10 Side Effects of Magnesium

By nigel
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Magnesium is one of the most important minerals that we need to consume in our diets. Magnesium is responsible for a number of important bodily functions, including regulating the circulatory system and maintaining mental health.

Unfortunately, with the advent of supplements, many people are prone to taking too much magnesium. Just like with anything, there is the possibility of having too much of a good thing.

There are a number of side effects that can occur if you’re taking excessive doses of magnesium, or if you’ve been over supplementing your diet. Remember – it’s not always necessary to take supplements. If you eat a healthy diet with lots of fruits, grains, and vegetables, you probably already get enough magnesium. Regardless, here are some of the most common side effects that can occur in people who are taking high doses of magnesium.


Magnesium Side Effect #1: Diarrhea

Magnesium is known to cause diarrhea when taken in high doses. This can occur with any type of supplemented magnesium. However, magnesium citrate is so powerful in this regard that it is frequently used as a laxative.

Chances are, if you’re taking magnesium supplements for their nutritional benefit and experiencing diarrhea, then you’re taking too much. The supplement won’t be properly absorbed into your body because it will be excreted too quickly.


Magnesium Side Effect #2: Nausea

Taking too much magnesium can cause a number of digestive issues, one of which is nausea. Nausea is sometimes associated with diarrhea and usually occurs when our stomach has something in it that shouldn’t be in there.

However, the feeling can also arise if we’ve taken too much of a supplement like magnesium.


Magnesium Side Effect #3: Lethargy

Magnesium is known for being one of the few minerals that can actually induce a relaxed state on its own. Unfortunately, at very high doses, this calmness can actually lead to a state of lethargy.

If you are using too much magnesium – particularly too much of an easily absorbed form of magnesium, like magnesium citrate – then there is a chance that you’ll develop feelings of lethargy and fatigue. This shouldn’t last longer than a day.


Magnesium Side Effect #4: Muscle Twitches

One of the most irritating symptoms that can occur when taking high doses of magnesium is muscle twitching. If you’ve ever had your eyelashes twitching when you’ve drank too much caffeine or haven’t slept in a while, then you know the feeling.

Muscle twitches can occur anywhere in the body, including the back, the legs, the abdomen, and the neck. These twitches aren’t usually indicative of a dangerous problem, but they are very distracting and can make it hard to focus.


Magnesium Side Effect #5: Muscle Weakness

Magnesium is important for keeping the health of the cardiovascular system in check. Without it, we will be prone to high blood pressure and our body won’t be able to pump enough oxygen to our muscles.

The opposite is also true, however. If we take too much magnesium, then our blood pressure will decrease. This will make it harder for our muscles and tissues to get the oxygen and nutrients that they need. This can contribute to muscle weakness and can make it difficult to accomplish daily tasks, especially when paired with some of these other symptoms.


Magnesium Side Effect #6: Irregular Heartbeat

Another thing that high doses of magnesium can cause is an irregular heartbeat. This is, again, because magnesium has an effect on the circulatory system and the heart. The mineral is needed for maintaining a regular heartbeat and helping us pump blood throughout the body.

However, taking too much magnesium can throw off the balance in our cardiovascular system. This can lead to problems with blood pressure and can throw off the rhythm of our heartbeat. In the short term, this is not necessarily dangerous, but it can be quite disconcerting.


Magnesium Side Effect #7: Respiratory Problems

Because magnesium is known for being a very relaxing supplement, it can also cause problems in the respiratory system. When the body becomes too relaxed, we can have a hard time breathing because the central nervous system, which controls our breathing, falls into a state of depression.

This particular side effect can further contribute to feelings of lethargy and muscle weakness because the blood will already be having a hard enough time transporting oxygen throughout the body. If you’re not taking big, deep breaths, then what little oxygen does make it into the body will not be distributed well.


Magnesium Side Effect #8: Cardiac Arrest

This is one of the most severe symptoms associated with magnesium overdoses, and is unlikely to occur unless you’re using very high doses over an extended period of time. Cardiac arrest is the sudden loss of blood flow that occurs when the heart is unable to properly pump blood.

There are a number of dangerous problems that can occur during cardiac arrest. These can include falling unconscious and forgetting to breathe entirely. Some people might feel pain in their chest and experience nausea right before falling into cardiac arrest.


Magnesium Side Effect #9: Urine Retention

This symptom is interesting and characteristic of many other supplements in the sense that magnesium can actually be useful for helping to prevent urine retention. However, when used in excess, it can actually cause it.

Urine retention is when your body is unable to release the urine stored in the bladder. This can lead to symptoms of discomfort and pain. In serious cases, urine might need to be medically removed.


Magnesium Side Effect #10: Death

The most serious of all side effects, death can actually be caused by extreme intake of magnesium. However, this is extremely unlikely and would only occur when a person has been using very high doses of magnesium for an extremely long period of time.

Death would likely arise as a combination of the other side effects. If you’re experiencing slow or absent breathing in combination with cardiac arrest and muscle fatigue, you might not be able to call for the help that you’d need. In the wrong situation, this could be fatal.


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