10 Foods High in Saturated Fat

By james
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. https://www.fitday.com/fitness-articles/nutrition/healthy-eating/the-nutrition-of-butter.html
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The word ‘fat’ is a bad word in healthy eating circles. It is largely, but not entirely, to blame for obesity and can also lead to heart disease and other conditions. Saturated fats, in particular, are bad for you if you eat too much if them, so you really should try to eat sensibly when you can.

Saturated fats are not all bad, and they actually play an important part in our body’s functions. This means that you shouldn’t try to eliminate them altogether, but rather consume them in moderation. Here are some foods to look out for if you are trying to moderate your consumption of saturated fats.

Saturated Fat

Saturated Fat Rich Food #1: Butter

Butter is delicious. It even manages to make a plain slice of bread come to life and adds creaminess and flavour to many of our favourite treats. It is also packed full of vitamins, minerals and compounds which are thought to offer various health benefits. So butter is all good, right? Unfortunately, no 1https://www.fitday.com/fitness-articles/nutrition/healthy-eating/the-nutrition-of-butter.html.

In addition to the good stuff, butter is also very high in saturated fat content. Just 100 grams of butter contains around 51 grams of saturated fat, which is more than 250% of your recommended daily consumption. Just try to not lay it on too thick on your sandwiches, though, and you should be fine.

Saturated Fat

Saturated Fat Rich Food #2: Bacon

The aroma of bacon wafting through the home is enough to get most peoples’ mouths watering and heading to the breakfast table. Bacon is perfect for breakfasts and great in sandwiches. Unfortunately, though, many of our favourite foods are also among the least healthy for us, and bacon is no exception to the rule.

A 100 g serving of delicious, crispy bacon will contain around 35-45 grams of saturated fats. This means about 108%-225% of our recommended daily limits. Sadly, this means that bacon should not feature on the menu too often, although the occasional treat will not be too harmful to your health.

Saturated Fat

Saturated Fat Rich Food #3: Burgers and Sausages

There’s nothing quite like juicy sausages or a tasty burger when it comes to dinnertime. Not only are these foods delicious, but they are also full of protein, minerals and vitamins making them a good source of nutrition. Unfortunately, though, they also have a dark side.

Burgers, sausages and other foods made from meats tend to have a very high saturated fat content, meaning that we really should limit their consumption. You can at least improve the health rating by keeping clear of fast food joints as they tend to use particularly cheap and fatty meats. Make your own from fresh ingredients, and you will have more flexibility in the quantity you can safely eat.

Saturated Fat

Saturated Fat Rich Food #4: Cheese

If you are a big fan of cheese, as most of us are, then there is, unfortunately, some bad news for you. Cheese has a very high saturated fat content, meaning we really need to limit how much of it we eat. Just 100 grams of cheddar cheese can contain around 105% of our recommended daily consumption of saturated fats.

Some cheeses contain more or less saturated fats than others, so have a look to see what you can find. It’s not all bad news, either, as in addition to saturated fats, cheese is also packed with protein, calcium and other nutrients. Just treat yourself in moderation and you should be just fine.

Saturated Fat

Saturated Fat Rich Food #5: Coconut

There is often debate over whether or not coconut is a fruit, a seed or a nut. Regardless, they fall from a tree, so they must be good for you, right? Not quite. Although coconuts are packed full of nutrition and compounds thought to provide various health benefits, they are also high in saturated fats.

If you wish to enjoy delicious, juicy fresh coconut, you will be consuming around 27 grams of saturated fats per 100 grams of coconut. That’s around 148% of the recommended daily limit. Unfortunately, it only gets worse with dried coconut, which packs around 57 grams of saturated fat per 100 g serving.

Saturated Fat

Saturated Fat Rich Food #6: Fish Oil

For people planning menus for a healthy diet, fish is often among the first choices. It is packed with protein, vitamins, minerals and has a low-fat content. While the delicious meat is healthy, though, fish can also be rather oily, and this oil is very high in saturated fats.

The good news is the while fish oil is high in saturated fats, there is usually not a lot of it in the dishes that are served up to you. This means that fish is generally still healthy to eat, and an excellent source of the omega 3 fatty acids that are so good for us.

Saturated Fat

Saturated Fat Rich Food #7: Seeds and Nuts

Nuts are great as a snack on their own and can also be used in numerous ways in cooking. They are also packed full of protein, healthy fats and fibre as well as numerous vitamins and minerals. Even nuts have their dark side though, and unfortunately, they too are high in saturated fat content and need to be eaten in moderation.

One of the biggest culprits is Brazil nuts, which have around 15% saturated fat content. Pine nuts contain around 10% and even sesame seeds contain around 9% saturated fats. While they are quite good for you in moderation, many seeds and nuts can really be quite unhealthy if you overdo it.

Saturated Fat

Saturated Fat Rich Food #8: Cream

Cream offers so much, well, creaminess to so many of our favourite dishes, while its sweetness also makes it an essential ingredient. Whether used as in ingredient or as a topping, many desserts are just not the same without it. Unfortunately, though, it might have to go if you are trying to lose weight.

Cream has a high volume of saturated fat so, unfortunately, it is only likely to contribute to excess fat and clogged arteries. Just 100 grams of whipped cream contains around 14 grams of saturated fats, which is around 69% of our recommended daily consumption. As tempting as it may be, try to look for healthier alternatives instead.

Saturated Fat

Saturated Fat Rich Food #9: Cooking Fats and Oils

Cooking oils tend to be among the highest sources of saturated fats in our diets. While lard really does help to make fried food delicious, it contains around 39 grams of saturated fats in every 100 g serving. It’s no wonder we started using vegetable oils instead, but even they contain around 14 grams of saturated fat per 100 grams.

Hydrogenated Oils such as palm oils and coconut oils are also high in saturated fats, with some containing a whopping 93%. Unfortunately, fried foods are not good for us no matter how tasty they may be, so it is wise not to overdo it.

Saturated Fat

Saturated Fat Rich Food #10: Chocolate

Dark chocolate is one of the naughty treats that we are often told is actually quite good for us. This is true to an extent as it is packed full of nutrients and compounds which help keep us as healthy as we can be. Unfortunately, though, they are also high in saturated fats, meaning we really have to watch how much of it we eat.

The amount of saturated fats in chocolate will vary according to the variety so some are better than others in this regard. You can still make the most of the benefits that dark chocolate has to offer, just be sure that you keep it within reason.

Saturated Fat

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