10 Symptoms of Otitis Media

By iliriana
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Otitis media is an ear infection. It occurs in cases when the middle ear, the area behind the eardrum gets inflamed. An infection of the middle ear is usually a bacterial infection. Children are more likely to suffer from otitis media than adults, due to their immature immune system.

Infections of the middle ear are frequent and tend to be quite painful because of the accumulation of the fluid in the area behind the eardrum, where the tiny vibrating bones of the ear are located.

Long-term complications and even hearing loss are possible in cases of frequent middle ear infections, therefore, it is important to recognize the symptoms associated with this condition.

Otitis Media

Symptom #1: Ear Pain

Ear pain is a common symptom of otitis and similar inflammations of the external, middle and inner ear. It is mostly accompanied by other symptoms, such as the ones listed below. An earache due to otitis can be so discomforting, that it may require immediate medical attention.

The pain is usually worst when the patient is lying down and young children may signal the presence of ear pain by pulling on the affected ear. Usually, the doctor will be able to find out the reason behind this earache during a physical exam and further medical tests might not be necessary at all.

Otitis Media

Symptom #2: Feeling of Fullness in the Ear

Feeling pressure in the ear and a general feeling of it being full is another common indicator that there is an inflammation of one or more parts of the ear. Most patients don´t always immediately react to this symptom, assuming that it will go away by itself. However, when dealing with otitis it usually only disappears once the reason behind the infection is healed.

This feeling of fullness in the ear varies in its severity and in most serious cases the person could also lose hearing on that ear. Even if it is mostly not permanent, it is important to seek medical help to prevent further complications.

Otitis Media

Symptom #3: Ear Discharge

It is normal for the ear to discharge earwax, a fluid the body itself produces and has the function of cleaning the ear out and preventing bacteria or dust to enter inside the ear. During infection of this area, the body might start to produce this fluid excessively, trying to get rid of the bacteria creating the discomfort.

As the infection progresses, pus may appear and start to leak out of the affected ear. In some cases, otitis media may even lead to blood discharge from the ear. As this symptom also occurs in other conditions such as a ruptured eardrum, it is an indicator to get medical help and find out the reason behind it.

Otitis Media

Symptom #4: Fever

Infections that may affect any part of the body may result in an outburst of fever, as this is how the body tries to fight the infection. A moderate fever usually doesn´t require any medical attention, as it helps the body to fight off the infection.

Otitis media usually causes a mild fever that might cause some discomfort but goes away very fast once the proper treatment is administered.

Otitis Media

Symptom #5: Headaches

Mild headaches are a common symptom associated with Otitis Media. As the infection progresses, ear pain can spread to neighboring areas due to shared innervation.

Patients running a fever might develop headaches as well. This symptom should resolve as soon as the infection is treated. If you are suffering from recurrent headaches, you should seek medical attention for proper diagnosis.

Otitis Media

Symptom #6: Loss Of Appetite

This is a common but non-specific symptom associated with Otitis Media. Patients suffering from this condition may feel pain while chewing, therefore, avoiding eating to decrease the pain.

The dizziness seen in these patients can contribute to the loss of appetite as well. If you are suffering from this symptom, you should seek medical attention for proper diagnosis.

Otitis Media

Symptom #7: Sleeplessness

When dealing with this condition, patients may start noticing difficulties with falling asleep or staying asleep. One of the reasons is surely the discomfort and aching that one might still feel.

Ear pain usually gets worse at night. This is caused by Eustachian Tube Dysfunction seen in these patients when they lay down. If you are suffering from this symptom, you should seek medical attention for proper diagnosis.

Otitis Media

Symptom #8: Lack of Balance

The middle ear is the connection between the environment and the inner ear. Otitis media causes severe inflammation of the middle ear and this may disrupt the proper functioning of the whole hearing system.

One of the functions associated with the inner ear is maintaining balance. Even though it is a function of the inner ear, patients suffering from Otitis Media may develop dizziness as well.

Otitis Media

Symptom #9: Hearing Loss

An ear infection can also affect the ability to hear and in severe cases can even lead to hearing loss. This is especially common in babies and young children and might even go unnoticed, unless checked by a medical professional. To treat the hearing loss, it is necessary to treat the infection first.

Once the inflammation and the swelling are treated, the ear can properly function again. If the infection is treated with antibiotics, it is important to continue with the therapy as prescribed, as stopping antibiotics as soon as the symptoms disappear may result in recurrent infections.

Otitis Media

Symptom #10: Irritability and Pulling on the Ears

It is more difficult to diagnose younger children, who can’t verbalize what they are feeling. If you notice that your child is crying a lot and pulling on the ears, it might be an indicator of an ear infection. Young children are also very irritated during such an infection and try to avoid laying down on the side of the ear that is infected.

Other symptoms that usually accompany this type of behavior are fever and the lack of response to voices or sounds. Another warning sign is excessive fluid drainage from the ear. If any of these signs start to show up it’s best to seek medical assistance.

Otitis Media

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