10 Symptoms Of Discoid Eczema

By james
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People that are fortunate enough will have clear, supple skin that they can be proud of. This is often helped with hygiene and general care, while the condition of our skin is also often affected by certain medical conditions.

One such condition that can affect our skin is discoid eczema. We don’t know the exact causes of discoid eczema, but it is often associated with infections from the Staphylococcus aureus bacterium.

The condition can be very uncomfortable for patients, and it can also be quite unsightly, potentially leading to issues with the patient’s self-esteem. Here are a few of the signs that you might be suffering from this condition.

Discoid Eczema

Symptom #1: Oval Patches

Rashes and other skin imperfections are often quite distinct in appearance, and this helps medical professionals to find out just what the cause is. Sometimes it is the shape, color, or texture of abnormalities that are tell-tale signs, and it is the shape that gives a strong clue where discoid eczema is concerned.

Patients with discoid eczema will find that they develop patches of eczema on the skin that are circular or oval in shape. They can be found on just about any part of the body, but it is unlikely they will appear on the scalp or on the face.

Discoid Eczema

Symptom #2: Ringworm Appearance

It is not at all uncommon for medical conditions to be mistaken for something else. This is why it is often necessary to do checks to be sure that that the correct diagnosis is reached. When it comes to discoid eczema, it is relatively common for the condition to be mistaken for ringworm to begin with.

It is quite easy to see how the mistake can be made. The eczema patches are approximately the same shape and size and can sometimes clear up in the center, leaving the characteristic ring mark. This is why it is best to go to a professional rather than trying to self-diagnose the condition.

Discoid Eczema

Symptom #3: Flaky Skin

Our skin is fairly supple. This is largely thanks to a substance known as collagen, while the skin will also retain moisture which also helps to keep it soft. This can change under certain conditions such as being exposed to harsh weather for too long, and it can also be affected by certain medical conditions.

Patients with discoid eczema can find that affected patches of skin will become dry and flaky. They can find that a crust can form over the patches and they can also become cracked in some instances. The cracking in particular can cause some discomfort and potentially lead to further medical complications.

Discoid Eczema

Symptom #4: Rash

While the oval patches on the skin are one of the most noticeable symptoms of discoid eczema, they are not the first symptoms patients will develop. One of the first signs of the condition is a rash that is typically made up of small red spots. These spots will gradually grow and join up to form larger patches that are red, brown, or pink in color.

These patches will eventually turn into the scaly, oval patches of skin that are so typical of discoid eczema. Bear in mind that even the tiniest of spots on the skin can turn out to be something quite serious. It is normal for us to pick up imperfections as time goes by but if you think that something is not right, get it checked out.

Discoid Eczema

Symptom #5: Blistering

Blisters can be quite unpleasant. They are usually caused as a result of friction, but they are sometimes caused by medical conditions, including discoid eczema. The blisters associated with the condition will be small and filled with fluid, and patients can find that the fluid inside will leak out sometimes.

Not only can this be very unsightly, but it can also be very uncomfortable. These blisters tend to be very itchy for the patient, getting worse at night time. It is important to try and remember that scratching an itch is not a good idea no matter how difficult it may be to resist.

Discoid Eczema

Symptom #6: One or Multiple Patches

Skin conditions will tend to affect certain parts of the body. They might be restricted to small areas, while other rashes can affect a much wider area. The location and extent of the rashes will often be able to help medical professionals pinpoint the underlying cause.

Patients with discoid eczema may develop just a single patch of affected skin. Others, however, can find multiple patches in locations all over their bodies. Some patients will also find that the areas of skin in between patches are dry. You should give this information to medical professionals because it will help them understand what the problem is, and hopefully how to treat it.

Discoid Eczema

Symptom #7: Swelling around Patches

As mentioned before, scratching affected areas can cause the skin to break, potentially allowing infections to take hold. There is also the matter of cracked skin and burst blisters that can lead to an infection. This is obviously likely to cause more problems for the patient and it will need to be addressed accordingly.

An infection of the area is likely to cause the skin around the patches to become swollen and red. The skin will also feel hot to the touch and also quite painful. It is likely that a patient with this condition will need antibiotics to fight the infection.

Discoid Eczema

Symptom #8: Malaise

Being sick is likely to cause some discomfort for any patient. The discomfort can range from feeling a little under the weather, to struggling to cope with the severity of the symptoms. Quite often, patients will feel ill without being able to describe a particular feeling.

Malaise is the term given to feeling generally unwell without having a specific symptom. While it may not be too bad as a symptom in itself, if you do feel ill and you are not quite sure why, you should consider speaking with a doctor to see what the problem is.

Discoid Eczema

Symptom #9: Nausea

Most, if not all, of us have felt nauseous at some point. It is often described as the sensation that you want to throw up, while it is also fairly common to feel as though your stomach is not quite right. In many cases, but not always, the symptom does lead to the patient vomiting.

When an infection is present in the body, there will be a higher than usual number of pathogens. There will also be more chemicals than usual in the body as a result of our immune system fighting against the disease. The symptom should hopefully clear up once the infection has been successfully dealt with.

Discoid Eczema

Symptom #10: Chills

It is not unusual for us to feel cold, especially if we are in a cold environment. If you are feeling cold even when you are in a warm environment, however, then there is a good chance that you are not well. There are various factors that can cause this, and one of them is a discoid eczema patch that has become infected.

The chills are caused because the body adjusts its thermostat in order for the body to heat itself up. This additional heat, known as a fever, will make the body an inhospitable place for the pathogens causing the infection.

Discoid Eczema

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