10 Ruptured Spleen Symptoms

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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The spleen is located to the left of the stomach in the upper-left portion of the abdomen. It is around 4 inches long, fist-shaped, and purple in color. Its main role is to help filter the blood to help keep it free from pathogens that might otherwise be harmful to us. The spleen also helps to recycle aging blood cells.

Located just beneath the ribs, the spleen is fairly well protected. That does not mean it is impervious, however, and a powerful enough impact can be enough to rupture the organ.

Ruptures sometimes happens in sports people and can also happen in car accidents and other collision events. It is potentially dangerous and results in various symptoms.

Ruptured Spleen

Symptom #1: Abdominal Pain

If you have had an accident lately then you might be experiencing some pain. Depending on the type of pain and where it is located, it could be a sign that you have acquired some potentially dangerous damage to your body. It could even be a sign that your spleen has been ruptured.

The spleen is located on the left-hand side of the body just beneath the rib cage. As such, you can expect to feel considerable pain in this area if your spleen has ruptured. If you are unsure, you should arrange an appointment with a doctor to get it checked out.

Ruptured Spleen

Symptom #2: Left Shoulder Pain

The nerves that serve one part of the body are likely to have traveled through another part of the body. In the case of the left shoulder, the nerves there will have originated from the left side of the diaphragm. The spleen is also in the area, and a ruptured spleen might lead to these nerves becoming irritated.

This can, in turn, lead to the patient feeling pain in their left shoulder. This information can be very useful in helping medical professionals to come to an initial diagnosis. If you have pain in your left shoulder, you should arrange an appointment with a medical professional to find out what is causing it.

Ruptured Spleen

Symptom #3: Lightheadedness

Our brain needs a lot of oxygen if it is to work properly. This oxygen is supplied to the brain via the blood and we need a constant flow of fresh blood to the brain so it gets what it needs. If this flow of blood is affected then it can affect the brain’s ability to function properly.

A ruptured spleen can cause significant internal bleeding, which will affect how much blood the brain receives. If the brain is receiving less blood then it is also receiving less oxygen. This can affect the brain’s ability to function, causing us to become lightheaded.

Ruptured Spleen

Symptom #4: Blurred Vision

Our eyes have evolved in a way that they capture light around us. Once recorded on the retina, which is at the back of the eye, the information will then be sent to the brain. The brain then uses this information to paint a mental picture of what is around us.

Vision takes quite a lot of brain power, though, because there are countless calculations that need to be done constantly. This means a lot of oxygen is needed, so our vision can begin to suffer if there is not enough oxygen available. This, in turn, means that people with a ruptured spleen that is bleeding can begin to suffer from blurred vision.

Ruptured Spleen

Symptom #5: Confusion

The brain is like a very powerful computer. All the time it is performing calculations that even today’s most advanced computers can struggle with. It is constantly processing information about where we are, what we are doing, and what is going on around us. This is usually seamless to us and we are not even aware our brains are working most of the time.

This requires a lot of power, though, and this also requires a lot of oxygen. If you have ruptured your spleen and this is causing you to bleed then less blood might make it to your brain. This can affect our brain’s computing power, causing us to become easily confused.

Ruptured Spleen

Symptom #6: Fainting

Patients suffering from a ruptured spleen might lose more than 10% of their blood due to internal hemorrhage. This results in a condition known as hypovolemic shock, which is a medical emergency and should be addressed by a doctor as soon as possible.

When the flow of blood to the brain is compromised drastically, patients may faint.

Ruptured Spleen

Symptom #7: Anxiety

Anxiety is not always a bad thing. It is the result of the body releasing certain chemicals into the body to help keep us as alert as possible. This helps us to react when needed and generally helps us to overcome whichever issues we may be facing. It should not occur without good reason, however.

A ruptured spleen can cause the patient to go into shock. This can then lead to anxiety, meaning that anxiety could be a sign of a ruptured spleen. If you are suffering from anxiety and you are not sure why then you should arrange to speak with a doctor to find out why.

Ruptured Spleen

Symptom #8: Rapid Heartbeat

Patients suffering from a ruptured spleen might have an internal hemorrhage that compromises the flow of blood to the tissues. When our body is bleeding profusely, there is less blood to be pumped by the heart, therefore, the heart will pump faster to maintain the blood supply constant.

This will be felt by the patient as an increased heart rate and it is a sign to get medical attention as soon as possible.

Ruptured Spleen

Symptom #9: Restlessness

We are usually quite calm most of the time. We are generally able to take things in our stride and complete tasks comfortably. When at rest, we are usually able to chill and make the most of the opportunity to take things easy. This is not always so easy, however.

Patients just will not be able to settle and will always be fidgeting and have difficulty focusing on any one thing. When experienced alongside other symptoms, it is a sign that the patient may need emergency medical assistance.

Ruptured Spleen

Symptom #10: Paleness

Our blood is usually flowing just beneath the surface of our skin. This, among other things, helps to give us our color thanks to the deep red color of blood. However, if there is less blood flowing near the skin, then we can become visibly paler as a result.

If a ruptured spleen causes internal bleeding then this can lead to a decrease in blood flow elsewhere in the body, resulting in paleness. If somebody has become pale for no good reason, it is a sign that they might be in trouble.

Ruptured Spleen

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