10 Warning Signs of A Heart Attack

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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As the heart is hard at work pumping freshly oxygenated blood around the body, it also needs to be fed with a fresh supply of oxygen. In some instances, though, and usually because of a clot, the flow of blood to the heart will be interrupted in what is known as a heart attack.

A heart attack is a very serious condition and the patient should be found emergency medical assistance immediately.

While heart attacks are a very serious threat to the patient’s life, there is still a 90% chance of surviving provided they get the help that they need in time. Here are a few of the signs to look out for.

Warning Heart Attack

Warning Sign #1: Chest Pain

Chest pain is perhaps the most symbolic of all signs of a heart attack. That does not mean that it is always down to a heart attack, though, and there is a wide range of other conditions that can cause the symptom. Regardless, if you do feel a pain in this area and you don’t know why, you may need to treat it as an emergency.

The pain associated with a heart attack is often described as a burning or pinching sensation. Other people will describe it as a heavy pressure as though they have a heavy weight on top of them. If it is just a brief pain, it probably is not your heart, but if it lasts for a few minutes, then you likely need help.

Warning Heart Attack

Warning Sign #2: Lightheadedness

It is essential that we supply our brain with all the nutrition and oxygen that it needs. If it does not get enough oxygen then it will struggle to function as it should, and permanent damage is a possibility. One of the first symptoms of sufficient oxygen reaching the brain is feeling lightheaded, and this can be a sign of a heart attack.

In the case of a heart attack, the blood pressure will drop due to the inability of the heart to effectively circulate the blood in sufficient volumes. This will decrease oxygen levels in the brain and we will become lightheaded as a result.

Warning Heart Attack

Warning Sign #3: Stomach Pain

When you think of stomach pain, you usually think of indigestion or maybe a medical condition involving the digestive system. That is not always the case, however, and it can sometimes be a result of causes that you were not expecting. Sometimes, it might even be caused when you are having a heart attack.

It is not uncommon for a person having a heart attack to experience the symptom. In addition, they may also feel nauseous and some will also vomit. These are not symptoms that will make most people suspect a heart attack, but they can help identify the problem if you are experiencing other symptoms as well.

Warning Heart Attack

Warning Sign #4: Snoring

Snoring is a common condition that can be very frustrating, particularly for the patient’s partner. As irritating as it can be, it is usually otherwise harmless and is generally caused by the air passages being restricted as the patient sleeps. It can be a symptom of sleep apnea, though, and this can lead to further problems.

Sleep apnea is a condition that causes the patient to wake at night as their breathing stops temporarily. This is not usually as dangerous as it might sound, except in extreme cases, but it can potentially put extra strain on the heart. If you do have the condition, you should arrange to get it checked it out as soon as you are able.

Warning Heart Attack

Warning Sign #5: Persistent Cough

Coughs are such a common symptom that you are unlikely to think much of it at first. They are usually down to something quite harmless, but you should not be too complacent about them. If the cough does persist, or if it becomes too severe, then you should arrange to find out what is causing it.

In some cases, a persistent cough will be caused by a heart problem. Congestive heart failure causes blood to back up into the lungs due to the inability of the weakened heart to sufficiently circulate blood. A cough, which may or may not include mucus, may then be experienced due to this pulmonary edema.

Warning Heart Attack

Warning Sign #6: Pain Radiates to Arm

A pain in the chest is one of the most iconic symptoms of a heart attack, and even actors will clutch their hearts when acting as though they are having an attack. It is a common symptom, perhaps the most common in fact, but it is not the only symptom that gives a strong indicator as to what the problem is.

Patients that are experiencing a heart attack will often complain that the pain radiates out to their left arm after starting in the chest area. In some cases, the pain will even be felt more so in the arm than it is in the chest.

Warning Heart Attack

Warning Sign #7: Tiring Easily

We all have different levels of fitness. Some of us are able to run a full marathon, while others will run out of breath when running for a bus. It is important that we all try and stay in reasonably good shape and if you do find yourself getting short of breath even at slight exercise, it could be a sign that you have heart problems.

Our body needs oxygen to generate energy and, if the heart is struggling, it will not be able to provide us with the energy that we need. This means that we will get tired far more easily than we usually would no matter how fit we might otherwise be.

Warning Heart Attack

Warning Sign #8: Irregular Heartbeat

It is not uncommon for our hearts to skip a beat occasionally and it is also not necessarily dangerous. After skipping a beat, the heart will usually just settle straight back into its normal rhythm, and our blood will continue to flow as normal. If it does happen too regularly, though, it is something you should get checked.

If you feel as though your heart is missing a beat for an unusually long time, it may well be because you are experiencing heart problems. It is not always the case and there are often quite harmless causes, but it is still wise to get it checked out regardless.

Warning Heart Attack

Warning Sign #9: Excessive Sweating

Sweating is often considered to be dirty and unhygienic, but life would be a lot harder for us without it. In producing beads of liquid in the skin, perspiration allows for heat to be drawn away from the body and this helps us to regulate our body temperature. As useful as it is for us, you should not find that you start sweating for no good reason.

If you do start to sweat excessively when you are not in a hot place, it is a sign that something could be wrong. It is not likely to alert you to a heart attack as a stand-alone symptom, but it can be very telling if associated with certain other symptoms.

Warning Heart Attack

Warning Sign #10: Swollen Ankles

When your blood is being pumped around the body, it needs to do the full circuit for the system to work. This is so it can be returned to the lungs where it can then pick up more oxygen and start the circuit again to provide a constant flow of freshly oxygenated blood.

Things can get harder for the blood to flow on the return trip because it needs to flow up against the effects of gravity. If the heart is not strong enough, the fluids can begin to build at the bottom of the body, causing swollen feet and ankles. You should always find out what is causing this symptom if you begin experiencing it.

Warning Heart Attack

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