Symptoms of Ataxia

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Ataxia is a condition where the patient has a lack of control over their muscles. They can lose their coordination and even walking can become a challenge for them. It can even go on to affect the patient’s ability to speak as they lose control of their speech muscles.

There are various different types of ataxia. Some are inherited, while others are caused later in life. The treatment depends on the underlying cause and it often focuses on trying to enhance the patient’s mobility, independence, and overall quality of life. Here we take a look at what the condition is and some of the symptoms it causes.


1. Coordination Problems

Walking might seem effortless when we do it, but it actually takes an impressive amount of skill. Our bodies are top heavy and not ideally suited to walking upright as we do. This means that we need to constantly be performing an astonishing number of calculations just to be able to take even one step.

We tend to not notice how much work it takes, thanks to a very powerful computer (our brain) that performs the necessary calculations with ease. In cases of ataxia, the brain is no longer as effective at these calculations and this can mean the patient begins losing their coordination.


2. Weakened Muscles

Many patients with Friedreich’s ataxia will find that their legs get gradually weaker over time. Some may even need to use a wheelchair after 1 or 2 decades as they no longer have the strength to walk by themselves. It can also lead to other problems, as scoliosis.

Scoliosis is an unnatural curvature of the spine. This can be causing by weakened leg muscles and also a weakening of the muscles in the torso. It is often quite a disfiguring symptom, making it even more difficult for the patient to move around unaided. Corrective surgery may be able to help in some cases.


3. Peripheral Neuropathy

The nervous system travels throughout your whole body, and this includes the very tips of your fingers and in your toes. Indeed, having nerves here is essential because it allows us to learn more about our environment by touch. If something was to go wrong with the nervous system, it is those nerves in the extremities that are often the first to suffer.

Patients with ataxia will sometimes experience peripheral neuropathy, which means they will experience a loss of sensation in the outer parts of their body. Some will experience a pins and needles sensation, while other might go completely numb.


4. Dysphagia

Swallowing is a natural reflex that we have from the day we are born. From a child’s very first meal of their mother’s milk, they are able to instinctively suck from the nipple and swallow the milk. Even this is something that can be affected by conditions like ataxia, however.

Swallowing involves the coordinated contractions of a number of muscles in the mouth and the esophagus. In cases of ataxia, the patient will not have so much control over these muscles, and this can make swallowing very difficult for them. It is a potentially dangerous condition in some cases if the patient is unable to eat.


5. Diabetes

Problems with the brain can also have an impact on various bodily functions, and this includes the regulation of sugar in the blood. Some patients with ataxia will begin to struggle to create the insulin that they need. This will then mean that diabetes can develop.

Diabetes is potentially very serious so it should be addressed as soon as possible. This means that the patient will need to be mindful of what they eat all of the time. In addition, some people will also need to use insulin injections to help prevent surges in blood sugar levels. Diabetes can cause permanent damage, and it can even lead to death.


6. Dysarthria

Dysarthria is the medical term for when somebody is slurring their words. It usually happens in people that have been drinking alcohol and/or using other drugs. It is also a sign that there might be a problem, such as ataxia.

If you are experiencing difficulty speaking, or if you know somebody that is, then medical advice should be sought as soon as possible. This is especially the case if it comes on suddenly because it could be a sign that the patient has suffered a stroke. If a stroke is suspected then the victim should be found emergency medical assistance without hesitation.


7. Vision Loss

Ataxia will also cause some people to begin losing their vision. It can happen gradually over time, and it will often only result in partial visual loss. In other cases, however, the patient might lose their sight completely. Ataxia will also cause some people to lose their hearing, either partially or fully.

People with the condition might also sometimes find that their eye movement becomes slower than it used to be. This can cause the patient to have to move their head as they cannot look at objects or people fast enough. It is a symptom that should definitely encourage you to speak with a doctor if you have not done so already.


8. Telangiectasias

A very small number of people are born with a condition known as ataxia–telangiectasia syndrome, which is also sometimes referred to as Louis-Bar syndrome. The patient will often begin to show symptoms before year 5 of life, only for them to then slowly degenerate as they get older.

One of the symptoms of this condition is telangiectasia, from which it gets its name. Telangiectasia is a relatively common condition that causes dilated blood vessels just beneath the surface if the skin. This causes them to become more visible in a condition that is also often known as spider veins.


9. Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Our hearts are made almost entirely of muscle. This is necessary because they will be hard at work all day, every day, supplying our body with the blood that we need. We need to keep this muscle, and the other tissues, in good health to ensure that that the heart continues to work as well as it possibly can.

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a condition where the patient’s heart muscles become thicker. This will affect their ability to pump, and this can result in a number of rather unwelcome symptoms. Symptoms of the condition include chest pain, an irregular heartbeat, and breathlessness.


10. Decreased Immunity

We need a strong immune system to keep us safe and well from the many threats that surround us. Without it, we could fall ill relatively easily, and the impact can be more severe. There are a number of potential causes for this, and ataxia is one of them. People with ataxia are more likely to develop infections, some of which can be serious.

People with ataxia are more prone to developing respiratory infections, including pneumonia. They are also more likely to develop cancer, especially lymphoma and leukemia. People with decreased immunity need to be extra careful to keep themselves safe.


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