10 Symptoms of Skin Cancer

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Cancer has been a thorn in the side of mankind since we can remember. Nobody is completely safe from it, no matter how careful we might be, and it does have the potential to be fatal. Our chances of catching cancer are greater if we expose ourselves to potential causes. One such cause is the same thing that gives our planet the energy it needs: the sun.

Our sun is nothing special in a celestial sense but it is by far the closest star to us. It is so close that we are bathed in its ultraviolet rays that can cause damage to the cells in our body. This damage can lead to cancer of the skin, although it is not the only cause. The good news is that, if caught quick enough, skin cancer is fairly straightforward to treat.

Skin Cancer

Symptom #1: Ulcers

Ulcers are not uncommon. They are basically an area where the surface tissues are missing, revealing the tissues below. They can occur in numerous places on the body including the stomach, the mouth and on the skin. A skin ulcer is in itself not necessarily something to worry about as they can be caused by a huge range of harmless factors.

That ulcers are quite common means that the symptom will often be overlooked as something quite harmless. If you are unsure then you should arrange to get it checked by a professional. If diagnosed and treated early, the chances of making a full recovery are high.

Skin Cancer

Symptom #2: Lump Under The Skin

We are likely to pick up various lumps and bumps as we live our lives. Much of the time these are barely noticeable and some might even go unnoticed altogether. The good news is that these are usually quite harmless regardless of whether or not you notice them. Sometimes, though, they can be an indicator that something is very wrong.

One symptom of skin cancer is a lump of cells under the skin. These can sometimes be visible from the surface but at other times the patient will only know they exist by feeling them. A quick diagnosis and prompt treatment should ensure the patient makes a full recovery.

Skin Cancer

Symptom #3: Slow-Healing

Cuts and scratches are a part of life. Although they can be painful they are not usually a real danger to us as the body will begin its process of healing straight away. A scab will often form over the wound to help protect the exposed tissues below while the body gets to work patching up the damage beneath.

If your wound is taking a long time to heal, though, then there might be something quite wrong. It could be a symptom of a number of causes, one of which is skin cancer. A wound that takes too long to heal or doesn’t heal at all is not at all normal and is something that should prompt you to see a medical professional.

Skin Cancer

Symptom #4: Different Colors

Moles and other irregularities on the skin can come in a range of colors. They are usually a dark brown but regardless of which color they are, there is one thing that all of them have in common. That being that each one is of a consistent color. If any individual mole consists of different colors, though, then it could be a sign that you have skin cancer.

A cancerous blemish on the skin will often be made up of various colors. Even if there are only two different colors present, it could still be a sign that the mole is cancerous. If you do find such a mole then you should get it checked out just in case.

Skin Cancer

Symptom #5: Changing Appearance

Many of us will have moles that have been with us from birth while others might have appeared later in life. They will generally remain with us for the rest of our lives and look the same throughout their existence. They are also, usually, completely harmless but there are some telltale signs of them becoming dangerous.

If you have a mole that has changed in appearance in any way, you should get it checked out by a doctor. This includes changes like changing shape, color or anything else that is unusual. It could turn out to be something quite harmless but it is still worth getting it checked anyway.

Skin Cancer

Symptom #6: Pain

As unpleasant as pain can be, the benefits it offers us are clear to us. Thanks to pain, we can quickly identify when our bodies are in harm’s way, allowing us to react to remain safe. Pain is often a result of a physical danger such as a trauma but it can also let us know when we have an illness.

If you are experiencing pain in an area on your skin for no apparent reason, it could be a sign that you have developed skin cancer. The painful area will often be around a mole or another blemish but it could be on a clear patch of skin.

Skin Cancer

Symptom #7: Odd Shapes

A standard mole is usually quite round in appearance. They are not always completely round, but still, their shape is fairly regular. If you do notice one that appears to be developing in a particularly uneven manner, however, then it would be a good idea to get it checked out.

A cancerous mole might appear to be elongated in shape, or maybe have one part that appears to be spreading out from the rest. The edges can also appear to be uneven whereas they will be relatively smooth in a healthy mole. The risks involved with cancer are high, so it is well worth your time to get it checked out.

Skin Cancer

Symptom #8: Big Moles

Most of us have a mole somewhere on our body even if they are tucked away in a place where few other people see. Even when they are visible they are not usually something that bothers us but some can be quite unsightly depending on where they are located. Moles are usually quite small anyway, rarely getting larger than about ¼ inch. If they do get larger, though, then there could be something wrong.

A larger than usual mole could be a sign of cancer so it is something that you should get checked out. It could turn out to be a benign mole that is larger than usual but the risks mean it is worth getting looked at.

Skin Cancer

Symptom #9: Itching

Come into contact with something that is irritating or maybe something you are allergic to and your body might respond with an itch. The sense of relief that we get from scratching an itch can be wonderful, but it could potentially lead to tears in the skin and infections if we are not careful.

If you are experiencing an itch for no apparent reason, then it could be a sign that you have developed cancer. Cancer isn’t the only thing that could cause your skin to become itchy but you should still get it checked out. If it turns out not to be cancer then the doctor may be able to treat you for whatever it is that is causing you to itch.

Skin Cancer

Symptom #10: Bleeding

Our skin works almost like a bag that helps to keep everything in place. It is quite thin, though, and fluids could potentially leak if it is penetrated. If your skin does start to bleed for no apparent reason then there is likely to be something wrong, especially if it starts bleeding around moles and other blemishes.

It might be easy to overlook a little blood, especially if we have been picking or scratching. It might be easy to think that you shouldn’t waste the doctor’s time because of a little bit of blood, but a little blood can be a sign of a far larger problem.

Skin Cancer

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