What Causes High Blood Pressure?

By james
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Our blood needs to be able to do a complete circuit of our circulatory system. This is because oxygen laden blood needs to be able to deliver its load and then return to the lungs so it can collect more blood to repeat the cycle. In order to achieve this, the blood needs to be pumping through the system at a certain pressure.

Although our blood pressure should not be too low, it should also not be too high. If it is too high then it can end up causing damage to the blood vessels, and to organs like the kidneys. It is a condition that has the potential to be very dangerous, and it should be treated where possible.

High Blood Pressure

1. Primary Hypertension

Primary hypertension is also known as idiopathic hypertension, or essential hypertension. It is the most common type of hypertension, accounting for around 85% of all cases. It is also one of the most common ailments that can affect people from all walks of life across the globe.

In cases of primary hypertension, a specific cause of the problem cannot be identified. Primary hypertension is linked to various factors, one of which is age, and primary hypertension is more likely to affect people as they get older. Genetics is another associated factor and it is more likely to be found in people who have a history of the condition in their family.

High Blood Pressure

2. Secondary Hypertension

The less common type of high blood pressure is known as secondary hypertension. This means that high blood pressure is being caused by an underlying condition that we are able to identify. Although it is less common than primary hypertension, it can be more dangerous because the patient’s blood pressure is likely to be higher.

In addition to having a higher blood pressure than primary hypertension, secondary hypertension is also likely to develop a lot quicker than primary hypertension will. There are numerous potential underlying causes of secondary hypertension, and some of them are treatable with medication and/or changes in lifestyle.

High Blood Pressure

3. Stress

Stress is a very natural response that we will all likely experience from time to time. It is simply the body’s way of helping to ensure we are alert to potential threats around us, and it happens because the body releases certain hormones that accelerate our metabolism.

When the immediate threat has passed, the body will re-adjust our hormonal levels and we will relax again. For some people, however, relaxing is far more difficult to do. This is sometimes down to the environment they are in, while some mental health conditions are another potential factor. Prolonged stress can be very damaging to your health any anybody suffering should speak with heir doctor.

High Blood Pressure

4. Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is a condition that affects people when they are trying to sleep. It tends to happen in obese people, but not always, and it happens when bodily tissues block the passage of air in and out of the mouth. This will mean the patient is unable to breathe, and this will cause them to wake up.

The condition can cause further complications for the patient. For example, not being able to get enough sleep can mean that the patient struggles to perform in their social and professional lives. It can also lead to other health complications developing, one of which is a high blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure

5. Congenital Defects

We are all born a little bit differently. This is sometimes obvious to see as even siblings can have different facial features, and different body shapes and sizes. There are often also differences internally even though we are not usually able to see them. These internal differences have the potential to impact a person’s life.

Some people are born with congenital defects with their blood vessels and other parts of their cardiovascular system. These defects will sometimes affect the flow of blood around the body, potentially leading to complications like a high blood pressure. The patient may need lifelong medication to help manage their symptoms.

High Blood Pressure

6. Thyroid Problems

The thyroid is a gland that is responsible for the production and secretion of some very important hormones. These hormones have an impact on various aspects of the day to day functioning of our bodies. These include things like perspiration, digestion, how quickly our heart beats, and our blood pressure.

Problems with the thyroid gland can result in imbalances in the patient’s hormone levels. This can, in turn, result in symptoms for the patient like a high blood pressure. There are numerous potential underlying causes of this, one of which is a tumor of a different gland known as the adrenal gland.

High Blood Pressure

7. Kidney Problems

People can develop kidney problems for a wide range of reasons. One of these is excessive consumption of food and drink that can put the kidneys under a lot of strain. Excess alcohol consumption in particular is known to cause potentially serious damage to the kidneys.

Other potential causes of kidney damage include some medication conditions. If the kidneys are not able to function as well as they should be then it can result in some potentially dangerous symptoms for the patient. These potential symptoms include urinating less frequently, edema, nausea, shortness of breath, and a high blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure

8. Medication

There is a huge range of medication available the can help us in a vast number of ways. As useful as medication is to us, however, it also comes with its downsides. Some of these include unwelcome side effects such as causing our blood pressure to rise. Some medications will cause our blood pressure to rise by design.

Medication that is known to raise your blood pressure includes decongestant and cold remedies. Some prescription medications will also increase your blood pressure, as will some over the counter pain killers. Some birth control medication is also known to increase blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure

9. Recreational Drugs

Despite the dangers, and lawful status, recreational drug use is widespread across the globe. Drugs like ecstasy, cocaine, amphetamines, and cannabis are commonly used by young people in particular. While they can help to make people feel good and have a good time, they can also result in some potentially severe health problems.

Using recreational drugs in the short term holds risks such as overdosing, which will result in a fatality in some cases. Medium to long term complications include damage to the patient’s organs, and it can also cause a high blood pressure. Dependencies can also form, and anybody with a dependency should seek help as soon as they can.

High Blood Pressure

10. Treatment

In many cases, the patient will be asked to undergo lifestyle changes that will help to reduce their blood pressure. This will typically mean getting a reasonable amount of exercise and also eating healthily. The patient may also need to take steps to limit the amount of stress that they are exposed to.

In other cases, medication may also be needed to help keep the patient’s blood pressure within safe levels. This can mean medication that will help to manage their blood pressure directly. It can also mean medication to help treat an underlying cause responsible for the high blood pressure.

High Blood Pressure

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