10 Symptoms of Lichen Sclerosus

By james
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Lichen sclerosus is a skin condition that gets its name from the lichen appearance of the rashes it causes on the skin. There is very little known about the condition or what causes it. Some think it might be hormonal and others suspect it is an infection of sorts. Some experts also suspect it might be genetic, but further research is required.

It is found mainly on the genitals and can cause some considerable discomfort. In some cases, it can have a negative impact on the overall quality of the patient’s life.

It is not curable, but treatments are available that might at least decrease the severity of the symptoms. It is a rare condition, not that that’s any consolation for those that have it.

Lichen Sclerosus

Symptom #1: Smooth White Patches

If you are ill, you can sometimes tell just by looking at your skin. Some illnesses can cause some effects on the skin that are quite distinct and can give away an illness quite easily, or at least narrow it down to a group of culprits. Go to the doctor with an illness, and they will often ask if you have any rashes or other skin conditions.

Lichen sclerosus causes smooth, white patches of the skin that are fairly distinct. This in itself can help doctors come to a quick diagnosis, or at least point them in the right direction early on.

Lichen Sclerosus

Symptom #2: Rash on Genitals

Rashes can appear pretty much anywhere on the surface of the skin. You can be affected in small areas from the head to the toes or, in some cases, your entire body might be covered. However, specific conditions can cause rashes in specific locations, helping doctors to pinpoint the cause.

Rashes caused by lichen sclerosus are most likely to appear on the genitals and around the anus. Some might find it embarrassing but you should tell the doctor and maybe also let them examine the area to help them reach a diagnosis. While the genitals and anus are the most common locations for the rash, it can also occur on the breasts, upper arms, and upper body.

Lichen Sclerosus

Symptom #3: No Symptoms

Just because you have an illness, it does not necessarily mean that you will suffer from negative side effects because of it. Sometimes, even potentially deadly diseases may be caught by somebody without them showing any symptoms whatsoever. They can sometimes go for years without showing symptoms, or sometimes even never.

Many people that have lichen sclerosus will show no symptoms at all throughout their lives. Others might find that they develop symptoms only occasionally, which will then disappear not to be seen for months or even years. As such, it is sometimes detected just by chance as the patient is being tested for other illnesses.

Lichen Sclerosus

Symptom #4: Redness

Red skin can be caused by a lot of things. It can be caused by a burn, by coming into contact with an irritant, and by a range of illnesses. This makes it difficult to pinpoint the cause as a symptom on its own, but it can be helpful when associated with other symptoms.

Redness of the skin is another symptom that can be caused by lichen sclerosus. If you do have this symptom along with others, it could help the doctor to understand what is causing the problem. Such symptoms can also be caused by something quite serious, so you should get it checked out just to be sure.

Lichen Sclerosus

Symptom #5: Pain

It is not normal to experience pain unless we have recently picked up an injury. While our joints might be sore for no apparent reason at times, we should remain otherwise pain free. If you are experiencing a pain which is not of the typical aches and pains that are part of life, it could be a sign that all is not well with you.

Lichen sclerosus can cause quite a bit of pain and other discomfort on the skin. It can be sore to the touch and can cause the patient pain even when there is nothing contacting it. Such pains can be a sign of something serious, so you should arrange to see an expert to have it checked.

Lichen Sclerosus

Symptom #6: Itching

Itching can be enough to drive us mad at times. We can feel as though scratching the area will help give some relief, but the itching can continue no matter how much you might scratch it. It can be even worse for young children who struggle to understand why they are itching, and have difficulty resisting scratching it.

Itching is another potential symptom of lichen sclerosus. It can vary from person to person from being barely noticeable to downright unbearable. A doctor may be able to prescribe something that can help to ease the symptoms at least a little bit. There are also some homemade remedies that might be able to soothe the symptoms.

Lichen Sclerosus

Symptom #7: Wrinkled Patches

We tend not to get wrinkles until we reach our middle ages at least. This is largely down to the decrease of collagen in the skin that helps to give skin its natural elasticity. Wrinkled patches of skin can also be caused by a variety of conditions, including lichen sclerosus.

In addition to becoming wrinkly, the skin can also become blotchy in areas. These are fairly clear signs that you could have lichen sclerosus and they could help a medical professional reach a correct diagnosis. It can also be a sign of something more serious, and it is best to be safe and get it checked out to be sure.

Lichen Sclerosus

Symptom #8: Tearing

Although soft and flexible, our skin is also tough enough to withstand the rigors of everyday life. The occasional bumps and abrasions are of little concern and will cause little damage to flexible skin, if any. For some people, though, even the slightest of knocks can result in considerable tears in the skin.

Lichen sclerosus can cause the skin to tear quite easily as it can become very thin. It can also lead to bruising from even the slightest of knocks. Those with the condition may need to be extra careful to prevent causing themselves any harm and they may have to sit out on certain activities.

Lichen Sclerosus

Symptom #9: Sores and Bleeding

Our bodies are generally quite good at healing themselves. If we do pick up injuries, then they will generally heal themselves fairly quickly. In cases where the skin is not as strong as it usually is, though, it can be much harder for the body to keep up with the healing process.

In severe cases, lichen sclerosus can cause sores that are very similar to ulcers. It can also cause considerable bleeding and areas will need to be taken care of to avoid infections. Symptoms like these can be a sign of cancer and other serious problems, so don’t waste any time in getting it checked out.

Lichen Sclerosus

Symptom #10: Painful Sex

Sex is one of the most natural and most enjoyable experiences that we can take part in. Not only is it pleasurable, but it also helps to strengthen bonds between partners and is considered by many to be good for our mental health. Plus, of course, it serves a very practical purpose in that it allows us to reproduce.

For some people, though, even this simple pleasure is not so enjoyable. With sores and rashes affecting the genital area, sex can become quite painful for people with lichen sclerosus. It can be frustrating, embarrassing, and can also lead to relationship tension.

Lichen Sclerosus

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