10 Benefits of Oregano Oil

By james
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Oregano is a popular herb that is commonly used in cooking, particularly in cuisine that originates from Italy and the surrounding region. As with some other herbs, oregano offers more than just great flavor. It can also provide some health benefits. To get the most out of the health benefits oregano has to offer, oil is extracted from it, which can then be used in a variety of ways.

Oregano oil can be used topically or ingested to relieve the symptoms of numerous conditions. It may also prevent serious illnesses, such as infections and even cancer. However, while it is effective in relieving some symptoms and ailments, it should be used as a supplement and not as a replacement for modern medicines.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Benefit #1: Soothes Inflammation

Our bodies react to irritants in a number of ways, including, for example, inflammation. Inflammation can be quite painful and could lead to a loss of mobility, particularly in conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. Oregano oil can soothe inflammation.

Studies have shown that oregano oil can reduce the formation of fluids that leads to inflammation. The oil contains a compound known as carvacrol, which inhibits the release of inflammatory agents. Oregano oil considerably relieves the discomfort from swelling and is a good supplement with other treatments.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Benefit #2: Antiviral

Our immune system is hard at work protecting us from viruses. When a virus makes it into the body, our immune system springs into action to deal with the threat immediately. Quite often, we don’t even notice that there was a threat at all.

However, sometimes a virus can cause illness, and the side effects can be quite unpleasant. There are drugs and remedies that treat the symptoms of such an illness, and one remedy that helps the body fight against viral infections is oregano oil. If you use oregano oil, recovery can be surprisingly quick.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Benefit #3: Antiparasitic

The world is full of animals of all shapes and sizes, and the way that they survive is just as varied. Some animals survive by living inside or on other animals’ bodies. These animals are known as parasites. Bites from parasites could be only mildly irritating, but they could also cause potentially life-threatening complications.

It is best to prevent bites from parasites (such as fleas) in the first place, and oregano oil makes a very good repellent. Just rub some on the skin, and you should hopefully not get any bites at all. For internal parasites, ingest some oregano oil, and the parasites should soon perish.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Benefit #4: Allergy Relief

Whenever something enters our bodies that should not be there, our immune system goes into defense mode to try and remove it. It is an effective system that helps keep us healthy, but it doesn’t always choose the right targets. Sometimes the immune system targets things that are not harmful, and this is known as an allergy.

Allergy symptoms include rashes, tears, itchy eyes, and sneezing. These symptoms can be uncomfortable and even debilitating in some cases. Remedies to relieve the symptoms are available, and oregano oil can also help.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Benefit #5: Antibacterial

Bacteria are everywhere. They are on your skin, on every surface you touch, and even in your food. The good news, though, is that the vast majority of them are completely harmless. Some, however, can be harmful and should be treated with caution.

Bacterial infections can cause serious illness, but certain remedies can help. Oregano oil has properties that fight a wide range of bacteria, from tonsillitis to E. coli. In addition, it does not have the side effects that some antibiotics do and does not encourage antibiotic resistance.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Benefit #6: Weight Loss

It can be all too easy to gain weight, and losing it is far more difficult than gaining it. While exercise and a healthy diet will obviously help, we can still use all the help we can get. There are various supplements and products on the market that can help, and one natural example is oregano oil.

Studies have shown that mice given carvacrol, a compound present in oregano oil, were less likely to gain weight than those without it. The mice also had lower levels of triglycerides and cholesterol in their blood. This doesn’t mean that losing weight will suddenly become easier, but it does mean that your efforts are more likely to see better results.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Benefit #7: Treats Candida

Yeasts are tiny members of the fungi family. There is a huge variety of yeast, some of which we find in cooking and other industrial, commercial, and domestic uses. Some can actually live on or inside our bodies. They often go unnoticed but can occasionally cause problems.

Candida is one type of yeast that is present in our bodies. If it gets out of control, it can lead to infections in the genitals, the mouth, and the digestive system. If untreated, it can potentially lead to serious complications. Treatments are available to help deal with candida infections. Oregano oil has been shown to be quite effective.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Benefit #8: Eases Digestion

Food not only tastes good, but it also provides energy and nutrients that we need to survive. The chemical process that breaks down food and extracts these nutrients is called digestion. However, digestion doesn’t always go as smoothly as we would like.

Oregano oil encourages the production of enzymes that help us digest our food faster. It also helps make sure we get as much nutrition as possible from our meals. If you have been having difficulties with digestion, oregano oil could well be the answer to your prayers.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Benefit #9: Good Mood

Even the happiest of us are not in a good mood all the time. Life can make us feel down, although this is often only temporary. Some people, however, struggle with their mood on a more permanent basis. This can be due to a number of factors, including physical condition and mental health.

Oregano oil contains various compounds, such as thymol, carvacrol, and terpinene, that are able to raise mood. They also reduce stress and help treat other psychological conditions. If you struggle to maintain a good mood from day to day, oregano oil could be just what you need.

Oregano Oil

Oregano Oil Benefit #10: Cancer Prevention

When cells become damaged, a natural mechanism in our bodies usually prevents them from multiplying further, but sometimes, this mechanism fails and the damaged cells begin to multiply rapidly. This is known as cancer, and it can be deadly, although we are making advancements in treating and even curing the disease.

Free radicals in the body cause cell damage and contribute to the risk of cancer. Free radicals are a product of oxidation, and antioxidants found in oregano oil prevent oxidation from occurring. This helps to reduce the chances of cancer developing, while also helping to slow the effects of aging.

Oregano Oil

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