10 Signs of Kidney Failure

By albert
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Kidney failure or renal failure is a condition that occurs when kidney function drops below 15 percent of normal capacity. Kidneys are vital organs whose functions include removing waste and toxins, maintaining electrolyte and fluid balance, regulating blood pressure and supporting red blood cell production.

Kidney failure is the end stage of renal disease or ESRD. This is a condition which may develop due to poorly managed high blood pressure and diabetes. Other conditions that may lead to kidney failure include genetic factors, overuse of some medications such as pain killers, and drugs like heroine.

Some forms of kidney failure can be reversed if treatment begins early enough. However, most cases of kidney failure require life-long dialysis or kidney transplant. But, what should you watch out for to better your chances of stopping the disease from worsening? Here are the top 10 signs of kidney failure:

Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure Sign #1: Swollen Hands or Feet

Swelling in the hands or feet is one of the first signs of kidney failure. Besides keeping blood free from waste toxins, the kidneys also maintain the right amount of fluids in the body. To do this, they excrete excess fluid as part of urine.

If kidneys fail to work at their optimal capacity, toxins and excess fluid start to build up within the bloodstream, collecting in the upper and lower limbs. If this goes on without treatment, the swelling can spread to other parts of the body leading to a swollen appearance in the face and elsewhere. To prevent the condition from worsening, consult a doctor if you notice swelling in your feet, ankles or hands.

Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure Sign #2: Increased or Reduced Urination

Changes in urination routine may be an indication of kidney disease or kidney failure. The change may involve having the urge to go to the bathroom more often. It may also involve going to the bathroom only once or twice in a day.

These changes in urination routine occur because the kidneys are no longer working properly. As a result, they may end up removing much more or much less liquid than is required. Besides changes in volume, urine may form foam in the toilet basin. For these reasons, do not ignore changes in your bathroom routine or the appearance of urine that won’t go away. Seek medical advice as soon as possible. Remember that early diagnosis leads to early commencement of treatment.

Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure Sign #3: Extreme Tiredness

If you are suffering from extreme tiredness such that you feel like your body will shut down, it’s probably a sign of kidney failure. Besides their other functions, the kidneys secrete the hormone called erythropoietin, or EPO. This hormone signals to the body to produce new red blood cells.

Without EPO, the body does not replace worn out or destroyed red blood cells. This leads to low levels of red blood cells, a condition known as anemia. Considering that red blood cells are responsible for the distribution of oxygen in the body, without adequate numbers, less oxygen is available for the body to function normally. This is the cause of chronic tiredness or fatigue.

Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure Sign #4: Shortness of Breath

While there are many conditions that can cause shortness of breath, it could also be a sign of kidney failure. But how would a kidney problem cause a breathing problem? There are two ways that kidney failure can cause shortness of breath. First; fluid buildup can occur in the lungs and reduce capacity for oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange.

Additionally, because the kidneys secrete the EPO hormone responsible for signalling the production of red blood cells; kidney failure can disrupt EPO production. This leads to a drop in the numbers of the oxygen transporting red blood cells. As a consequence, the lungs have to work harder in a quest to get more oxygen into the available red blood cells.

Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure Sign #5: Inability to Focus

Memory problems or inability to focus may be symptoms of kidney failure. Reduced production of red blood cells and the resultant anemia means that the brain does not get enough oxygen. This means that brain cells cannot produce the energy they require to function properly.

As a result, it is hard to concentrate or recall from memory. This can cause you to find it difficult to carry out otherwise simple tasks. Besides poor focus and memory, you may also feel weak, dizzy or you may even faint. Because these could be signs of kidney failure, do not ignore them. Rather, visit a doctor for testing and treatment.

Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure Sign #6: Sleep Disruption

Besides disrupting your normal bathroom routine, kidney failure can also lead to sleep disturbances. Increased urine production goes on during both day and night. While this may not bother too much during the day, it interferes with your sleep when you have to wake up several times to visit the bathroom.

Reduced urination can also disrupt sleep. This happens because, although the kidneys produce little amounts of urine, buildup of fluid can increase internal pressure causing you to experience an urge to urinate. However, when you go to the bathroom, only a few drops of urine come out. When this happens several times during the night, it disrupts your sleep and stops you from getting restful sleep.

Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure Sign #7: Nausea and Vomiting

Recurrent stomach upsets, including nausea and vomiting can be signs of kidney failure. When the kidneys no longer function normally, waste material including urea and other toxins continue to float around in the bloodstream. This buildup interferes with many body functions including digestion and absorption of nutrients.

When food remains in the stomach for too long, it can cause nausea or even vomiting. In this state, your appetite may suffer so that you can only eat little amounts of food. This may further cause unintended weight loss. To prevent the condition from advancing without treatment, let a doctor run the necessary tests in case you have nausea or vomiting that doesn’t seem to go away.

Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure Sign #8: Skin Rash

One of the best known functions of the kidneys is removal of waste and toxins from the bloodstream. If the kidneys fail, waste and toxins remain in the bloodstream and are transported to any organ and tissue of the body.

When some of these toxins get to the skin, they can interfere with its functions and cause skin issues like extreme itching that doesn’t seem to stop. Continued scratching may lead to sores on the skin. If you experience a skin rash with itching that seems to go on even after scratching, you should probably see a doctor for testing and treatment. Note that an early diagnosis and commencement of treatment can slow the progress of kidney failure.

Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure Sign #9: Poor Appetite

Buildup of waste materials and toxins in blood which is known as uremia, poor digestion and the resultant stomach upset, nausea and vomiting can adversely affect your appetite. Uremia can also interfere with the workings of your taste buds so that you can no longer enjoy the true taste of food. Instead, some foods may taste like metal.

This is not a good feeling and you may not like to eat. A poor appetite can worsen the signs of kidney failure by denying the body the nutrients it requires for maintenance and energy production. It can also lead to loss of weight without trying.

Kidney Failure

Kidney Failure Sign #10: Muscle Cramps

Muscle functions depend on a number of electrolytes, notably magnesium, potassium, sodium and calcium. The kidneys are responsible for regulating electrolyte balance. But when the kidneys are not working properly, the electrolytes besides other chemicals will remain in the bloodstream without regulation.

In this state, electrical signals that are necessary for muscle strands to work in a particular way flow without control. The confused flow of electrical signals causes muscle cramping which can be very painful. The pain and discomfort associated with muscle cramping may also disrupt sleep and make life extremely difficult. If you experience regular muscle cramps, it may be a sign of kidney failure. For this reason, go for testing and treatment to improve your condition.

Kidney Failure

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