10 Signs of Liver Damage

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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The liver is very important to us. One of its main functions is to keep the blood clean of toxins and other impurities. If it is unable to do this effectively, our blood can become awash with substances that can make us quite ill. The liver also performs other important functions in the body.

We cannot survive without our livers, and people with liver damage will find that their health will begin to deteriorate. While some problems can be overcome, others are incurable. In many cases, the best option is to try to manage the problem and limit the impact of the symptoms.

Below are 10 signs of liver damage to look out for. If you do suspect a problem with your liver then you should arrange to speak with a doctor soon.

Liver Damage

Sign #1: Abdominal Distension

One of the key features associated with cirrhosis, acute liver failure, and many other liver diseases is the presence of abdominal distension. The distended abdomen is caused by fluid extravasation from the circulatory system into the extracellular compartment. This fluid buildup in the abdomen is called ascites and it is a sign that medical attention is required in order to reach a diagnosis and establish the treatment options.

Liver Damage

Sign #2: Yellow Skin

Most of the time, we have a healthy “glow” to our skin. This is often a good indicator of our health, and a lack of this glow can suggest that all is not well with us. If your skin takes on a yellow color, it is a clear indication that you may be very ill indeed. Yellow skin usually means that there is a problem with the liver.

As the liver is unable to deal with the bilirubin, this chemical is going to accumulate in the body. One of the most common manifestations of liver failure and other liver disease is the yellow coloring of the skin and mucosae, also known as jaundice. This is better observed on daylight. Many conditions may cause jaundice like Gilbert’s disease and are not necessarily associated with liver damage.

Liver Damage

Sign #3: Dark Urine

The topic of urine is not something that is usually high on the list of things to talk about, but it can be important nonetheless. The color of your urine, as well as other factors such as the smell, can tell you a great deal about your overall health. If you do notice something unusual, you should arrange to get it checked out.

The accumulation of bilirubin in the body due to liver disease can cause the urine to turn darker. This is a common finding in patients with viral hepatitis but it can be seen in multiple liver conditions as well.

Liver Damage

Sign #4: Nausea

When we fall ill, we will often have a sensation that we are about to vomit. It can also feel as though the room is spinning out of control, while there can also be some discomfort in the stomach area. It can be caused by a huge range of things, and liver damage is one of them.

It can be easy to overlook nausea as not being serious, but it can be a sign of something that deserves your full attention. If it persists then you should make an appointment with a medical professional so they can try and find the cause. Nausea will often also lead to vomiting, which can cause problems in itself.

Liver Damage

Sign #5: Itchy Skin

It is not unusual for us to have itchy skin. It might be caused by something harmless, like clothing that has been irritating you. It could also be caused by something more serious, though, and should not be treated with complacency. If you do have itchy skin and you don’t know why, you should try and find out the cause.

The liver usually does a good job of helping to keep the blood clean. If there is a problem, though, then it can no longer do this effectively. This means impurities and toxins flowing through the blood, as well as bilirubin, and this can cause the skin to become itchy.

Liver Damage

Sign #6: Abdominal Pain

Develop a pain in the abdomen area, and your first thought is likely to be that you might have eaten something you should not have. Pains in the abdomen are often down to having eaten something that disagrees with you, although they are also sometimes down to an illness. It can also be a sign that there is a problem with your liver.

Pain associated with cirrhosis usually manifests in the upper right quadrant of the abdomen but it can also be seen in other parts of the abdomen, especially if the liver is enlarged (hepatomegaly).

Liver Damage

Sign #7: Chronic Fatigue

We all get tired sometimes. Work can be hard, play can be hard, and life can be hard. This is not usually too much of a problem, though, as we can get some rest and be as good as new again the next day. This is not always so easy for everybody, though. If you are suffering from prolonged fatigue, it could be down to a problem with your liver.

The liver is responsible for many things, and if it is not functioning as it should then it can cause you to become fatigued. Resting or eating won’t solve the problem, and you will wake the next day feeling fatigued no matter how well you slept.

Liver Damage

Sign #8: Confusion

Depending on the severity and extent of the damage to the liver, a condition known as hepatic encephalopathy may appear. This condition is a common complication associated with cirrhosis and it is seen in almost 70% of patients with this condition.

The key finding associated with hepatic encephalopathy is the changes in mental status. Depending on the severity of the disease, the changes can be mild like confusion, slow reaction time, and irritability. On the other hand, in more severe cases, it can lead to drowsiness and eventually coma.

Liver Damage

Sign #9: Bruising Easily

When we are injured, our blood forms clots to plug up any gaps to stop the blood from leaking out. This is obviously very useful, essential, even, as we need our blood to survive. Certain illnesses and conditions, however, can prevent the blood from clotting to plug these gaps. One such illness is liver damage.

The liver helps in the production of proteins that help the blood to clot when it needs to. If the liver is not functioning properly, then the blood may be lacking these important proteins. This can lead to easy bruising because blood will escape from the blood vessels more so than usual.

Liver Damage

Sign #10: Loss of Appetite

It is very important for us to take in the nutrition that we need. If we don’t take on enough then we can become quite ill. Our appetites are usually enough to make sure that we take on all the food that we need. It is not uncommon though for us to lose our appetites should we come down with an illness.

Problems with the liver are likely to have an effect on our digestive system, as well as difficulties with cleaning the blood. This and other factors can cause us to lose our appetite, sometimes quite drastically. Regardless of loss of appetite, it is still important for you to keep on taking in all the food that you need.

Liver Damage

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