10 Signs of Stomach Cancer

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Cancers can develop pretty much anywhere in our bodies. Including the inhospitable, acidic environment of the stomach. Cancers can develop on the stomach lining and then begin to grow, slowly taking over. They can cause a range of unwelcome symptoms, and they will quite often lead to a fatality.

As with other types of cancer, the chances of survival increases significantly with early diagnosis. Stomach cancer tends not to show symptoms early on, though, meaning that it often does not get noticed until it is at an advanced stage. It can be treated with surgery to remove the tumour depending on the size of it, although it may be too late if it has already spread.

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Stomach Cancer Sign #1: Appetite Loss

In today’s society, a lot is made of the need to keep in good shape and not gain too much weight. It is very reasonable advice because, after all, obesity can lead to various health complications, some of which can be very serious. Just as important, though, is that you make sure you eat enough. Not enough nutrition can be very harmful to you.

Patients with stomach cancer can find that they experience a significant loss of appetite. This is a problem because they will need all the nutrition they can get to help fight the disease. It is important to try and continue eating no matter how much you might not feel like it.

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Stomach Cancer Sign #2: Weight Loss

A loss of appetite and loss of weight go hand in hand, for rather obvious reasons. With insufficient calories being ingested, the patient will begin to burn up their fat reserves to compensate for their energy needs. While weight loss is often promoted as something good, it can actually be very bad for you if it happens too quickly.

A sudden and dramatic weight loss is something that will often lead to an initial diagnosis of stomach cancer. In addition to a lack of appetite, the stomach is likely to be less effective at getting nutrition from what a person eats, compounding the problem further. Further, the body uses extra energy to combat cancer which will further cause weight loss.

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Stomach Cancer Sign #3: Heartburn

Heartburn is a fairly common condition that is caused when the caustic juices in the stomach are able to rise up the esophagus. The caustic nature of these juices causes them to burn at the soft, unprotected tissues of the esophagus. This causes the burning sensation that we know as heartburn, also referred to as acid reflux.

Stomach cancer can also cause the juices to escape the stomach, potentially resulting in heartburn. Because heartburn is a fairly common condition, it is unlikely to lead to a correct diagnosis on its own. There are remedies available that will help to relieve the symptoms.

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Stomach Cancer Sign #4: Abdominal Pain

Our stomachs are actually quite sensitive. It doesn’t take a lot for them to cause us pain. Just eating even a small amount of the wrong food can be agonizing at times. Some people are fortunate in that they are less sensitive in this regard than others, but no one is immune from experiencing stomach pains.

One of the most common symptoms of stomach cancer is stomach pain. The pain can vary from being mild to excruciating and is likely to worsen as the cancer progresses. While it can be easy to overlook the symptoms as something not serious, it is wise to get it checked out should the pain persist.

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Stomach Cancer Sign #5: Feeling Full Easily

There’s nothing quite like a delicious, filling meal. Not only does it taste good going down but a full stomach can also be very comforting. Of course, we should not overdo it where possible, but it is still perfectly healthy to eat until you are full within reason. Patients with stomach cancer, though, might feel full after eating less food than usual.

As stomach cancer develops, so it can grow and begin to fill the cavity in the stomach. This means that there is less space for food, meaning we feel fuller, quicker. This can lead to a decrease in nutrition for the patient which can lead to various complications.

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Stomach Cancer Sign #6: Anemia

Our red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. They are able to do this thanks to metals like iron and copper which cause oxygen to bind to the cells. If we don’t have enough red blood cells with these metals then we are unable to carry enough oxygen in our blood. This is a condition which is commonly known as anemia.

Stomach cancer can cause blood to leak from the blood vessels. This, in turn, causes a decrease in the volume of red blood cells in the body and, therefore, a lack of oxygen. One of the most telling symptoms of anemia is a paleness of the skin, caused by a lack of red blood cells which give blood its deep color.

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Stomach Cancer Sign #7: Fatigue

Fighting an illness takes a lot of hard work. Even a patient that is laid still is still hard at work on the inside trying to fight the disease. It is exhausting and will leave the patient feeling tired all of the time, no matter how much sleep they might get. It is also a common symptom of stomach cancer and a symptom that will often help lead to an initial diagnosis.

Fatigue with stomach cancer is not made easier due to the nutritional problems the patient is also likely to be experiencing. This lack of nutrition and energy combined with the fight against the cancer can be very exhausting indeed. Cancer treatment can also add further to the problem.

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Stomach Cancer Sign #8: Abdomen Swelling

It is not uncommon for our stomachs to swell after eating. This is likely to be the food we have eaten, plus gas that is being produced as part of the digestion process. It will usually pass in time, though, but not always. If your abdomen is swelling and not going away, it could be caused by stomach cancer.

As the cancer grows the stomach area can also begin to swell in size. What’s more is that it can cause blood and other fluids to leak, causing a swelling of fluids in the area. If you do have a swelling anywhere in the body and you are not sure why, you should arrange to speak with a doctor.

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Stomach Cancer Sign #9: Regular Vomiting

Vomiting is unpleasant, but also often necessary. It is usually a defense mechanism that helps the body to eject any potentially harmful substances from the body. It often occurs when there is a pathogen in the body or maybe substances such as toxins and chemicals. It can also be caused by stomach cancer.

Patients with stomach cancer will find that they are likely to vomit often. This is often because the growing cancer helps to block the stomach, which can then cause the patient to vomit the food to clear the blockage. It is also quite common to find blood in the vomit.

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Stomach Cancer Sign #10: Blood In Stools

For as long as we can remember, people have been looking at stools as a way of determining someone’s health. A single stool can hold so much information and it can often even tell us a lot just by looking at it. If there is any blood in the stool, then it is a clear sign that there is probably something very wrong.

A growing cancer can bleed and can also cause bleeding from the stomach wall. This blood will leak into the stomach where it is later passed out when we defecate. Blood in your stool is a serious sign and should prompt you to see a doctor as soon as possible.

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