10 Symptoms Of Catarrh

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Our airways have an internal mucous membrane, which makes it an important part of our defense against disease. Usually, we aren’t aware of these membranes but, sometimes, they can be inflamed by certain conditions. It is not so much of a disease but more of a symptom, and it is a fairly common condition.

Catarrh is usually fairly short-lived—lasting for just a few days or so. Some patients, however, will experience it in the longer term, with the condition lasting for weeks, months, or even years.

It is not necessarily dangerous, but can be very irritating. Here’s a look at some of the most common symptoms of catarrh.


Symptom #1: Mucus Runs Down Throat

The mucus in our nose serves a very important job. Its natural stickiness helps it to trap particles and pathogens, preventing them from being inhaled into the lungs. These particles are then ejected from the nasal passage where they can do no harm. The mucus will often be removed by blowing and picking the nose, while it will also sometimes pass down the back of the throat.

We won’t usually notice when nasal mucus does run down the back of our throat, but it does become noticeable when it happens in larger quantities. In cases of catarrh, the patient is likely to be producing a lot more mucus than usual, and this will often be very noticeable as it passes down the throat.


Symptom #2: Headache

There are countless possible reasons for having a headache, and they are often caused by being ill. One such illness is catarrh, and it can cause a headache that is quite unpleasant for the patient.

The pain should hopefully not be too severe; however, a doctor may be able to prescribe something if necessary.


Symptom #3: Blocked Nose

A blocked nose is a common symptom of having a common cold, or maybe an allergic reaction, but it is also sometimes caused by other things. One potential cause of a blocked nose is catarrh, and it can be quite frustrating as the patient can find it difficult to breathe.

It is often thought that a blocked nose is caused by an excess of mucus in the nasal passage, but it is more likely to be caused by an inflammation of the nasal tissues. Regardless, speak with a doctor and they may be able to prescribe something that will help to clear your nose and make it easier to breathe.


Symptom #4: Fatigue

Whenever we fall ill, it is common for us to feel run down and have no energy. This is largely because our body is hard at work internally fighting off the disease. This is very tiring for us and resources will also be diverted to the immune system to help it win the fight, making us even more tired still.

Patients with catarrh are often going to feel as though they have no energy and may just want to stay in front of the TV, or even in bed. This fatigue is usually only temporary and the patient should be able to regain their energy once the underlying cause has been successfully treated.


Symptom #5: Blocked Throat Sensation

The sensation of a blocked throat can obviously be quite disconcerting. It can make it difficult and even painful for the patient to eat, while their breathing can also be restricted.

It is not something that is necessarily dangerous but the patient should be observed if the condition makes it too hard for them to breathe.


Symptom #6: Runny Nose

A healthy nose will always have some mucus lining the nasal passage. This is not usually a problem for us, and it is actually beneficial for reasons already described. When we fall ill, though, we might find that this mucus becomes runny, and this can be very irritating for us.

A runny nose results when the mucus becomes more liquid than usual and when it is produced in greater quantities than usual. It can seem that no matter how much we blow our nose, the mucus just keeps on coming. Speak with your doctor and they may be able to prescribe something for you if the symptom is too bothersome.


Symptom #7: Hearing Loss

We don’t have the most sensitive ears in the animal kingdom, but ours are just fine for what we need. Our sense of hearing is very important for us at it helps us to communicate and can also help to keep us out of harm’s way. Some illnesses, however, can make it hard for us to hear anything.

Patients that have catarrh will often complain that they are unable to hear as well as usual. Some will also experience a crackling sensation in the inner ear. Hearing should be fully restored once the underlying cause has been successfully treated.


Symptom #8: Loss of Sense of Smell

We may take our sense of smell for granted, but life would be quite different without it. For starters, we would not be able to smell our food, making it a lot less appealing. It would also mean that we are not able to detect potential dangers such as fire, and this could be devastating in some cases.

Patients with catarrh will often find that the ability to smell is affected. They may not lose the ability to smell completely, but it can still be reduced quite considerably. Fortunately, patients should also find that their sense of smell returns once the underlying cause is dealt with.


Symptom #9: Loss of Taste

Our sense of taste is largely why mealtime is so appealing to us. Our taste buds can detect different flavors, and the right combination of flavors can help to make food just about irresistible. Not only does it help to make food appealing, but our sense of taste is also important because it helps prevent us from eating foods that can be harmful to us.

Patients with catarrh, however, can find that they find it harder to taste foods. Food becomes very bland and unappealing, but it is important that the patient makes sure that they still eat all the food that they need. The patient should fully regain their sense of taste when their condition improves.


Symptom #10: Cough

A cough is a very common symptom, and we will sometimes experience it even when we are not ill. It is often a reflex to try and clear the passageway, while it is also sometimes caused by certain medical conditions. One such condition that can cause a cough is catarrh.

Patients with catarrh will often find that the associated cough can be very irritating, and persistent. This will sometimes be more of a problem at night if it prevents the patient from getting enough sleep. If the symptom is too bothersome for you, then you should be able to find remedies that will help to at least reduce the severity of the symptom.


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