10 Signs of A Bladder Infection

By nigel
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Bladder infections, and other urinary tract infections (referred to as UTIs), are unpleasant problems that can result in a number of symptoms. They are known for causing pain and discomfort during urination, chills, and other symptoms that can reduce the quality of life. UTIs occur when bacteria make their way into the urinary tract. This tract is usually sterile, but when bacteria enter it and begin to multiply, a person begins to experience some problems due to their body fighting off the bacteria.

Unfortunately for women, they are more likely to get a UTI. This is because of their physical anatomy – for one the opening of the urethra is close to the anus, which harbors many bacteria. Also the urethra in women is much shorter compared to a man’s which makes for a shorter trip for bacteria to travel from the opening of the urethra to the bladder. As many as one in two women will experience a UTI at some time during their life, and many women experience them multiple times.

In this article, we’re going to describe some of the most common symptoms of a bladder infection. If you have been experiencing some of these symptoms in conjunction with each other then it’s quite possible that you have a bladder infection. This could be a sign that you need to seek further medical attention.

Bladder Infection

Bladder Infection Sign #1: Burning When Urinating

A burning sensation while peeing is often the first sign of a UTI. However, when experienced by itself, it isn’t enough to signify that someone is suffering from a bladder infection. There are several conditions that can lead to pain during urination, ranging from a sexually transmitted illness to something more serious.

Whether you have a bladder infection or not, chances are you will experience some discomfort and pain when you are urinating. This is a sign that you need to manage the issue.

Bladder Infection

Bladder Infection Sign #2: Frequent Need to Pee

Another annoying problem associated with bladder infections and other forms of UTI is a constant need to urinate. Even immediately after you’ve emptied your bladder, it’s quite common for someone with a bladder infection to feel like they still need to go to the bathroom.

This can be frustrating and distracting when you go to the bathroom and nothing comes out, especially for people who need to be present in school and work.

Bladder Infection

Bladder Infection Sign #3: Passing Small Amounts of Urine

This would naturally accompany a person if they are constantly feeling the need to urinate and are going to the bathroom frequently. However, it can also occur when you don’t feel the need to urinate frequently.

It’s quite common for people with bladder infections to only pass a little bit of urine at a time.

Bladder Infection

Bladder Infection Sign #4: Incontinence

There are various things that can cause incontinence – a condition in which a person feels the need to urinate intensely and immediately. This is usually followed by the release of a small amount of urine which can lead to embarrassment and discomfort.

Incontinence is usually caused by the intense irritation that can occur in the bladder during a UTI. This can alter a person’s perception of their bodily sensations and lead to the accidental release of urine.

Bladder Infection

Bladder Infection Sign #5: Cloudy Urine

Another thing that many people experience when they have a UTI is cloudy urine. Some people report that it is foamy in addition to being cloudy. This can happen as a result of any form of urinary tract infection.

A cloudy urine is often a result of excessive amounts of protein or other crystalline products that get deposited in the urine. These substances change the consistency and colour of the urine, giving it a strange appearance.

Bladder Infection

Bladder Infection Sign #6: Pink Urine

Pink or red-tinged urine can be another symptom of a UTI. This unusual colouring suggests that the infection is becoming quite serious and that there is blood present in the urine.

Usually, when an infection gets to this point, it’s important to start thinking about getting treatment. This symptom is usually accompanied by a lot of discomfort and pain.

Bladder Infection

Bladder Infection Sign #7: Urethral Discharge

This symptom is more commonly associated with men, likely because it’s easier to observe the discharge. However, it still occurs in women, though the discharge mixes with the other fluids in the vagina and can be more difficult to notice.

Urethral discharge is usually similar to a pus or a mucus, and it can be quite unsightly. It can also occur in people who are suffering from sexually transmitted infections. If you are worried about whether you have a bladder infection or an STI, you might need to go check with a medical professional.

Bladder Infection

Bladder Infection Sign #8: Pain

One of the main symptoms associated with a bladder infection is pain. Pain can occur in the genital region and the bladder when you’re urinating or at any other time during the day.

With serious infections, some people find that the pain can be intense enough to cause a distraction from their daily activities. This is a sure sign that you need to get some treatment quickly. Some herbs and healthy foods can help your immune system to battle the infection quickly.

Bladder Infection

Bladder Infection Sign #9: Fever

Serious bladder infections can lead to a fever, just like most other types of bacterial infection. This is because the body’s immune system is smart and recognizes that many of these bacteria have a harder time thriving and reproducing in higher temperatures.

Knowing that, the immune system raises the temperature of the body in an effort to eliminate these bacteria. A fever might be uncomfortable, but it’s a sure sign that your body is working to overcome an infection.

Bladder Infection

Bladder Infection Sign #10: Chills

It’s not uncommon for people with serious bladder infection to experience chills and shivers. This is usually a sign that the infection has reached the kidneys and that you need to get prompt treatment.

Chills usually accompany a fever and are a sign that your immune system is working hard to eliminate the bacteria that are causing the infection.

Bladder Infection

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