Shaken Baby Syndrome Symptoms

By james
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It is an unfortunate truth that not all people are fit to bring up a baby. Sadly, some might be prone to causing harm to somebody so small, whether through carelessness or through deliberately harming them. This harm will often take place out of frustration while, in some cases, it is even premeditated.

Some people might shake a baby out of anger if they won’t stop crying, or for some other reasons. They might not intend to do any harm but it is easy to forget just how much stronger an adult is than a baby. The shaking movement can cause shaken baby syndrome, a condition caused when the brain is damaged by violent shaking movements. It can be very serious, and it helps to know what to look out for.

Shaken Baby Syndrome

1. Bruising

Babies are quite delicate. Their blood vessels can rupture more easily than those of adults, and ruptured blood vessels will mean that blood can leak out from the vessels. When this happens internally, the blood leaks out from the blood vessels but will often still remain trapped inside the body.

This is what we know commonly as a bruise, and these bruises are a symptom of shaken baby syndrome. They are most likely to be located on the arms and chest where they would have been grabbed during shaking. Any sign of bruising in babies is an indicator that they may be at risk.

Shaken Baby Syndrome

2. Not Eating

Taking on plenty of nutrition is essential for any person, but it is especially important for babies. At such a young age, they are developing at rates that they will not develop at again, so they need plenty of nutrients to give them the building blocks that they need to grow and develop.

As such, babies tend to have quite an appetite, as any parent will be able to tell you. They are known for waking in the night wanting to be fed, and they won’t stop crying until they get what they need. If they don’t seem to have much of an appetite, however, it might be that something is wrong.

Shaken Baby Syndrome

3. Irritability

It can be very difficult to communicate and reason with babies. When they want something then it can be very difficult to placate them unless they get just what they want. Thankfully, this is not too much of a problem because it is usually quite easy to give them whatever it is that will make them happy.

While it is normal for a baby to get irritable, there may be something wrong if they are harder to please than usual. If food or their favorite toy doesn’t appease them then it could be that they are tired, or maybe its something more serious. If you suspect something is wrong, then you should get them checked out to be on the safe side.

Shaken Baby Syndrome

4. Vomiting

Any parent will be able to tell you that babies have a tendency to vomit. They will often drink milk to their fill, and beyond their fill, and being too full means that some of the milk will need to be regurgitated. It can be messy and unpleasant, but still something that is a regular part of parenthood. Because vomiting is common, it can be easy to overlook it as being just one of those things.

If your baby is vomiting too much, however, and/or at times when you would not expect them to, then it could be a sign of shaken baby syndrome. Regardless of the suspected cause, excess vomiting can lead to malnutrition so it is something that should be addressed.

Shaken Baby Syndrome

5. Breathing Difficulties

When you do have a baby, it is important to be as observant as possible at all times. Otherwise, it might be easy to not notice something unusual, such as the baby having labored breathing. It is, of course, very important for any baby to be able to breathe freely, so anything that suggests they cannot breathe warrants your full attention.

There are numerous reasons why a baby might be having difficulty breathing, and one of these problems is shaken baby syndrome. It can be very difficult to know exactly what the problem is, and it is a very good idea to get professional medical advice. It could be something very serious so don’t waste any time.

Shaken Baby Syndrome

6. Drowsiness

Babies spend a lot of their time fast asleep. This helps them to process the nutrients they take on board to help them grow and develop faster. When they are awake, however, then they should be as bright as a button.

If this is not the case then it can be an indicator that all is not right. If your baby does appear to be drowsy when playing with them then it is something you should pay attention to. It might just be that they are tired but if they still appear to be drowsy after they have slept then you should consider speaking with a doctor.

Shaken Baby Syndrome

7. Using One Arm or Leg

Our arms and legs are operated by our brain, with the brain sending out signals commanding them what to do. This happens even in newborn babies, although it will be some time before they will be able to develop strength and coordination in their arms and legs.

Although we all tend to have one side that is stronger than the other, a baby will still use both sides more or less equally. If they appear to prefer one side over the other to a significant extent, however, then it might be a sign that part of their brain has been damaged. Regular check-ups will help professionals to identify this and you should let a professional know if you recognize it yourself.

Shaken Baby Syndrome

8. Bluish Skin

People have different skin colors, but it is healthy for humans to have a reddish glow relative to their natural color. This is because blood is just beneath the surface of the skin, and blood itself is also red. If the patient does appear to be paler than usual, or even bluish in color, then it suggests that all is not right with them.

Pale/blue skin can mean a number of things, and they can be very serious. As such, you should call a doctor as soon as possible if you notice the condition, and maybe consider taking the baby to an emergency room. It might turn out to be something fairly mild, but it is not worth taking the risk over.

Shaken Baby Syndrome

9. Paralysis

As mentioned before, our body parts are controlled by signals that come from the brain. This is sometimes done involuntarily, while it can also be done consciously. Either way, if there was something wrong with the brain, then it would struggle to be able to send these messages. If the damage is severe enough then it might mean that the patient is unable to move certain parts of their body at all.

This paralysis might be in specific parts of the body, but it can also leave the patient effectively immobile. If you do notice that your baby seems unable to move part of their body then you should treat it as an emergency because something could be very wrong.

Shaken Baby Syndrome

10. Coma

Damage to the brain can lead to electrical signals becoming confused. This can, in turn, mean that confusing messages are sent to the rest of the body and this can lead to seizures. Seizures are a sure sign that your baby is in need of emergency medical assistance and you should call an ambulance right away. Shaken baby syndrome even has the potential to send your baby into a coma.

The seriousness of this condition cannot be understated and if you find your baby unresponsive then you should seek emergency assistance immediately. It may be possible for the baby to recover at this point but only if they get the help that they need.

Shaken Baby Syndrome

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