10 Home Remedies For Warts

By james
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Warts are fairly common and are most likely to affect the hands or feet. They are caused by an infection of the HPV virus that manages to penetrate tiny scratches in the skin.

Warts cause rough patches or bumps on the skin and they will often remain for a few years until they die off naturally. While warts are not necessarily dangerous, they can be unsightly. They can also be painful depending on where they are located.

Medications are available that will help remove warts but they are not always effective. You could also try some home remedies, some of which are thought to be very effective.


Home Remedy #1: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a very popular ingredient when it comes to home remedies, while it is also sometimes used in cooking. It has various medicinal properties, while it also contains compounds that are thought to be able to help prevent numerous diseases.

To use it, simply apply some directly to the affected area before sleeping at night, covering it with a bandage before you go to bed. Bear in mind that apple cider vinegar is acidic and can burn, so you might want to dilute it in water first. Continue with this remedy and the wart should hopefully start disappearing within a few days.


Home Remedy #2: Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is extracted from the leaves of the tea tree. The tree is found living naturally in Australia and is not related to the plant from which the beverage tea is made. Tea tree oil is often used as a home remedy, most commonly conditions with the skin.

Tea tree oil is thought to have antimicrobial properties and this can be very useful when it comes to dealing with warts. To use it, just add some directly onto the wart and then cover it with a bandage. Remove the bandage every day and wash the area before repeating the process again.


Home Remedy #3: Baking Soda

When baking powder reacts with other chemicals, it produces carbon dioxide. This makes it useful in cooking because it fills dough and pastries with tiny bubbles as it is being baked. This causes them to rise and become light and fluffy. Baking soda also has some other uses around the home.

Baking soda also has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties and this can make it suitable for dealing with warts. Mix some baking soda with some white vinegar to make a paste and apply the paste directly onto the wart and then cover the wart with a bandage. Repeat this twice a day.


Home Remedy #4: Banana Peels

We should really try to get bananas into our diets quite often. They are a very good source of vitamins and minerals and also low in calories. They are also very convenient to eat and make a delicious and nutritious snack for people that are too busy to make something else to eat.

Many people also use bananas to help treat warts. Peel a banana and apply it directly to the wart, using tape or a bandage to keep it in place. The peel contains various chemicals that help to dissolve warts, while antioxidants will also help prevent more from occurring.


Home Remedy #5: Bee Propolis

Bee propolis is a substance that bees use to plug small gaps in their hives. It is made using saliva, beeswax, and some other substances. Bee propolis is also thought to have various medicinal properties and many people us the substance as a remedy for warts.

Bee propolis is usually available from pharmacies and health stores and is easy to use as a remedy. Simply apply some directly to the wart and leave it in place for a few hours. You can use a bandage to help keep the propolis in place and you can apply it at night before going to bed.


Home Remedy #6: Vitamin C Tablets

Vitamin C tablets are usually taken orally, and often when somebody is feeling ill. This is because vitamin C helps to give the immune system a boost, helping the body to fight off the illness. Vitamin C tablets can also be used in other ways, though, including as a topical remedy for warts.

Take a vitamin C tablet and crush it into a powder. Then, mix this powder with water to make a paste. Once you have made the paste, apply it to the wart and use a bandage to cover it. The acidity of the tablets should help to dissolve the wart. Repeat this every day until the wart has gone.


Home Remedy #7: Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is very well known in healthy living circles. Aloe vera is a kind of plant that holds a gel-like substance that is thought to have wide-ranging health benefits. It also has certain properties that help to make it a remedy for various skin problems, including warts.

If you have an aloe vera plant at home then you can get the gel directly from one of its thick leaves. You can then apply this gel directly onto the wart, using a bandage to help keep it in place. Repeat this twice every day until the wart clears up. You can also purchase the gel from a pharmacy if needed.


Home Remedy #8: Pineapple

Pineapple is a fruit that is often used in cooking, while it can also be eaten directly. As well as being juicy and delicious, pineapple is also a very good source of vitamins and minerals. It is also used a lot in fruit juices, although the debate still rages over whether or not it is OK to have it on a pizza.

Another potential use for pineapple is in helping to get rid of warts. All you need to do is to take some fresh pineapple and place it directly on the wart, you can use a bandage to help keep it in place. Fresh pineapple contains enzymes that will help to dissolve the wart.


Home Remedy #9: Aspirin

Aspirin is found in home medicine cabinets across the planet. It is a mild painkiller and is often used to treat headaches and fevers. It is also sometimes used in people with heart conditions because it helps to thin the blood and prevent blood clots. It can also be used as a remedy for warts.

Using aspirin as a wart remedy is quick and easy. Crush a couple of tablets into powder and mix them with water to make a paste. Apply this paste directly to the wart and use a bandage or similar to help keep it in place.


Home Remedy #10: Garlic

Garlic can be found in kitchens around the world. It works well as an ingredient in many dishes, helping to add the unmistakable flavor and aroma. It is also sometimes used as a condiment, allowing people to adjust their meals to their own liking.

Garlic is not only popular in cooking, but it is also quite common in home remedies. It is known to have properties that help fight against viruses, fungi, and bacteria. To use it, crush a fresh garlic clove and apply it directly to the wart. Leave the garlic in place for around 20 minutes before washing it away.


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