10 Side Effects of Vitamin B12

By james
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Vitamin B12 is very important for our well-being, and even our survival. It is essential in helping to make our DNA and also in the creation of our red blood cells. If we don’t get enough of it in our body, then we could fall quite ill, so it is wise to make sure you have plenty of it in your diet.

Unlike some other vitamins, our bodies do not make vitamin B12, meaning we are reliant on getting it from outside sources. We also do not store it for long, meaning we need a regular supply.

Some people use vitamin B12 to help overcome deficiencies and promote overall good health. While this is usually a good thing, using the vitamin too much also has some side-effects.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 Side Effect #1: Headache

Headaches are among the most commonly experienced of all symptoms. They can be experienced by people of all ages and among people that are well, in addition to those that are sick. It is often difficult to tell what causes headaches, partly because there are so many potential causes.

A headache is one possible side effect in people that are using vitamin B12 supplements. The severity of the headache can range from being mild to being downright unbearable. If you think that vitamin B12 is the cause of your headaches then you should consider stopping taking it if symptoms are too severe.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 Side Effect #2: Acne

We still have so much to learn about treating acne. Antibiotics can help but it is not recommended to use them too often because they can lead to a resistance to them. Various lotions and washes are also available on the market and they too can help, but they are not always completely effective.

One way to combat acne is to look into possible causes, and one such cause is vitamin B12. It is not yet fully understood why the vitamin causes acne, but it is a common symptom of using it as a supplement. Depending on the severity of the acne, you might want to reconsider using the vitamin.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 Side Effect #3: Pink or Red Skin

Many people spend a lot of money on cosmetics to help improve their physical appearance. This includes lotions and creams that help give them their desired skin complexion and they work to varying degrees. Some people have difficulty with skin color with some experiencing skin that is too red or pink in color.

One cause of excess redness or pinkness of the skin is vitamin B12. This might sometimes be a source of embarrassment to the patient and it can be enough for them to stop taking the supplement. It should not be a cause for alarm and the symptoms should pass once the supplement is no longer being used.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 Side Effect #4: Rash

Rashes are usually the result of a reaction to something that is within, or on, the body. There is a huge range of potential causes of them and the underlying causes can range from being harmless to being potentially very serious. If you have been taking vitamin B12 and you have developed a rash, it could be because you are sensitive to the vitamin.

If you do develop a rash after using vitamin B12, you should stop using the supplement straight away. You should also let your doctor know, especially if you have been having vitamin B12 injections. Ironically, a rash is also a fairly common symptom of a B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 Side Effect #5: Nausea

There is a huge range of different things that can make us feel nauseous. It can be a result of being in a moving vehicle for too long, an unpleasant odor, having eaten something bad, or maybe an illness. Nausea is also a symptom of having too much vitamin B12 in your body.

Nausea can also contribute to vomiting, and this can be very problematic. Nausea itself is also very unpleasant to deal with and can restrict the patient’s activities considerably. If you are feeling nauseous and you suspect vitamin B12 is the cause, you should stop taking the supplement and arrange to speak with your doctor.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 Side Effect #6: Discolored Urine

While it may not be a pleasant subject, our urine can tell us a great deal about our overall health. It is produced in the kidneys when extracting toxins from the body and toxicity levels in the body can affect the appearance of our urine. If the kidneys are ill themselves in some way, then this can also be noticeable in the appearance of the urine.

Vitamin B12 is water soluble, and what is not used will simply be passed out in the urine. This will cause the urine to become a bright orange or yellow color. This presence of so much vitamin B12 in the urine is a clear indication that there is too much of it in the body.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 Side Effect #7: Anxiety

Stress and nervousness are quite natural reactions. It helps to raise the body’s alertness to help us deal with whatever obstacles might be facing us. It could be a personal relationship problem, or maybe a scenario where we are in danger of being harmed. With elevated alertness, we are more likely to be able to react to the situation as required.

Sometimes, though, people can feel anxious even when there is no reason for them to be. It can be caused by mental conditions, while it can also be caused by supplements such as vitamin B12. If the vitamin is causing you to feel anxious for no apparent reason, you should consider stopping using it.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 Side Effect #8: Congestive Heart Failure

Our hearts are made up almost entirely of strong muscle. They need to be, because they have to be able to pump blood around our body all day, every day, for the rest of our lives. If the heart loses its ability to pump the blood with enough force, then it can lead to various complications. This has the potential to be very serious.

Congestive heart failure is a condition where the heart progressively gets less efficient at pumping the blood. This can be a result of various causes and studies have shown it to be a symptom of vitamin B12. If you do suspect that you are suffering from any problem with the cardiovascular system, you should speak with your doctor if you haven’t already.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 Side Effect #9: Blood Clots

Our heart is constantly pumping blood around a network of tubes that circulate throughout our bodies. These tubes are our blood vessels, and they need to be kept clear of obstructions to allow the blood to flow freely through. Should something impede the flow, then we can be in quite a lot of trouble.

Sometimes, a blood clot might form in a blood vessel, preventing the blood from flowing. Studies have shown that too much vitamin B12 in the blood can lead to clots with potentially catastrophic results. You should speak with a doctor if you are considering using the vitamin as a supplement, especially if you have a history of cardiovascular problems.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 Side Effect #10: Anaphylaxis

Allergies can be very, very dangerous for us. While they will often cause more than some sneezing, eye irritation and maybe a rash, others can be deadly. What makes them worse is that dangerous allergens can be difficult to avoid. Many people have to be extremely careful on a day to day basis.

In some rare cases, vitamin B12 can cause a severe allergic reaction known as anaphylaxis. Symptoms include severe itching, difficulty breathing and severe swelling. If you do suspect somebody is having such a severe reaction to vitamin B12 or anything else, you should get them to an emergency room as soon as possible.

Vitamin B12

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