10 Home Remedies For UTI

By james
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The urinary tract is responsible for filtering toxins from the blood and then expelling them from the body. We only usually notice it in action when we need to use the bathroom, but it is operating 24/7 to help keep our bodies clean from toxins and other impurities.

The urinary tract, by nature, holds a lot of bacteria and these can lead to infections of the tract. Symptoms include fever, pain, vomiting, and cloudy or bloody urine. It tends to affect aging women the most, although it can affect people of any age and of both sexes.

A urinary tract infection (UTI) is not necessarily dangerous but should still be treated, and there are numerous home remedies that can help.


Home Remedy #1: Cut Coffee and Alcohol

Coffee and alcohol may be enjoyable, but as far as the body is concerned, they contain toxins that should be removed from the body. This job is the responsibility of the kidneys, meaning they will have more work to do when you drink alcohol or coffee.

If there is a kidney infection then they should be given as little work to do as possible to help them recover. Drinking fluids that contain toxins, such as alcohol and coffee, can slow down the rate at which the kidneys heal. Bear in mind that some antibiotics will not work properly in the presence of alcohol.


Home Remedy #2: Parsley Juice

Parsley is a popular herb that is often used to add flavor and is also used to enhance the presentation of meals. It is very flexible in how it can be used and it also provides various health benefits. It can even be used as a home remedy for a UTI.

Parsley juice is a diuretic, which means that it will encourage us to urinate more often. This, in turn, means that the offending pathogens are flushed from the system faster. It is also full of nutrients that can help to keep your immune system strong while it can also be mixed with smoothies if you don’t like the flavor.


Home Remedy #3: Garlic

It is well known that garlic can help to keep vampires at bay. Or, at least, that’s how the legend goes. In reality, though, garlic really can be beneficial for us. Not only does it help make our food smell great and taste great, but it is also packed full of nutrition that gives us numerous health benefits.

The list of benefits we get from garlic is long, and treatment for UTIs is on that list. Garlic contains a compound known as allicin and this is known to have antimicrobial properties. It can be included in a wide range of dishes, while you can also try using garlic supplements.


Home Remedy #4: Cranberry Juice

Cranberries are a type of berry that is popular in a wide range of desserts, sauces, and drinks. They are found growing naturally in North America but have found popularity all over the world. They are packed full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other compounds that are beneficial to our health.

Cranberry juice can also make an effective remedy for UTIs. When you have a UTI, it is best to drink as many fluids as you can to help flush out the unwanted pathogens. Cranberries juice’s great flavor is more enjoyable than plain waiter, encouraging people to drink more of it. Just bear in mind to stick to pure cranberry juice only and you can drink as much of it as you like.


Home Remedy #5: Water

Water is essential for all life that we know of. We need it just to stay alive while drinking plenty of water can also help to keep us in good shape overall. It can also be very beneficial when it comes to treating UTIs.

As already mentioned, lots of fluids will help to flush bacteria and viruses from the body, helping the body to beat infections. Liquids without additives are by far the best option, and water generally comes with no additives at all. Drinking plenty of water can also prevent such an infection from occurring in the first place.


Home Remedy #6: Maintain Good Hygiene

In the case of an infection, the body is fighting hard against whichever intruder is causing the problem. The last thing the body needs is for more intruders to turn up, so you should do whatever you can to maintain hygiene at all times. Doing so can also help to prevent UTIs from occurring in the first place.

Make sure that you wash whenever you use the bathroom and at any other times where it may be convenient. For maximum hygiene, you will find numerous products that are made just for the job. In addition to helping to remedy a UTI, maintaining hygiene will also make you feel a lot more comfortable overall.


Home Remedy #7: Vitamin C

When we fall ill, many of us will reach for the vitamin C straightaway. It helps to keep our immune system strong, helping us to prevent infections and other diseases. In addition to being able to help prevent infections, vitamin C can also help remedy UTIs.

In 2007, a study was conducted that showed vitamin C can help to remedy UTIs in pregnant women. While it might be tempting to get your vitamin C from orange juice, citric juices will often make the symptoms worse. It will be better to get the vitamin from supplements instead.


Home Remedy #8: Wear Loose Clothes

When we’re out and about, we will often wear clothes that are quite tight fitting. Jeans, pants, and even dresses will often hug the figure quite tightly. Such clothes can help us to look good and also help us to feel great about ourselves, but they are not at all helpful when it comes to UTIs.

If you have a UTI then you should try wearing clothes that are loose. While they may not look as good as tighter clothes, the upside is that they are likely to be a lot more comfortable. Make sure of course that your clothes are clean, especially your underwear.


Home Remedy #9: Apples

There’s nothing quite like biting into a fresh, crunchy apple. Not only do they taste great but they are also very good for us. Apples are packed full of vitamins and minerals that help to keep us in good health, while they can also help to remedy a UTI.

Apples are acidic and this can help to keep the urine acidic. This, in turn, can help to limit the growth of bacteria. The benefits don’t stop there because apples also have anti-inflammatory properties, which can help the kidneys to heal. They can be enjoyed just as they are while drinking delicious apple juice can also be very helpful.


Home Remedy #10: Yogurt

Yogurt is very popular in healthy diets, and for several reasons. In addition to tasting great, it is packed full of vitamins and minerals that help to keep us in good health. It is also a very good source of probiotics and this can be just what we need when we have a UTI.

Probiotics help to ensure that our “good” bacteria remain healthy. This is important in helping to ensure a healthy balance of bacteria overall. What’s more is that probiotics can help the kidneys to process waste faster, helping the body to deal with the infection quicker.


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