10 Liver Failure Symptoms

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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The liver is an organ that we cannot live without. It has numerous functions, one of which is to clean the blood of impurities and toxins. If it cannot do this then our blood will become toxic to us, and we will die. Liver transplants are available, although they are not always successful and can lead to various complications.

Liver failure is a serious condition, so it pays to know what to look for. If you catch it early then you may be able to cure it or at least limit the damage. Here are some of the signs that suggest that you might have liver damage.

Liver Failure

Symptom #1: Brown Urine

You have probably noticed at times how your urine is not always the same color. This is largely down to what you put in your body, although there are other factors. It could also be down to having certain impurities being present in the blood and this could suggest liver failure.

The liver is responsible, among other things, for processing bilirubin. This is a compound that is a by-product of breaking down red blood cells. Bilirubin is yellow-brown in color, and having this substance in your urine is likely to make your urine turn brown as well. If you do have discolored urine, you should arrange to get it checked out.

Liver Failure

Symptom #2: Abdomen Pain

Eat the wrong type of food and there’s a good chance you will feel it later. Abdomen pain from indigestion and similar problems is quite common, and not usually something to worry about. Sometimes, though, pain in the abdomen is something that should have you quite concerned.

A failing liver can become inflamed and this can be rather painful. It is the kind of pain that will really get your attention and less likely to be passed off as indigestion. It is something that you should arrange to get checked out by a medical professional if the symptom does not go away.

Liver Failure

Symptom #3: Edema

Edema is the name for an unusual collection of fluids in part of the body. It often occurs around the ankles and feet, which is a result of gravity of pulling the fluids downward. This happens when there is a problem with the circulation and this can be caused by illness such as heart problems and liver failure.

The liver has many functions, one of which is to make proteins that help regulate the flow of blood in the body. With the blood not flowing around the body as it should, it can begin to accumulate toward the bottom of the legs. This is a symptom that is caused by several factors and is something that you should arrange to get checked.

Liver Failure

Symptom #4: Appetite Loss

A healthy appetite is important in terms of maintaining our good health. This is because it encourages us to eat, and eating is essential to us. If you don’t eat enough then there is a good chance that you will fall ill. Not getting the right nutrition will have an impact on our natural immune system and can cause a range of other problems.

One symptom of liver failure is that you may just not feel like eating. Nutrition is so important to us, though, that you should make sure you get the nutrients that you need regardless of how little you might feel like eating.

Liver Failure

Symptom #5: Itchy Skin

Our skin is interlaced with nerves, helping us to feel everything around us with ease. This can cause various sensations, of which one of the most common is itching. This can be very useful to us, while it is also sometimes more of a reaction to something.

If the liver is unable to keep the blood clean, it will result in various toxins and impurities being present in the blood. With the toxins flowing through the blood just beneath the surface of the skin, it can cause the skin to become itchy. There are numerous reasons why you might have itchy skin and you should see a doctor if it persists.

Liver Failure

Symptom #6: Nausea

Among the most common of all symptoms of being ill is nausea. This is the unpleasant sensation that you are not well and that you feel as though need to vomit. People can experience it in varying degrees, ranging from mildly uncomfortable to downright debilitating.

Another symptom that is commonly associated with nausea is vomiting. Excess vomiting can be a problem and hinder recovery from illnesses because it affects how many nutrients the patient is able to absorb. If either does exist for too long then you should make an appointment with your doctor to try and find out why.

Liver Failure

Symptom #7: Jaundice

Jaundice is a symptom that is typified by the patient’s skin taking on a yellowish color. In addition, the eyes will take on a yellowish tinge in a symptom that is really quite noticeable visibly. Jaundice is caused by liver failure because the liver is no longer able to process a certain compound, which is known as bilirubin.

Bilirubin is yellow/brown in color. With more of this yellow compound in the blood, it becomes noticeable from the surface of the skin. This is why jaundice causes people to turn yellow. Although it is not necessarily dangerous in itself, the cause is something that should be treated seriously.

Liver Failure

Symptom #8: Fatigue

Life can be very tiring sometimes. Sometimes, when we feel that we need a break, we end up with more on our plate instead. This can really wear us down, but a good rest is usually all it takes to have us feeling fresh again. For some people, though, even a good rest will not be enough to leave them feeling energized.

If you have liver failure then the body will not be able to generate as much energy as it usually would. This can leave you feeling tired and fatigued all the time and not in the mood to do anything. If you are experiencing fatigue for no apparent reason, make an appointment with our doctor to find out the reason why.

Liver Failure

Symptom #9: Pale Stools

Our stools are usually a shade of brown. This shade can vary according to what we have been eating. Our stools can tell us a lot about our diet. In the past, doctors would have looked at stools as a way to gauge a person’s overall health. We still do today in a sense, albeit in more detail to look for specific illnesses.

If you are experiencing liver failure, your stools are likely to be paler than usual. Alternatively, they could be bloody or have a tar-like color and consistency. Abnormal stools are a sign that something is quite wrong, so you should make sure you find out what the problem is.

Liver Failure

Symptom #10: Easy Bruising

If you cut yourself it won’t usually be long before the bleeding stops. This is because the blood coagulates at the site of the wound, causing a clot to block the entrance. This stops us from bleeding to death but the system does not always work as it should. In cases of liver damage, the patient may have difficulty in stemming their bleeding.

Proteins that help the blood to clot are produced in the liver. If the liver is unable to produce these proteins, the blood cannot clot as well as it usually would. This can lead to easy bruising, while you may also have difficulty stopping cuts from bleeding.

Liver Failure

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