10 Signs of Being Pregnant

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Are you starting to think you might be pregnant? If that’s so, this can either be a great thing or completely frightening. Whichever way you’re feeling, by gathering information on the early signs of pregnancy, you can better prepare yourself for what lies ahead.

If you want to be completely certain that you’re pregnant, you’ll have to purchase a testing kit either online or at a local drugstore. But if you know what to be on the lookout for, you’ll be able to catch up on some of the first signs of pregnancy.

Here are just a few of the signs that you might have a baby on the way.


Sign #1: Late Period

Most women start to suspect that they’re pregnant, and decide to take a pregnancy test, when their period is late or missing. However, it’s important that you remember that your period can also be late for other reasons such as stress, hormonal changes, and weight loss and gain.

If it’s already been one or more weeks after the date your period was expected to start, you can consider the possibility of being pregnant but this can be unreliable, especially if you have an irregular cycle. So, you can’t be completely sure until you take a pregnancy test, and you should also consider seeing a doctor to be certain.


Sign #2: Breast Changes

It is common knowledge that a women’s breasts are going to ger larger when pregnant, but did you also know that for some women this is an early sign that they’re pregnant? Hormone levels can vary a lot throughout pregnancy and this results in many changes to your body, even your breasts.

You might feel that your breasts are swelling, they might feel overly sensitive and heavy, and they can sometimes even feel painful. Sometimes the areola (the area surrounding your nipple) can also darken. This discomfort is greater at the beginning of pregnancy, but will likely resolve itself as your hormones settle down.


Sign #3: Erratic Bathroom Schedule

If you’re in the first stage of pregnancy, you’ll notice changes to your bathroom routine. After week 6, you’ll start urinating even more frequently than you usually would. This is common in pregnant women, but can also be a symptom for other conditions such as infections and diabetes.

When you’re pregnant, there are higher levels of progesterone in your system. Even though this is normal, when paired with estrogen it can lead to an undesired symptom: constipation. Whether this is your case or not, remember to hydrate yourself, exercise, and consume foods that are high in fiber. You should speak with a medical professional if the symptoms are too severe.


Sign #4: Cramps

It is quite normal to experience cramps during pregnancy as the uterus is accommodating to the new circumstances related to the growth of the fetus. It usually can be mistaken with PMS-related cramps (premenstrual syndrome).

Pregnancy cramps are mild and will fade over time. However, make sure to consult your doctor if your pain is too severe or if you’re also bleeding heavily or have other strange symptoms. Cramps can also be the result of other causes, and you should check with a medical professional if you have not done so already.


Sign #5: Nausea

You’re probably very familiar with this particular sign already. Morning sickness has become a staple for implying pregnancy on TV shows and movies alike and is even somewhat of a cliché. It is not a symptom that you should be too concerned about, and it will pass as the pregnancy progresses.

For many women, this is a regular feature and is one of the side effects of the increased hormone circulation throughout your body. And while the morning is the most common time for most women, there are also others who only experience it in the afternoons, throughout the day, or when specific situations arise.


Sign #6: Lethargy

Whether you’re pregnant or not, you’re probably familiar with lethargy. Work and other social factors have caused many women to feel tired nowadays. However, fatigue can also be a sign of pregnancy. You might feel like your energy is drained, even as soon as the first week of pregnancy.

Even this early into the pregnancy, the increased levels of progesterone can result in unusual fatigue. Pair that with blood pressure and blood sugar changes, and they all contribute to the sudden decrease in energy. If you find yourself feeling lethargic, try to make time for some rest throughout your day, and let others know that you’ll need some time to regain energy.


Sign #7: Food Cravings

We all have different preferences when it comes to food. What one person likes, another person will hate, but any individuals’ preferences will usually stay about the same. People that are pregnant, however, can find that their preferences change wildly.

Pregnant women can find that they suddenly have urges to eat food that they would never usually consider eating. It can also cause them to take a sudden dislike to certain foods and even smelling some foods can make them feel nauseous. In some extreme cases, it can even encourage some women to eat items that are not edible, in a condition known as Pica.


Sign #8: Light Bleeding

Six to twelve days after fertilization, there might be a light vaginal bleeding called implantation bleeding. It should be mild and only cause subtle spotting that can be seen on your underwear. Around this time, you might also experience the mild cramps we mentioned earlier.

The bleeding should be light in intensity, and self-limiting within a few days. If you notice an increased volume of blood, you should seek medical attention right away for proper diagnosis of the underlying cause.


Sign #9: Erratic Emotions

If you notice your emotions are a bit out of control, it could well be that your hormones are out of their usual balance. This is most common during the first trimester and, in most cases, things will calm down after a while. This symptom will affect different women to different degrees with some lucky women barely feeling it at all.

Just like with other pregnancy symptoms, you’ll find that being active, eating healthy, and maintaining your social life are great ways to deal with these symptoms. It is also a time when having an understanding partner can be very beneficial.


Sign #10: Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are veins located in your rectum and are an important part of the venous return of that specific part of our bodies. During certain conditions, these veins can become swollen, causing pain during defecation or even rectal bleeding.

During pregnancy, the pressure within the abdominal cavity increases due to the fact that a baby is growing in it. This increased pressure can cause the hemorrhoidal veins to swell and cause symptoms.


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