10 UTI Symptoms For Women

By dr. okoye
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Urinary tract infections are common in the general population and the majority of these infections are recorded among women. A great concern has been raised over factors such as antibiotic resistance, which causes more severe complications. Early detection of urinary tract infections can lead to prompt treatment and a significant reduction in the risk for the development of complications.

A number of symptoms have been associated with the occurrence of an infection in the urinary tract, as well as the possibility of the infection spreading. Identifying these symptoms quickly assures more effective treatment. Let’s look at 10 common signs that may indicate the presence of a urinary tract infection.

UTI For Women

UTI Symptom for Women #1: Frequent Urination

One of the very first symptoms that a person usually notices when they are starting to develop a urinary tract infection is frequent urination. They frequently start finding themselves having to go to the bathroom - and the urge can be quite strong, causing them to drop whatever they are doing and run to the nearest bathroom.

When this symptom develops, it is advised that a person pay attention and look for other symptoms that may signal the presence of a bacterial infection in their urinary tract. Prompt treatment when this first sign of a urinary tract infection becomes present can help to prevent further complications.

UTI For Women

UTI Symptom for Women #2: Pain During Urination

Most people who develop a urinary tract infection will experience symptoms while they are urinating - and one of the most uncomfortable accompanying symptoms is pain during urination. The pain usually tends to occur within the area where the infection is active, which means the individual will usually find that their pelvic area starts to feel painful while they are urinating.

Areas where the bacteria have attached to the wall of the urinary tract will usually be the most painful, which can cause deliberate focused pain. This often makes it difficult for a person to urinate when they have such an infection.

UTI For Women

UTI Symptom for Women #3: Burning Sensation When Urinating

Pain is not the only particular symptom that a person may experience while they urinate when they have developed an infection in their urinary tract. The bacteria that has caused the infection in the person can cause a burning sensation to develop while urine is being transferred from the individual’s bladder through their urinary tract.

A lot of individuals with a urinary tract infection will experience this burning sensation together with the pain symptoms, causing a lot of discomfort. The burning sensation makes it even more difficult to urinate, which is why many people complain that they are only able to expel a small amount of urine at a time when they go to the bathroom.

UTI For Women

UTI Symptom for Women #4: Sensation of Incomplete Bladder Emptying

It is quite common for a person to feel like they are unable to completely empty their bladder when they are affected by a urinary tract infection. Even when the individual is able to urinate until their bladder is empty, they may still feel like there is urine left behind in their bladder.

This is one particular reason why many people will find that they are only able to urinate small amounts at a time - because they have, in fact, previously emptied their bladder. The bacteria that attaches to the urinary tract is usually what causes irritation, leading to this sensation.

UTI For Women

UTI Symptom for Women #5: Cloudy Urine

A number of elements can cause the color of urine to change. Medication and food are two particular examples of elements that cause adjustments in urine color. Urine contains a number of different waste materials, which come from food and medication, as well as beverages.

Since bacteria are present in the urinary tract in a person with a urinary tract infection, it is important to understand that this can cause changes in the appearance of their urine as well. In particular, many people find that their urine becomes cloudy.

UTI For Women

UTI Symptom for Women #6: Bloody Urine

If urine has red or pink hues, and the person has not consumed food such as beets which are known to cause changes in urine color, then it may also be a sign of a urinary tract infection. When blood is present in urine, then it means there is a leakage of blood cells into the urinary tract.

This is then expelled during urination and leads to a bloody color being present within the individual’s urine. This symptom is often referred to as hematuria.

UTI For Women

UTI Symptom for Women #7: Foul Smelling Urine

Just like some foods and medications are known to cause a change in the color of urine, it is important to note that there are also many things that can cause a change in how urine smells. For example, when urine has a sweet smell to it, then it may be an indication of a high blood glucose level. Asparagus is one of the most popular foods known to cause urine to smell somewhat foul.

A urinary tract infection, however, can also cause foul smelling urine. When a foul smell is given off by urine without any particular change in either medications or food being consumed, then it may be a sign that a person has developed an infection in either their bladder or urinary tract.

UTI For Women

UTI Symptom for Women #8: Lower Back Pain

When a urinary tract infection goes unnoticed and untreated, then it may spread further, ascending into the kidneys.

Lower back pain caused by a urinary tract infection is associated with pyelonephritis or an infection of the kidney. It is important to seek medical attention to prevent further complications.

UTI For Women

UTI Symptom for Women #9: Abdominal Pain

While lower back pain is associated with the infection spreading toward the kidneys when a person has a urinary tract infection, it is also important to note that abdominal pain may indicate that the bacteria has spread and is starting to grow within the bladder.

When a urinary tract infection spreads to the bladder, the abdominal pain may also be accompanied by pain in the pelvic area. If untreated, the infection may become more severe and lead to complications. This can all be avoided through prompt treatment of the infection.

UTI For Women

UTI Symptom for Women #10: Pressure in the Pelvic Area

The entire pelvic area can become symptomatic when a person develops a urinary tract infection. This can lead to a pressurized sensation developing in their pelvic area. The pressure is sometimes accompanied by a general pain sensation in the same area.

It is vital that a person takes action immediately when this symptom develops as it is often a sign of a more serious complication when pressure and pain is present in the pelvic area even when the individual is not urinating.

UTI For Women

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