10 Signs of an Ulcer

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Ulcers are open wounds that can be caused by a number of reasons. They are quite common in the mouth, although they are usually quite harmless if painless. They can also occur in the stomach and this can be problematic.

Around five million people in the United States have a stomach ulcer at any one time, with around 500,000 new cases being reported every year.

Stomach ulcers can be notoriously uncomfortable and make it difficult for the patient to eat. A range of unwelcome symptoms can arise. While they are treatable, they can be serious and sometimes require surgery to allow the patient to lead a normal life.

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An Ulcer Sign #1: Dry Cough

If something gets into your airways that shouldn’t be there, then it is likely to be forced from the body pretty quickly. This helps to keep the airways clear and also helps to remove pathogens and anything else that might be harmful. One way to remove unwanted items from the body is through coughing.

An ulcer can lead to stomach contents rising up the airways. When this reaches the back of the throat, it is likely to trigger a cough in an attempt to remove it from the body. The cough is usually described as dry and tickly and is experienced more commonly at night.

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An Ulcer Sign #2: Bloating

When we eat, gases are produced as a waste product of the digestion process. These gasses are usually passed out of the body in a process that is harmless, even if it can occasionally be embarrassing, especially when in social situations. If these gases are unable to escape, though, then bloating can occur.

Bloating can be very uncomfortable and sometimes even painful. When an ulcer is present, it is caused by more than usual gas being produced which is unable to pass from the stomach fast enough. Other associated symptoms include cramps as well as audible growling sounds coming from the stomach.

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An Ulcer Sign #3: Heartburn

The juices in our stomach need to be able to break down the foods that we eat so that we can extract the nutrients we need from them. As such, these juices are acidic and corrosive to organ materials. Our stomachs are safe from them, though, because they have a protective lining.

In the case of ulcers, though, these juices can sometimes leak out from the stomach and rise up the esophagus. This causes the juices to burn the walls of the esophagus in a phenomenon that we commonly call heartburn or acid reflux. Remedies are available that help to soothe the symptoms of heartburn.

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An Ulcer Sign #4: Anemia

Iron helps oxygen to bind to our red blood cells, therefore allowing our blood to transport oxygen throughout the body. The iron helps to create hemoglobin, which is responsible for carrying the oxygen. With insufficient hemoglobin, the body does not have enough oxygen circulating through it.

If you have an ulcer then blood and all-important hemoglobin may be able to leak out. This will, in turn, lead to a condition we know as anemia and this can lead to a deficiency of oxygen. Typical anemia symptoms include pale skin, being short of breath, and lightheadedness. It can be treated but can lead to other severe complications so it should be taken seriously.

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An Ulcer Sign #5: Burning Abdomen Pain

Stomach pains are not uncommon. Sometimes all it takes is eating or drinking the wrong things and we can be left in agony. Usually, though, it will pass in time with no lasting damage done. At other times, it is a sign that you have developed a potentially problematic condition with your stomach.

With part of your stomach no longer fully protected, it is vulnerable to attack from the stomach’s acidic juices. This can lead to inflammation of the stomach lining and this can be very painful. These pains are likely to get worse after eating as there is more acid present to attack the stomach walls.

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An Ulcer Sign #6: Nausea

Among the most common symptoms of being ill is nausea. It is an unpleasant sensation that makes us feel generally unwell and often as though the room is spinning. It will often lead to vomiting and this can make recovery even harder for the patient. After all, nutrition is needed to help combat disease.

Nausea is also a fairly common symptom of a stomach ulcer. It is caused when the stomach lining becomes inflamed and is most commonly experienced in the mornings. If you are experiencing nausea for any reason, then it is wise to see a doctor to try and find out why.

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An Ulcer Sign #7: Dark Stools

Our stools are able to tell us a great deal about our health overall. They tell us a lot about what we have been eating and also about the health of our digestive system. A doctor will sometimes even ask for a stool sample so it can be examined to try and identify an illness.

If you notice that you have dark, sticky stools that smell more than usual, it could be a sign of an ulcer. When you have an ulcer, blood can leak out into the stomach where it will then mix with the food that is being digested. It is this that causes the thick stickiness, and this is a sign that the ulcer is quite severe.

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An Ulcer Sign #8: Weight Loss

Although we are often told that it is unhealthy to be overweight, it is also unhealthy to be underweight. What’s more is that losing weight too quickly can also be very bad for you. If you are trying to lose weight, it should be done at a steady pace and you should set yourself a healthy final target.

An ulcer can cause pain, particularly when eating, discouraging the patient from taking in food. It can also cause nausea and lead to vomiting, which can deprive the patient of the nutrition they need. These factors combined with other problems can lead to the patient losing weight quite rapidly.

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An Ulcer Sign #9: Weakness

It is important that we stay as strong as possible. Not only does this help us to move around, but it also helps to maintain good physical health overall. If you are feeling unusually weak for some reason, it could be because you have an illness.

People with a stomach ulcer will often complain that they feel weak. This can be down to not eating enough and/or vomiting too often. It can also be down to a lack of oxygen in the body because of anemia. Unexplained weakness can be a sign of a potentially serious problem, so you should arrange to see a doctor if symptoms persist.

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An Ulcer Sign #10: Vomiting Blood

Vomiting is often a deliberate response by the body as it tries to eject certain substances. It is often helpful to us as it helps to eject pathogens and chemicals that might otherwise harm us. Often, it is also a sign that you are quite ill, especially if there is blood in the vomit.

If a severe ulcer is leaking too much then it is likely to show when you vomit. Bleeding internally this way can be very problematic and should be treated with some degree of urgency. Blood in the vomit is not good so if you do spot it, you should arrange to speak with a doctor regardless of the suspected cause.

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