysis of the patient’s urine can look for kidney damage, while X-rays can help look for damage to the lung. In some cases, a biopsy of the kidneys or lungs will also be taken for further investigation.

Goodpasture Syndrome

10. Treatment

The aggressive nature of Goodpasture syndrome means that it needs to be treated as quickly as possible if the patient’s life is to be saved. This involves tackling the underlying cause, which itself means drugs that will help to suppress the immune system to weaken its attack on the kidneys and lungs.

Treatment also usually involves removing harmful antibodies from the patient’s blood, and this is achieved thanks to a procedure known as plasmapheresis. Blood transfusions may also be necessary, and some patients will need to be put on a ventilator. Intravenous corticosteroids may also be necessary to help stop any bleeding in the patient’s lungs.

Goodpasture Syndrome

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