10 Side Effects of Milk Thistle

By james
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Milk thistle is a flowering plant the goes by the scientific name: Silybum marianum. It probably originated in the South East of England and has since been introduced to other parts of the world. It is easily recognized by its purple headed flower and its thorny stems and leaves. It is also the national flower of Scotland. Milk thistle has been used for hundreds of years as a remedy for numerous ailments.

More recently, scientific research has been carried out on the plant to discover any properties that can unlock the secrets to cures. It is thought to hold various health benefits, ranging from a good complexion to preventing cancer.

Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle Side Effect #1: Healthy Skin

Cosmetics are a very big business. All over the world people are spending vast amounts on products that help to make them look good. The range of cosmetic products is huge, from simple items such as lipsticks to lotions that claim to give younger looks. Cosmetics can be very expensive, though, but there are some more affordable natural solutions.

Milk thistle has been shown to have both anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that it can help to combat various skin disorders and can even help to slow the effects of aging. Further research is needed but applying some milk thistle topically to the skin could be the key to a clear and healthy skin.

Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle Side Effect #2: Prevents Cancer

We are making progress in the search for a cure for cancer. We are able to cure some types of cancer completely, while we can slow down the advance of others. We can do a lot more now than ever before but we still have so much to learn. It could be that the answers that we need to be able to cure cancer lay in milk thistle.

Milk thistle contains a compound known as silibinin and this is thought to have cancer-fighting properties. Studies in mice have shown that milk thistle is able to slow down the growth of tumors. It might also hold the key to curing epithelial cancer in humans.

Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle Side Effect #3: Protects Liver

We tend to take our livers for granted but we would be in big trouble without them. Our livers help to remove toxins from our bodies, keeping our blood free from potentially harmful compounds. Liver disease can lead to a range of complications and severe cases can lead to a fatality. We need to take care of them and milk thistle could help to this end.

Research has shown that milk thistle contains a compound known as silymarin. Silymarin is an antioxidant and is thought to be able to reduce inflammation in the liver. It is also thought that silymarin helps to detoxify the body, further helping the liver.

Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle Side Effect #4: Helps Allergic Asthma

Asthma is a tightening of the airways, which inhibits the patient’s ability to breathe and in extreme cases, can lead to a fatality. Asthma sufferers need to be careful of any triggers that can cause an attack and will often carry remedies to help soothe symptoms in the case of an attack. It is thought that milk thistle can help to reduce the symptoms of asthma.

Milk thistle contains a substance known as silibinin. This is a flavonoid and has been shown to be able to prevent the inflammation of the airways. It can also help prevent the build-up of harmful substances in the lungs.

Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle Side Effect #5: Bone Health

A strong and healthy skeleton is an essential part of our overall well-being. Some people, though, can experience bone loss as they get older and this can lead to a significant drop in their quality of life. Research has been carried out into the causes of bone loss, and it is thought that milk thistle might be able to help prevent it.

One of the main causes of bone loss is a lack of estrogen, a hormone that is produced naturally by the body. Milk thistle has been shown to be able to prevent bone loss in the case of an estrogen deficiency and can even help in the healing of fractures.

Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle Side Effect #6: Boosts Immunity

A strong and healthy immune system is essential for your overall well-being. If it is weakened then you will become prone to disease and infection. You are more likely to fall ill and the illnesses you catch could be very serious. With the right diet, though, you can help keep your immune system strong to help you fight off disease.

Several studies have been undertaken that have shown milk thistle to be able to give the immune system a boost. More research needs to be done but a dietary supplement with the right compounds might help us to stave off disease. This can be particularly important in vulnerable people, such as the very weak and the very old.

Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle Side Effect #7: Helps Diabetes

Our bodies produce a compound which we know as insulin. This is a hormone that helps us to self-regulate the amount of sugar that is in our blood. Some people develop a resistance to insulin, preventing them from regulating their blood sugar levels. If there is too much or too little sugar in the blood then potentially severe complications can occur.

Not being able to control blood sugar levels is a common problem that is known as diabetes. It affects millions of people around the world and a lot of research is being carried out to help combat the problem. Research has shown, though, that milk thistle might be effective at reducing resistance to insulin.

Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle Side Effect #8: Lowers Cholesterol

There are good cholesterols and bad cholesterols, and the bad type can be very bad for us indeed. Too much bad cholesterol in the blood can lead to the blocking of the arteries and can also contribute to heart disease. They are one reason why it is important to eat a healthy, balanced diet where possible.

Studies have shown that milk thistle is able to reduce the levels of bad cholesterols in the blood. This can help increase your natural energy levels and also decrease the chance of you having a stroke. It will also help to ensure a healthy cardio-vascular system overall.

Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle Side Effect #9: Lose Weight

Keeping off the pounds can be a real challenge at times. It is often an ongoing battle to keep down your calorie intake, with many of your favorite foods contributing most to calorie count. Exercise is also important in the struggle and it can be very difficult to have the motivation to keep fit.

We can often use all the help we can get when trying to lose weight, and milk thistle can provide us with just the help that we need. Silymarin, an extract from milk thistle, has been shown to be able to reduce obesity in mice. While the research continues, we will need to continue exercising and eating a healthy diet.

Milk Thistle

Milk Thistle Side Effect #10: Healthy Brain

Cognitive decline in aging people can be devastating. It can cause them to forget who they are and where they are, and even the simplest of tasks can be all but impossible for them. Their families can also suffer greatly as they see someone they love decline into such a terrible state.

Extensive research is being carried out to try and find the answers to cognitive decline with age. Studies have shown that milk thistle may be able to slow the decline. This is due to its anti-oxidant properties which helps it to reduce oxidative stress. This, in turn, can help prevent damage to the brain.

Milk Thistle

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