10 Causes of Lichen Planus

By james
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Our immune system is very effective at fighting and killing unwanted intruders such as viruses and bacteria. This helps to keep us safe from disease, despite threats existing all around us. While it is effective at attacking intruders, though, it can also be effective at attacking our own bodies.

Lichen planus is an autoimmune disease, which means the body is being attacked by its own immune system. The condition usually presents as an itchy rash on various parts of the body. The exact reasons for it are little known and more research is being done, although it is a fairly rare condition so funding is limited.

Regardless, we have still been able to identify a number of factors that can act as a trigger for the condition.

Lichen Planus

Cause #1: Vaccines

Vaccines are among the most effective factors that contribute to the standard of living we can enjoy today. They help to protect us and our children from potentially fatal diseases, and infant mortality rates have plummeted since vaccines became available. They have even helped in the eradication of some diseases altogether.

They are not perfect, though, and some people might have negative reactions to them. Some people that have the flu vaccine might find that it causes them to develop lichen planus. Regardless of the potential risks, though, the negatives of vaccines are far outweighed by the positives.

Lichen Planus

Cause #2: Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Generally speaking, drugs are a massive positive to mankind. They help to protect against illnesses and cure diseases that would once have killed us. They also help to make us feel good and are beneficial in so many other ways. Unfortunately, though, we need to use them carefully as they can have many negative side effects.

Some drugs are known to be able to cause lichen planus. Some anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen can lead to the condition, for example. If you develop a rash, you should always let your doctor know about any drugs that you are using.

Lichen Planus

Cause #3: Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is an infection of the liver that causes the liver to become inflamed. It is among the most common types of hepatitis and is transmitted through infected blood. Many people will have it for years and not be aware, whereas in others it can cause severe damage and lead to a range of symptoms.

Hepatitis C is also known to be a contributor to lichen planus. Indeed, many cases of the liver infection are detected because of the presence of lichen planus. Hepatitis C is not always treatable, but it can often be treated to help limit damage and symptoms.

Lichen Planus

Cause #4: Metals

There is a huge range of metals that we know of. Many of them, such as iron, gold, and silver are familiar to us. Others, though, are not so common and there are likely many you have never heard of. While we tend not to think of metals as something that can cause reactions, some people need to be mindful when coming into contact with them.

Because metals don’t usually cause reactions, they would not often spring to mind when looking for causes of a rash. That is unless you have been in contact with toxic metals such as lead or mercury. Don’t forget that we will also come into contact with metals through the food that we eat.

Lichen Planus

Cause #5: Chemicals

You usually won’t have to look far in the home before you find some kind of chemical. They are often excellent for cleaning and help to keep the home hygienic. They can be quite caustic, though, and should be used with caution. For some people, however, coming into contact with otherwise harmless chemicals can cause an unwelcome reaction.

Lichen planus can sometimes be triggered by coming into contact with chemicals. Photographers, in particular, are prone to developing lichen planus after coming into contact with chemicals used in the developing process. When working with chemicals, you should always try and use all necessary precautions.

Lichen Planus

Cause #6: Heart Medications

The heart is an organ that we need to take care of. It is essential for our survival and well-being and we would literally die without it. Sometimes, though, things can go wrong, especially as we get older. We are working on ways to overcome problems, though, and this includes some medications.

While medications can help to keep the heart working as it should, they can have their drawbacks. One such drawback is that some can cause lichen planus. The same also goes for some medications that help treat arthritis and high blood pressure. You should always inform your doctor if you are experiencing any reactions to medications you are using.

Lichen Planus

Cause #7: Injuries

Most of us will pick up an injury at some point in our lives. They can be very painful, and also very scary, but we will usually make a full recovery, depending on the severity. Most injuries are quite small anyway and will usually heal themselves in a short amount of time.

Injuries can also cause some unexpected side effects, though, such as lichen planus. An injury can cause the immune system to become particularly sensitive to an area, causing it to attack its own body. It is often the skin cells that are attacked, resulting in the rash associated with lichen planus.

Lichen Planus

Cause #8: Stress

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health for your overall well-being. It is important to take care of your mental health as well as you can and this includes taking time to relax, meeting other people, and having some fun. Take on too much, and you could find yourself suffering from stress.

Too much stress can trigger problems such as lichen planus as well as some other noticeable skin conditions. It is a sign that you need to try and take a step back if you can and take some time to relax. If you need help with this, you should find that plenty is available.

Lichen Planus

Cause #9: Allergens

The world is full of substances that might be harmful to us. If we do come into contact with such substances, then our bodies will react to try and deal with them. Sometimes, though, the body will recognize harmless substances as being harmful to us, and react as such. These are known as allergens, and they can affect us in different ways.

One possible reaction from an allergen is that they can trigger lichen planus. When trying to find the cause of the condition, doctors will often test you for allergens. Remember that some allergic reactions can be very dangerous, so they should not be taken too lightly.

Lichen Planus

Cause #10: Genetics

Many conditions are a result of certain information being passed down in our DNA from our parents. It means that we can be more likely than others to develop certain conditions no matter what we might try to do to prevent it. Such conditions can range from being mildly annoying, to downright dangerous.

It is thought by some that genetics can also be an underlying factor behind lichen planus. There is a great deal of research that needs to be carried out and it is still not certain that a predisposition to lichen planus can be passed down in the family.

Lichen Planus

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