10 Signs of Breast Cancer

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Cancer is something that has plagued mankind since we can remember. It is still a very real threat to us and it still kills millions worldwide, but we are beginning to push back in the fight against it. Some cancers can now be treated with reasonable success, and breast cancer is one of them.

Breast cancer is the same as most other types of cancer in that it grows and spreads. If you can catch it early on, then there is a reasonable chance that it can be treated. It does need to be caught early, though, so you should learn to spot the signs that something is wrong.

If you do notice something that seems unusual then you should arrange to get it checked out. Even if it does turn out to be nothing, it would still have been a wise decision to make sure.


Breast Cancer Sign #1: Finding a Lump

Cancers are usually lumps of abnormal cells that begin to grow out of control. They can grow larger and larger until they begin to cause serious harm to the body. The same goes for breast cancer, and one of the most identifiable aspects of breast cancer is a lump in the breast tissue.

It is often recommended that women should inspect their breasts regularly to look for lumps. Finding them early can mean getting treatment early and this is very important where cancer is concerned. Bear in mind that breast cancer can also cause lumps in the surrounding area such as the under the armpit and near the lymph nodes. If you’re not sure, you should get it checked out just in case.

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Breast Cancer Sign #2: Sore Breasts

Unless you have recently been knocked in the breast area, or picked up some other form of injury, it is not normal for breasts to feel sore all the time. If they are sore all of the time, it is something that you should get checked out. You might also feel that they are sore when you are lying down, for no other particular reason.

There is a good chance that it is nothing, which is great. There is also a chance, though, that it could be cancer so you should get it checked it. You think you’d be wasting your time if it does turn out to be nothing, but choosing not to get it checked can turn out to be a terrible decision.

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Breast Cancer Sign #3: Swollen Breasts

As the cancer inside a breast grows, so it begins to assert pressure on the tissues surrounding it. This can cause the soft tissues of the breast to become inflamed, causing the breasts to become swollen. These symptoms will also likely be accompanied with tender skin that is hot to the touch.

Such a symptom is quite a strong indicator that you have breast cancer. It is something that should be treated as urgent and you should arrange to speak with your doctor as soon as possible. Remember that identifying cancer early can make a huge difference when it comes to treating the problem.

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Breast Cancer Sign #4: Changing Size

Pregnant women can find that their breasts change in size significantly. The breasts will expand and become filled with milk, causing them to inflate like a balloon. Once milk production is no longer necessary, the breasts will return back to their normal size.

If you are not pregnant and your breasts are changing in size, though, then something could be wrong. It is not uncommon for breast cancer to change the size of the breast. If you do notice your bra doesn’t quite fit like it used to or things look different in the mirror, you should arrange to get it checked out.

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Breast Cancer Sign #5: Itchiness

It is not uncommon for women to find that their bras cause their breasts to itch. The material can sometimes be irritating to the skin and it can be made worse as the day goes on, leaving a person desperate to take their bra off. Sometimes, though, this itchiness can be caused by something else, like cancer.

If you are experiencing an unexplained itching in the breasts, you should arrange to get it checked out. You might also find that the texture of the skin in the area has changed or maybe that the breast tissue seems thicker than usual. Regardless, it is best to get it checked to be sure.

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Breast Cancer Sign #6: Changing Nipples

Nipples usually stay more or less the same, although they might sometimes be affected by pregnancy and some other factors. Nursing a baby, for example, might change its shape. If your nipples have changed recently and there is no such explanation for it, it could be down to cancer.

If a tumor is growing beneath a nipple, then it can cause the nipple to change shape and/or appearance. If this has happened then you should arrange to get it checked out by a doctor. Doing so might cause you a lot of pain and worry in the long term.

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Breast Cancer Sign #7: Sensitive Nipples

Nipples are sensitive to a degree. Normal sensitivity is linked to uterine activity which can be used to help with labor contractions. When not pregnant or in labor, nipple sensitivity is also linked to pleasure. If they are more sensitive than usual, then you might need to get it checked out.

It is quite common for a developing breast cancer to cause the nipples to become more sensitive than usual. Sometimes they can also become quite painful, even at the slightest of touches. Another tell-tale sign is when nipples that were sensitive suddenly lose sensation altogether.

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Breast Cancer Sign #8: Nipple Discharge

The primary function of the breasts are to provide milk to an infant. Breast milk is packed full of important nutrition and is stored in the breasts. It is, of course, normal for milk to occasionally leak from a pregnant/breastfeeding women; however, nipple discharge when not pregnant or breastfeeding may indicate that something is not right.

Nipple discharge alone is typically not a sign of breast cancer. When combined with other signs and symptoms then the chances of discharge being related to cancer could be higher. Typically postmenopausal discharge and discharge from men is primarily seen as abnormal. Besides cancer, nipple discharge can also be caused from infection, changes in hormones or a disease that effects the hormones, or a side effect of medications.

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Breast Cancer Sign #9: Breast Dimples

The skin of the breasts is usually quite smooth. The occasional bump or bruise might still lead to an imperfection of the skin. If such imperfections are not explained, though, then it could be caused by cancer.

Breast cancer can cause dimples to appear in the skin of the breasts. Some people describe it as being similar to the surface of an orange. Patients will also sometimes note that their skin becomes redder than usual in color. It is a symptom that should encourage you to speak with a doctor as soon as possible.

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Breast Cancer Sign #10: Stiff Neck and Shoulders

Cancers spread. It is one of the things that make them so dangerous as they can continue spreading and begin taking over the whole body. This means that a cancer that began in one part of the body can begin to affect other parts. It is not uncommon for breast cancer to spread to the neck, shoulders, and the back area.

It is often easy to pass off stiff neck and shoulders as just being one of those things. This can lead to cancer being missed when it could have been caught early. If you do experience these symptoms and they won’t go away, you should arrange to get it checked out.

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