10 Home Remedies For Vertigo

By james
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Vertigo is a sensation of dizziness, or that the world around you is spinning. It is caused by problems with the inner ear, a part of the body that helps us to balance.

The symptoms are often quite mild but they can also be severe enough to have a serious impact on somebody’s quality of life. The exact causes of vertigo are not always clearly known, although there are some medications that can help. These are not always effective, though, occasionally leaving patients struggling to get by from day to day.

Fortunately, there are some home remedies that are able to help to at least reduce the severity of the symptoms.


Home Remedy #1: Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a type of tree, also known as the maidenhair tree. It is also often known as ginkgo or gingko. The tree is native to China and it has been found in fossil records dating back 270 million years. It has been cultivated by ancient civilizations both as a source of food and for its medicinal purposes.

Ginkgo biloba is thought to be able to help with a wide range of ailments and is one of the most popular herbal remedies available. Studies have shown it to be as effective as some prescription medications at dealing with vertigo.


Home Remedy #2: Epley Maneuver

Remedies will often involve herbs or other types of organic or chemical matter that has certain medical properties. This is not always the case, though, such as with the Epley maneuver. It is very easy to do and has no side effects, so there is no harm in at least giving it a go.

To perform the Epley maneuver, sit upright in bed with a pillow behind you. The pillow should be behind your shoulders when you lie down. Turn your head 4 degrees toward the side that you are feeling vertigo in and lay down quickly. Then, still laying down, turn your head 90 degrees in the opposite direction. Then, after 30 seconds, turn your body 90 degrees in the same direction for another 30 seconds before sitting up.


Home Remedy #3: Cardamom

Cardamom seeds come from a number of plants that are members of the ginger family. The plants are native to subtropical and tropical Asia. It is very popular worldwide and is among the most expensive of all spices on Earth. It is often used in cooking for its strong flavor and aroma, while it is also sometimes used in medicine.

To use cardamom as a remedy for vertigo, first heat two teaspoons of sesame oil. Then, add half a teaspoon of powdered cardamom and half a teaspoon of powdered cinnamon. Then, gently massage this into the head and leave for several hours. The massaging action can help to relieve your vertigo, while the aroma of the cardamom is also effective.


Home Remedy #4: Yoga

Yoga is an ancient Indian practice that is still performed all over the world today. It helps to keep people in good physical condition, while is also though the be good for spiritual and mental well-being. One of the best things about using yoga as a remedy is that it can be done anywhere provided there is enough space.

Remember first to try and find a quiet place where you have enough room, and where you are unlikely to be disturbed. Some of the most effective yoga poses to try are the corpse pose and the child’s pose. You will find plenty of information about performing yoga online, while you could also consider taking classes.


Home Remedy #5: Ginger

Ginger is one of the most commonly used ingredients in home remedies and it has been that way for a very long time. It was the ancient Chinese that first noticed its properties and they have been using it to cure sickness ever since. Today, it is often used to help cure cases of vertigo.

Studies have shown that ginger can be effective in overcoming problems such as motion sickness and vertigo. To use it as a remedy, you can try drinking ginger tea twice a day. Feel free to add some honey if you so wish. Alternatively, you could try chewing on a piece of ginger directly.


Home Remedy #6: Get Some Sleep

It is often difficult to get some sleep in the day time, especially when we are at work. Regardless, if you are suffering from a vertigo attack then you are likely to be struggling to get anything done anyway. Taking a short nap may be able to improve your performance overall.

Vertigo is often down to a lack of sleep, so you should also try to make sure that you are getting enough sleep at night. Try to avoid using electronics for an hour before you go to bed, maybe try reading a book in bed instead. If you have difficulty sleeping, then your doctor may be able to help.


Home Remedy #7: Drink Water

Sometimes, the solution to your problems may literally come out of a faucet. If you are experiencing a vertigo attack, pouring yourself a glass of water to drink may be just what you need. This is because quite often the underlying cause of vertigo is dehydration.

Try to make sure you are hydrated at all times to prevent a vertigo attack from occurring at all, especially when the weather is hot. You should also try to reduce your sodium intake as too much sodium can also cause you to become dehydrated. You should also try to avoid caffeine and anything else that can lead to dehydration.


Home Remedy #8: Vitamin D

For many people, it is not always easy to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Work and other commitments can be very demanding on our time and this can mean that we have little time to eat properly. If you are struggling to get a proper diet then it could lead to you developing vertigo.

Some studies have shown that a lack of vitamin D is responsible for vertigo in many cases. The good news is that vitamin D is common and it should be easy for you to get some in your diet. Try to maintain a healthy diet overall and it can be a considerable boost to your well-being.


Home Remedy #9: Massage

A massage is sometimes just what you need to help you feel fresh and invigorated. It can help to relax aching muscles and also helps to get the blood flowing through the body. It could also be just what you need if you are suffering from a vertigo attack.

Massaging the neck and head will help to ensure the blood is flowing freely. You can do this yourself any time you feel that you need to, although a professional masseuse is likely able to do a better job. You could also try having massages regularly to try and prevent a vertigo attack from beginning in the first place.


Home Remedy #10: Basil

The sweet aroma of basil can help to make many dishes irresistible. Plus, of course, there’s the unmistakable flavor that helps bring many dishes to life. In addition to being popular in the kitchen, basil can also be used as an ingredient in various remedies.

Basil’s aroma has made it very popular when it comes to aromatherapy. To use it, take one cup of milk, add 4 basil leaves, and then bring to the boil. You can then drink this solution and also inhale the fumes before you go to bed. You can repeat this every day to overcome vertigo and to help prevent it from occurring.


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