10 Low Fiber Foods

By tallene
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Fiber! Fiber! Get your fiber! … or not! We’ve all heard the benefits that come with including a lot of fibrous food in our daily diets. It comes with a variety of benefits for our body such as helping with constipation and having regular bowel movements, keeping us full longer, cleansing out our intestines, and it even has heart benefits. So, what’s the scoop about low fiber and is it good for us?

Well, a low fiber diet benefits those who have issues with their digestive tract, sensitivities, and even those who are preparing for certain medical procedures. Yes, you read correctly, not only is a diet with plenty of fiber good for you but a diet with low fiber is also just as beneficial to those who need it. Here are 10 low fiber foods to get you started!

Low Fiber

Low Fiber Food #1: Tofu

Tofu is an option for those who are seeking a low fiber food. Tofu may sound intimidating, but it is in fact a food that has risen in popularity. Tofu originates from China and is included in many Asian cuisines today. It is made from curdled soy milk that is pressed into its familiar cube shape.

Tofu is packed with many nutrients and provides many benefits for our body. Tofu is an excellent source of iron, calcium, protein, and vitamins. It is also a great option for those who are vegetarian and can’t get protein from meat sources.

Low Fiber

Low Fiber Food #2: White Rice

White rice is another food option that is low in fiber. White rice has origins in Asian culture and cuisine but today it is widely used in many different cultural foods around the world. White rice is an excellent source of iron, manganese, magnesium, folic acid, thiamin, and niacin.

White rice should be eaten in small batches as the carbohydrate content is quite high. Also, white rice has a high glycemic index. However, it is an option for those who are looking for a low fiber food. White rice can also be paired and mixed with a variety of recipes!

Low Fiber

Low Fiber Food #3: Meat

Meat is a great choice for a low fiber diet because it doesn’t contain any fiber whatsoever! Meat, however, comes with many other nutrients and benefits for our body. Meat is a great source for protein for healthy nails, hair, skin, builds muscle tissue, and repairs damaged tissue. Also, it is a great source of iron, which is a key factor in carrying oxygen in the blood throughout the body.

Meat is a versatile ingredient and can be added to many different recipes and cuisines. However, if you are a vegetarian then meat will not be a good choice for you. Maybe you can eat tofu!

Low Fiber

Low Fiber Food #4: Fruit

Fruit on a low fiber diet is a little tricky because fruit contains dietary fiber in its skin and it can have too much fiber content when the fruit is eaten in large amounts. So, what’s the catch? Try peeling the skin of the fruit and only eating a small portion size a little at a time.

Another trick is to eat canned fruit or drink fruit juices without pulp. Fruit may be more tedious to prepare and eat making sure to eat the right amount of fiber allotted. However, fruit is very nutritious as it contains a ton of vitamin C!

Low Fiber

Low Fiber Food #5: Vegetables

Just like fruit, vegetables are also tricky to prepare for a low fiber diet. However, with the right measuring and planning it can be manageable. The skin should be peeled from the vegetable before eating and seeds should be removed. Also, the portion sizes should be small. Canned vegetables are an option and provide easy preparation for cooking.

Vegetable juice may also be utilized as long as it does not contain any pulp. A little more time and commitment is needed when preparing vegetables for a low fiber meal. However, remember that vegetables are very good for us even in a small amount. They provide a lot of vitamin C as well!

Low Fiber

Low Fiber Food #6: Eggs

Eggs are another type of food that is allowed on a low fiber diet. Eggs are very versatile and can be mixed with many different recipes. Eggs can also be prepared in many different ways, such as scrambled, hard-boiled, sunny side-up, and over-easy. Eggs are great for protein, iron, zinc, and B vitamins.

Protein is great for keeping our muscle tissues strong and our brains sharp. Iron is important for the transportation of oxygen in the blood throughout the body. Zinc and B vitamins are needed to ensure our body’s organs function normally. Remember these benefits the next time you’re cooking eggs!

Low Fiber

Low Fiber Food #7: Refined White Breads

This category of food offers a lot of options you may choose from. You can have dry cereals, white pasta, or white bread. The trick is to make sure that there is no more than two grams of dietary fiber per serving. You can mix and match these foods with a lot of different recipes to add variety to your diet. For example, for breakfast you can have Corn Flakes.

For lunch you can have an egg sandwich with white bread. And for dinner you can have white pasta paired with meat. It’s all about planning out your meals to decrease the stress that may come when first trying out a low fiber diet.

Low Fiber

Low Fiber Food #8: Yogurt

Yogurt is an option for a low fiber food. Not only does it fit the requirements of having low fiber content, but it also is packed with many other healthy benefits for your body. Yogurt is a dairy product as it contains milk. However, it also contains high amounts of protein, calcium, and even probiotics.

Probiotics are living bacteria that have beneficial properties especially when keeping your gut healthy. Make sure to look for yogurt that has little to no added sugar in it. Yogurt is great for snack time as the packaging is very convenient for on-the-go lifestyles.

Low Fiber

Low Fiber Food #9: Fish

Something smells fishy. Don’t worry because this is not a bad thing! Fish are great to add to your low fiber foods list. It provides our bodies with omega-3 fatty acids, iron, and protein. Omega-3 fatty acids are important because they help regulate and control our cholesterol levels, keep blood pressure down, and not to mention that fish is more effective in providing omega-3 fatty acids than other sources.

Omega-3 fatty acids are also called essential nutrients because our bodies cannot produce them, but we need them to function. So, don’t pass up on the fish!

Low Fiber

Low Fiber Food #10: Olive Oil

Olive oil is a low fiber food and contains many health benefits. Olive oil contains antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, and monounsaturated fats. Antioxidants are important because they inhibit any oxidation from happening, which can produce free radicals that may lead to cancer.

Having anti-inflammatory properties can also help reduce any risk of developing illnesses. It can even help with those who suffer from arthritis. Monounsaturated fats are healthy types of fat that can help keep your heart healthy. Olive oil is also associated with decreasing the risk for developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and also aiding in weight loss.

Low Fiber

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