10 Low Carb Breakfast Ideas

By tallene
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Many people struggle with getting in a healthy nutritious breakfast. Some are too busy in the morning or some simply do not have much of an appetite in the morning so may opt to grabbing a small muffin or bagel.

Regardless of which group you are in, studies have shown numerous positive health benefits to eating a protein-rich breakfast. For those of us who opt for a sugary muffin or a sugary bowl of cereal, this may cause more harm than good.

This list will go over low carbohydrate breakfasts that are not only healthy, they will have you feeling full and satisfied.

Low Carb Breakfast

Breakfast Idea #1: Eggs and Vegetables

Eggs and vegetables are always a great way to get in a healthy, filling breakfast. Eggs are packed with protein; just one egg contains 6 grams of protein. Moreover, eggs are a good source of vitamin D, vitamin B2, and vitamin B12.

To continue, eggs can be paired with a variety of different vegetables and still count as low carbohydrate. Spinach is a common pairing; however, eggs are also great with bell peppers, tomatoes, kale, or asparagus. Avoid greasy potatoes as, although potato is a vegetable, it is very high in carbohydrates. Onions, although they are high in carbs by weight, are usually consumed in small amounts because of their robust flavor. A half cup (58 grams) of sliced raw onions contains 6 grams of carbs, 1 of which is fiber. Thus, if adding onions, use in moderation.

Low Carb Breakfast

Breakfast Idea #2: Berry Smoothie with Coconut Milk

Unfortunately, life is hectic and getting an extra 10 minutes of sleep will be prioritized over cooking breakfast. This is okay! It happens, and we cannot control everything. One quick ready-to-go low carbohydrate breakfast includes a quick berry and coconut milk smoothie.

Not all fruits are low in carbohydrate so be careful when choosing fruit items. Luckily, berries are low in carbohydrates. Strawberries and blackberries are good low carbohydrate fruits to eat. Blueberries are slightly higher in carbohydrates, so you may want to avoid them if you are on a strict carbohydrate diet. For this smoothie, simply add ½ a cup of blueberries, 1 cup of spinach, and 7 oz. of coconut milk. This totals 12 grams of carbs.

Low Carb Breakfast

Breakfast Idea #3: Greek Yogurt and Sliced Almonds

Greek yogurt has become quite the trend these past few years. And it has done so with reason. Greek yogurt is a nutrition powerhouse that increases satiety with its high protein amount. In 1 cup of yogurt, one can get 25 grams of protein. This protein kick in the morning will keep you full until lunch. In addition, 1 cup of Greek yogurt contains just 8 grams of carbohydrates.

For flavor, add sliced almonds for a crunch and a boost in fat. The fat content will slow the absorption of food and will help you feel full longer. Use the sliced almonds in moderation (about 2 tbsp.); almonds are low in carbohydrates but too much can add up.

Low Carb Breakfast

Breakfast Idea #4: Tofu Scramble

Tofu is a soybean product. It is made from the curds of soymilk. Those curds are pressed into blocks and can be made into different textures—soft, firm, and extra-firm. Tofu originated in China; however, it has become a staple food for many here in the United states. Especially non-meat eaters.

A half-cup of tofu delivers 10 grams of protein for only 88 calories. That’s about half as much protein, but 45 fewer calories than the same amount of roasted, skinless chicken. In addition to protein, tofu gives you iron (11% DV) and zinc (7%; both are needed for cell growth and immunity), bone-building calcium (25% DV; make sure you look for calcium-set tofu, the kind packed in liquid), selenium and potassium (5% DV), among other nutrients. Eating soy foods has also been linked to a lower risk of heart disease. Scramble tofu with olive oil and cheese and low carbohydrate vegetables and you will have a great breakfast!

Low Carb Breakfast

Breakfast Idea #5: Spinach and Cheese Frittata

While frittatas are fair game for any veggie scraps and cheese nubs hiding in the fridge, I’d argue that few combinations are better than spinach and feta. The wilted greens are mixed with fresh bell peppers and creamy, briny feta for just the right balance of fresh and rich flavor.

A frittata is very easy to make. Do not let the fancy name scare you. Simply, throw in olive oil and sauté onions, spinach, and bell peppers for about 2–3 minutes. Pour the egg mixture over the vegetables. Cook, undisturbed, until the eggs at the edges of the pan begin to set, for about 2 minutes. Transfer the pan to the oven and bake until the eggs are completely set, 8–10 minutes. To check, cut a small slit in the center of the frittata. If raw eggs run into the cut, bake for another few minutes; if the eggs are set, pull the frittata from the oven. Cool in the pan for 5 minutes, top with feta.

Low Carb Breakfast

Breakfast Idea #6: Omelet Stuffed Bell Peppers

Omelet stuffed bell peppers are amazing low carb but filling breakfasts. For one serving, simply cut one bell pepper into half. Remove the seeds and bake the bell pepper at 400 degrees for 5 minutes. While this is baking, mix 2 eggs, 2 bacon slices, and cheddar cheese in a bowl. Pour the mixture into the bell peppers. Bake at 400 degrees for an additional 30 minutes.

This breakfast comes out to just 12 grams of carbohydrates and 26 grams of protein. This filling breakfast will not only have you feeling full, it will provide you with numerous nutrients, such as folate, vitamin D, iron, and vitamin B12. If you halve the serving of the bell pepper, you can decrease the carb amount.

Low Carb Breakfast

Breakfast Idea #7: Chocolate and Strawberry Smoothie

As mentioned above, strawberries are a great low carbohydrate fruit. And since everyone enjoys chocolate, this chocolate and strawberry smoothie will satisfy any sweet tooth.

For this specific smoothie, simply add a ½ cup of strawberries, 1 cup of coconut milk, and 1 oz. of chocolate whey protein. This all comes out to an impressive 20.9 grams of protein and just 15 g of carbohydrates. This smoothie should only take 5 minutes to make and for those busy mornings, I would highly recommend this meal. Also, if not a fan of coconut milk, almond milk can easily be substituted for coconut milk.

Low Carb Breakfast

Breakfast Idea #8: Sausage and Egg Muffin Cups

Another delicious way to eat meat for a low carb breakfast on the go is to bake sausage and eggs in a muffin cup. Adding asparagus, spinach, and tomatoes to this muffin cup mixture would be a great way to add vegetables to your mornings as well. Egg dishes are great because they taste good with a variety of different vegetables. With a whopping 21.3g of protein and only 1.6g of net carbs per serving, prep these sausage and egg muffin cups for a high protein, low carbohydrate diet. If you would also like to add bacon to increase the protein amount that is also possible. Just be mindful of the total calorie intake.

For this recipe, preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a muffin tin with twelve wells. Simply combine the sausage, eggs, and vegetables of choice into muffin well and bake for 25–30 minutes. A very simple recipe with great results.

Low Carb Breakfast

Breakfast Idea #9: Apple and Almond Butter

Sometimes, we do not have time for a full breakfast. Often, when this occurs, we tend to reach for high-calorie granola bars or we simply do not eat breakfast at all. However, when we skip breakfast, we usually tend to overeat, causing us to be in a calorie excess rather than a calorie deficit. This is something many of us do not want.

One quick and easy low carbohydrate breakfast would be an apple and two tablespoons of almond butter. This is a quick breakfast that is rich in vitamins and minerals. Apples are rich in fiber. This will slow absorption of food and keep us feeling full longer. Although it is more ideal to eat a bigger breakfast, an apple would be better than a granola bar or skipping breakfasts all together.

Low Carb Breakfast

Breakfast Idea #10: Avocado and Salmon

Avocado and Salmon is a great combination. This combination provides you with a significant amount of protein and fat. Diets low in carbohydrates have been linked to decreasing the chances of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and metabolic syndrome. In addition, avocados and salmon are rich in omega 3s, which have been linked to improved cognitive function and decreased inflammation.

For this breakfast, simply grab an avocado and bake or grill some salmon. Using one avocado and 2 oz of salmon will provide you with 19 grams of protein and 10 grams of fat. This is great breakfast to start your day.

Low Carb Breakfast

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