10 Hypochondriac Symptoms

By james
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Good health is one of the most valuable things that we can possess. It helps to keep us happy and also helps give us a long and fruitful life. Being ill can be very unpleasant, and can also sometimes shorten our lives considerably. With this in mind, it makes sense that we should take care of our health the best we can.

Although there is a risk of falling ill, though, most of us go through life without worrying about it too much. However, some people will be constantly worried about their health, or what might happen with their health in the future.

Hypochondriacs are people that worry about their health excessively, even when there is no need. Below are 10 symptoms of hypochondria.


Symptom #1: Constant Checking

We tend not to go actively looking for illnesses, asides maybe from the occasional check-up with a doctor. Instead, we tend not to think about it and just react should genuine symptoms of illness arise. Some people, though, are rarely able to put it out of their mind and will continually be on the look for signs that they are ill.

A hypochondriac will find that they often need to be checking that they are not ill. They don’t need to wait for any symptoms, they will go proactively looking for symptoms instead. Even knowing that they rarely find something wrong is not enough to stop them from looking.


Symptom #2: Easily Alarmed

It’s almost inevitable that we will fall ill from time to time. We are surrounded by pathogens and our immune systems do not provide 100% protection. Still, though, when we do fall ill, we tend to just take it in our stride. Depending on the severity of the illness, of course.

Somebody that is a hypochondriac, however, is likely to become alarmed at even the slightest of illnesses. Even just a cold can have them panicking, whereas the rest of us would likely be looking at a quiet night in. Even just a minor symptom such as a cough or a sneeze can be enough to send them into a panic.


Symptom #3: Preoccupied about Illness

It’s true that there are many diseases that could make us very, very ill. It is also true that few, if any, people are completely safe from them. Still, though, the chances of contracting them is very slim. What’s more is that there’s little point in worrying yourself about something you have little to no control over.

Despite the small odds of contracting something serious, though, hypochondriacs can find themselves worrying about it a great deal. They can even find themselves becoming distant as they become preoccupied with the thought of falling ill. It has the potential to get in the way of having some fun on occasions.


Symptom #4: Acute Distress

Serious illnesses can be devastating to whole families. Not only can the patient suffer, but also those that are closest to them. There can be so much concern about what the future holds and how much pain will be endured that the patient can sometimes find it difficult to focus and get things done.

This much is understandable, but some of the time, such distress is far less logical. Hypochondriacs can find that their concerns about getting sick cause them to experience acute distress. In severe cases, it can even become debilitating and leave them unable to function as effectively as they should.


Symptom #5: Worrying about Minor Symptoms

Getting aches and pains is just a part of life, especially as we get older. It is not uncommon to experience such pains in part of the body, only then for them to disappear as mysteriously as they arrived. We can also experience coughs and sneezes but these are often down to atmospheric conditions and irritants rather than an actual illness.

We wouldn’t usually worry much about minor symptoms, at least not until they get worse or linger for longer than they should. A hypochondriac, though, can find themselves getting worried even at the earliest onsets of any perceived symptom. Their concern is often that a minor symptom will be a sign of something far more serious.


Symptom #6: Concern over Hereditary Conditions

Some illnesses are hereditary. Basically, we get them from one or more of our parents as they are passed down in our genes. This means that if your parents had certain illnesses, there’s an increased chance that you do too, or will develop them at some point later.

If a hypochondriac is aware of hereditary conditions in the family, they can become obsessively concerned by them. Even if there is only a slightly increased risk, they can still be worried as if it is almost an inevitability. Most of the time, they end up worrying about something that never happens to them.


Symptom #7: Not Reassured

Every now and then, we might need to get a check-up at the doctor. We might experience symptoms that are worth getting checked out, even if it does turn out to be nothing to worry about. In such circumstances, it can be such a relief when the test results come back negative and you are given the all clear.

Hypochondriacs, however, are less likely to feel reassured when test results come back in their favor. Even after being given the all clear, they can still find themselves concerned that they have a serious illness. They can find themselves asking for second opinions, and more, and still not be satisfied with the feedback.


Symptom #8: Favorite Topic

It’s not often that we will feel the need to talk about our health. Even when we do feel the need to tell others about our problems, it tends to be to complain rather than to voice concern. For a hypochondriac, though, the condition of their health can be their most favorite topic of all.

If you know a hypochondriac, there is a good chance that they will be talking about their health at every given opportunity. They will slip it into conversation whenever possible, even changing the subject sometimes. Casually ask after their well-being, and you could find yourself getting a detailed assessment of their health concerns.


Symptom #9: Avoiding Activities

It’s a big world out there, with so much to see and do. Some of these things are potentially dangerous to us, but we weigh up those risks according to our personalities and lifestyle. There is also a risk of catching serious diseases from other people, but that risk is usually very low.

While we will generally calculate risk on a case-by-case basis, we don’t usually allow it to stop us from getting involved in activities. We will still take part in some events and meet new people, but this can be hard for a hypochondriac. Out of fear for their health, a hypochondriac will often be reluctant to get involved or meet new people.


Symptom #10: Researching Illnesses

The internet is a marvelous tool. It gives us access to an incredible amount of information on pretty much any topic there is. Even amateurs are able to study up and learn about specific topics, and this includes medical topics such as diseases and their symptoms.

A hypochondriac will often spend quite a lot of time on the internet researching about illnesses. They will often look up any symptoms that they might be suffering from and try to diagnose perceived illnesses. In many cases, they can convince themselves they have certain diseases, even though there may be nothing wrong with them at all.


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