10 Side Effects of Oregano Oil

By james
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Oregano is an herb that is native to the Mediterranean region. It is often used in Italian cuisine but its use has spread to other cuisines around the world. As well as being used to add flavor to food, it has also been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of years.

It is known to have antiseptic properties and would be used to help treat wounds before modern medicine. The medicinal properties of oregano oil make it popular as a supplement to help treat various ailments. It is also thought to be able to help prevent cancer.

It is not without its drawbacks, though, and its use can cause a range of unwanted side effects. If you are unsure, you should speak with a medical professional before using it.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Side Effect #1: Causes Die-Offs

Our bodies are hosts to a wide range of tiny organisms. They live everywhere inside and outside of our bodies and are usually quite harmless to us. Much of the time, they are even quite beneficial and help our bodies to function as we need them to. Sometimes, though, they can die in significant numbers in what is known as a ‘die off’. A die-off can cause the release of toxins into our bodies.

Oregano oil contains compounds that can encourage a die-off. This can, in turn, lead to a range of symptoms as a result of the body being flooded with toxins. Symptoms of die-offs include fatigue, headaches, nausea and generally feeling unwell.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Side Effect #2: Slows Iron Absorption

Iron is a heavy metal that is very important to our overall health and well-being. We need it because it helps us to make hemoglobin, which allows the blood to transport oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body. Fortunately, it is also quite common and found in many foods so obtaining it is not usually a problem for us.

If you are using oregano oil, however, then you might find that your ability to absorb iron from your food is being impeded. This can be bad for our blood and for our health overall. It should be used alongside iron supplements to help compensate, and pregnant women should keep clear of oregano oil altogether.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Side Effect #3: Toxic

Many substances are toxic to us, including a lot of those that we find in our food. Usually, though, the levels of toxicity are very low and it will take a considerable volume of them to do us any harm. Eat too much of certain foods or supplements and you may find yourself falling ill through intoxication.

Oregano contains a substance known as thymol, which is itself toxic. Usually only present in small levels it will not harm us, but it can be concentrated in oregano oil. This means that should you consume too much oregano oil, you may well end up with thymol intoxication.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Side Effect #4: Irritates The Skin

Our skin is usually quite resilient. It needs to be. After all, it is helping to protect our inner parts from harm. It needs to help protect us against physical damage and also against damage from chemicals and other substances that might harm us. While many substances are harmless, others need to be treated with caution.

Oregano oil is listed is a dermal irritant. This is despite it often being used in skincare as a topical remedy. If you are using oregano oil on the skin then you should be sure to dilute it sufficiently first. You should be particularly careful when using oregano oil if you have sensitive skin.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Side Effect #5: Irritates Stomach

Some people are fortunate enough to have a stomach of cast-iron that allows them to eat whatever they like without a problem. Others, though, need to be far pickier about what they eat. Just a small amount of the wrong type of food can send some people rushing to the bathroom. This also includes some supplements.

If you are considering using oregano oil and you have a sensitive stomach, you might need to think again. If you try diluting it sufficiently then this can help. But even this is not enough for some people. If it is a problem for you then you should consider looking for alternatives instead.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Side Effect #6: Lowers Blood Sugar Levels

Sugar is important to us. It provides us with the energy that we need and we would struggle to survive without it. We need to have the right balance of sugar though and there needs to be the right amount flowing through the body in the blood. If our blood sugar levels are not as they should be then we can become quite ill.

Oregano oil can cause the levels of sugar in your blood to drop. This can be particularly problematic for people with diabetes who already struggle to maintain healthy levels. If you do wish to use oregano oil for any reason, it may be wise to consult with a doctor first.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Side Effect #7: Bad For Pregnancies

Having a baby is a very exciting time. Everybody will be anticipating the arrival of a new family member and the mother will likely be receiving a lot of care and assistance. It is obviously important to make sure the baby is healthy and well, and this means being careful of your diet and supplements.

Oregano should be avoided by women that are pregnant. It has properties that help it to stimulate menstrual flow and this is not a good thing for pregnant women. It is best to keep well clear of oregano oil but if you do insist on using it, you should at least speak with a doctor first.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Side Effect #8: Thins The Blood

The blood is quite a viscous fluid, meaning it is rather thick and sticky. This is because it is carrying so many nutrients and other resources that the body needs. It needs to be of the right thickness, though, otherwise complications can occur. Some medications are used to thin the blood to decrease the risk of blood clots or to help with other conditions.

Oregano oil is also known to thin the blood. This means that care needs to be taken if it is used at the same time as blood-thinning medications. If the blood becomes too thin then there is an increased chance of bleeding and it might be difficult to stop the flow.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Side Effect #9: Reacts With Other Medicines

You should only really use medications under the advice of a medical professional. One reason for this is that certain medications can react with each other, potentially forming a very toxic mix. Some supplements also need to be approached with caution if you are taking medication, including oregano oil.

No matter what medication you are using, it is wise to check first just in case. Even relatively common medication such as aspirin can cause unwanted side-effects when used with oregano oil. Check with a doctor if you can or, failing that, at least check online to see if it is safe. If you do fall ill, you should seek medical assistance as soon as you can.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Side Effect #10: Allergic Reactions

Allergic reactions are usually quite harmless, albeit irritating. They tend to cause sneezing, runny noses and itchy skin but the symptoms will usually pass harmlessly in time. Sometimes, though, allergic reactions can be far more severe and even life-threatening.

Oregano can cause some allergic reactions so it should be used with care by certain people. Those most at risk are people with allergies to the Lamiaceae family of plants, which includes common herbs such as basil and mint. If somebody is having a bad reaction after using oregano oil, it may be necessary to treat their symptoms as a medical emergency.

Oregano Oil

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