10 Home Remedies for Toothaches

By albert
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4106649
  • 2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12678685
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Toothaches cause a lot of suffering to millions of people. Most cases of dental pain are caused by cavities, cracked teeth, loose filling or abscess. The pain ranges in severity from mild to severe or extreme.

Toothache is probably the most common reason for people to visit dentists. In fact, a large proportion of the population only visits the dentist when they get serious toothache pain. But before visiting the dentist, many people try out different home remedies to get rid of the pain. Depending on the cause of the toothache pain, home remedies can give temporally or long lasting relief. If you have a toothache, you can try to stop it using one or more of the following 10 home remedies for toothaches. If, however, your toothache pain lasts for more than a few days, it is better to visit a dentist for diagnosis and treatment.


Toothache Home Remedy #1: Salt Water

Salt water is a first line remedy for many issues including toothache pain and sore throat. Swishing concentrated salty water in the mouth works in several ways: it helps dislodge food particles trapped in cavities and between teeth; it pulls out water from inflamed gums, thereby reducing the inflammation, and it causes dehydration which reduces swelling. Dehydration can also affect the bacteria causing the painful infection and lead to their death.

To use salt water for toothaches, add one teaspoon of salt into a glass of warm water and stir until dissolved. Swish the solution in the mouth for 15-20 seconds before spitting it out. Repeat as needed.


Toothache Home Remedy #2: Cloves

Cloves contain eugenol and other ingredients with anesthetic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The same properties can be found in clove oil which is extracted from cloves. Because of these properties, clove is one of the most popular home remedies for the relief of toothaches. If you don’t already have it in your pantry, consider buying some. It could stop a nagging toothache some day.

Besides relieving toothaches, the active clove ingredients help to fight the infection responsible for the pain. In fact, many dental care products have clove oil as one of their ingredients. Cloves or clove oil have been used over the years to treat dental pain caused by cavities, ulcers, and gum abscesses, among others.


Toothache Home Remedy #3: Garlic

Garlic medicinal properties have been recognized and applied to the management of toothaches and other conditions for thousands of years. Garlic is popular in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, and in the recent past has become an important home remedy for many conditions. Some ingredients in garlic are known to be antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory. Allicin, one of its active ingredients is released by crushing or chopping cloves of garlic.

To help relieve toothache pain using garlic, crush or chop one or two cloves and let them stand for 5-10 minutes to release the active ingredients. Take some of the crushed garlic and place it on the affected area of your mouth and leave it on for about five minutes. Remove the garlic and rinse with warm water.


Toothache Home Remedy #4: Onion

Similar to garlic, onion has some antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. It can kill some of the bacteria causing infection in the mouth and also bring down the inflammation. This can lead to a reduction in toothache pain. Onion is also used as a home remedy for other conditions like colds and respiratory congestion.

To use onion for toothache pain, you can chew or suck on a piece of it for several minutes, making sure to keep the juice near the affected area. Alternatively, chop a small onion into small pieces and place some of it on the affected area and leave it on for about five minutes. Discard and rinse with warm water.


Toothache Home Remedy #5: Cayenne Pepper And Ginger

While cayenne is a very hot spice that you might not be keen to put into your mouth to relieve pain, it is known to do just that. Cayenne pepper contains capsaicin, which has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Similarly, ginger is a powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory popular in many home remedies. It contains gingerol, among other active ingredients1https://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4106649. Combining cayenne pepper with ginger brings the powerful healing properties of the two ingredients together so that they work synergistically.

To use the two ingredients for toothache pain, mix equal parts of crushed cayenne pepper and ginger, and add some water to make a paste. Put some of the paste into a ball of cotton wool, place it on the affected area and hold it there for as long as you can or until the pain fades. You can also use cayenne pepper or ginger separately.


Toothache Home Remedy #6: Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is a popular and effective home remedy for toothache pain. It is also used in other medical applications including cleaning wounds. Hydrogen peroxide has powerful antimicrobial properties. However, make sure that you don’t use hydrogen peroxide in high concentrations because it is highly corrosive. Also do not swallow hydrogen peroxide because it may have adverse effects on your gut.

To use hydrogen peroxide for toothache, first make sure the concentration is 3 percent or less. If the hydrogen peroxide has a higher concentration, mix with some water to dilute it adequately. Take a mouthful of the solution and swish for one to three minutes before discarding. Rinse with warm water.


Toothache Home Remedy #7: Turmeric

Turmeric is a versatile tuber spice that has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It also contains analgesic, antiseptic and antibacterial ingredients. Probably because of these medicinal properties, turmeric has been used for toothache and other dental problems for hundreds of years.

To use turmeric to treat toothaches, start by mixing one teaspoon of turmeric powder with some water to make a paste. Put some of the paste into a ball of cotton and place it against the affected tooth. Leave it on for five minutes or until the pain subsides. Discard and rinse with water. Alternatively, grate a piece of fresh turmeric and apply to the affected area. Leave it on for a few minutes or until pain subsides.


Toothache Home Remedy #8: Thyme

Thyme contains an essential oil that has scientifically been found to have powerful anti-microbial properties besides being antifungal and antiviral 2http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12678685. These properties make thyme an effective treatment for toothache pain and other dental problems.

To use thyme for toothaches, chew a few fresh leaves by the opposite side of the mouth and let the thyme juice soak the affected area for a few minutes. Using the non-affected side to chew prevents particles of the leaves from lodging between the aching teeth and worsening the pain. Alternatively, pour hot water over a few thyme leaves in a cup, and steep for about five minutes to make thyme tea. Take sips of the tea, swirl around the mouth for about thirty seconds then swallow to get relief from toothache.


Toothache Home Remedy #9: Ice

Ice is a common pain remedy that is used topically especially on swollen or inflamed skin. Similarly, it can relieve toothaches. Ice works by numbing the nerves and reducing the heat produced by the inflammation.

To use ice as a home remedy for toothaches, place a few pieces of ice into a small polythene bag and wrap it in a piece of thin cloth. Hold it under a tap of slow running water to soak the cloth. Place on the aching area and hold it there for about 10 minutes. You can also achieve similar results by holding the wrapped icepack on the outside against the aching tooth area.


Toothache Home Remedy #10: Whiskey

While some people may want to dismiss it, whisky is known to offer some relief from pain, including toothaches. This is not new, because alcohol has been used medicinally for hundreds of years. When applied to the gum and the aching tooth, whisky numbs the pain and makes life much easier for you until you can get to the dentist or get more effective home remedy for toothaches.

To use whisky for toothache relief, soak a ball of cotton with it, squeeze out excess alcohol and place the ball on the aching tooth. Hold it there for about 10 minutes or until you feel some relief. Remove and discard.


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