10 Home Remedies For Tooth Pain

By james
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Tooth pain can be agonizing. It can be caused by a wide range of factors, the most common of which is tooth decay. Not only can toothache be very painful, but it can also be a sign of an infection that could be a very real threat to your health.

If you are suffering from tooth pain, you should arrange to see a dentist as soon as possible. However, many people would rather steer clear of a dentist.

Instead, we will look for other ways to treat the pain and deal with the problem overall. Below are 10 home remedies to help with tooth pain.

Tooth Pain

Home Remedy #1: Peppermint Tea Bags

Peppermint is a flavor that most people will associate with gums and other products that are made to help freshen the breath. It has an unmistakable fresh aroma that many people find irresistible. It can also be used in cooking and home remedies.

To use peppermint tea bags as a remedy, first make a cup of peppermint tea. Remove the tea bag, allow it to cool, and then apply it directly to the troublesome area. You can also try putting the tea bag into the freezer for a while, then using it in the same way.

Tooth Pain

Home Remedy #2: Vanilla

Vanilla has been cultivated by mankind since the times of the ancient Aztec tribes and beyond. It originates from South America and has become very popular around the world. It is the second most expensive spice on the planet, second only to saffron.

Vanilla is almost entirely used as a flavoring for a wide range of foods, including ice cream and cakes. It is also thought by some to have medicinal properties and can be used to help ease the pain from a toothache. It also contains alcohol and this can be used to help ease tooth pain. To use it, simply add a small amount to the affected area.

Tooth Pain

Home Remedy #3: Clove

Cloves are flower buds from the Syzygium aromaticum tree, which is native to Indonesia. The flower buds make a spice that is popular around the world and they are known largely for their distinct aroma. They are fairly popular in cooking for their flavor as well as their aroma.

Cloves contain eugenol, a compound that is known to be a natural antiseptic. To use it as a remedy, take some clove oil and gently apply it to the affected tooth and repeat this several times a day. You can also try making a mouthwash by adding some clove oil to a glass of water.

Tooth Pain

Home Remedy #4: Salt Water

It is well known that salt water is a disinfectant. Even today, it is sometimes used to help sterilize wounds and equipment, particularly when modern medicines are in low supply. As a disinfectant, it can also be useful in helping to deal with bacteria that are causing tooth pain.

To use it, simply take a glass of warm water and stir in half a teaspoon of salt. You should then use the solution as a mouthwash, making sure that you spit the water out afterward. This can help sterilize the tooth, dislodge debris, and can also help to deal with any other wounds that may be in the mouth.

Tooth Pain

Home Remedy #5: Salt and Pepper

For many people, no dinner table is complete without some salt and pepper. They help people to get their meals just as they like them, and both are popular as ingredients and as condiments around the world. They could also be just what you need if you are suffering from tooth pain.

Together, salt and pepper have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antibacterial properties. First, mix salt and pepper in with some water to make a paste. Then, apply it directly to the affected area and keep it there for a few minutes. Perform this every day until the tooth pain subsides.

Tooth Pain

Home Remedy #6: Cold Compress

Whenever we pick up any type of injury, we will often turn to the freezer for help. The coldness of ice and frozen foods can help to relieve pain and swelling. The cold temperature temporarily numbs the nerve endings, giving us a brief respite from the discomfort. One of the best things of all about this remedy is that it is so easy to use.

To make a cold compress, take some ice and wrap it in a small towel. Place this towel on the affected area for around 10 minutes at a time. You can do this as often as you like for as long as the tooth is still hurting you.

Tooth Pain

Home Remedy #7: Onion

The humble onion is one of the most consumed vegetables on the planet. The pungent vegetable is used in a wide range of dishes, from stews to salads. It is very flexible in cooking and has also found popularity around the world. It may also be able to help with cases of tooth pain.

Onions have antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. This allows them to help with tooth pain by combating the underlying cause of the pain. To use it as a remedy, simply chew on some raw onion. If the pain is too much for you to chew, then place a piece of raw onion onto the affected area.

Tooth Pain

Home Remedy #8: Garlic

Garlic is a close relative to the onion. It is also a pungent vegetable with an aroma that is instantly recognizable. It is popular as an ingredient and is also sometimes used as a condiment. In addition to being popular as a food, it is also often used in various remedies.

Garlic is well known to be a natural antibiotic as well as an anti-inflammatory, both of which can help when it comes to tooth pain. To use it, crush a garlic clove and apply it to the affected area. You could also try mixing it was some salt and pepper for added effect. Do this every day until the pain subsides.

Tooth Pain

Home Remedy #9: Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is the exact same plant as the wheat plant from which we get so much of our flour. The only difference is that wheatgrass is the fresh sprouts rather than the fully-grown plant. It is commonly found in healthy-living diets as well as a range of products ranging from massage lotions to hair gels.

It is widely thought that wheatgrass has many medicinal properties. It is able to fight bacteria, prevent infections, and also relieve inflammation. To use wheatgrass as a remedy for tooth pain, simply juice it and use it as a mouthwash. You will also find a wide range of wheatgrass products available that might be able to help.

Tooth Pain

Home Remedy #10: Guava Leaves

The guava is a small tree that is found growing naturally in South and Central America. It produces a popular fruit, known as the guava, and the tree has also been exported and can be found growing in other subtropical parts of the world. While it is often grown for its fruit, its leaves are also used.

Guava leaves are thought to be able to help heal wounds and also have anti-inflammatory properties. It is also thought that they can help fight off against microbes that are the cause of tooth pain. To make a remedy from guava leaves, simply add some to boiling water to make a mouthwash.

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