10 Home Remedies for Styes

By albert
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/stye/Pages/introduction.aspx
  • 2. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12676044
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A stye, also called hordeolum is a pimple-like bump that usually occurs on the edge of only one eyelid. Symptoms of styes include swelling, pain, soreness and a feeling like there is something in the affected eye. A stye may also be itchy, cause a light sensitivity and increased production of tears. If you look closely, you may see a yellowish spot in the center of the stye 1http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/stye/Pages/introduction.aspx.

Styes develop in a similar way as pimples. The eyelids have tiny oil glands similar to those in the scalp. A stye develops when one of these glands is inflamed, clogged or infected. Styes are a minor medical condition which you can treat using common home remedies.


Stye Home Remedy #1: Teabag

Tea contains powerful anti-inflammatory properties which make it a great home remedy for inflammation. Tea also has antibacterial properties. You can use tea to reduce the inflammation in the eyelid and thereby provide relief from eye styes.

Put a teabag in a cup and pour hot water onto it. Let it steep and cool to a comfortable temperature before removing the teabag. Let most of the liquid to drip from the teabag before placing it on your shut eye. Leave it on for up to 15 minutes. Discard the teabag and wipe your eyelids with a clean towel. Alternatively, use a teabag from your cup of tea.


Stye Home Remedy #2: Warm Compress

Gentle heat can help provide relief from styes. Make a warm compress by soaking a clean towel or piece of cloth with warm water. Wring out excess water and place the towel on the affected eye, making sure that the towel is warm, not hot. Leave it over the shut eye for about 10 minutes. Remove the towel and soak it again with warm water to repeat the treatment.

The heat from the warm towel will stimulate the eye gland to drain, relieving the swelling, itchiness and pain. You can repeat this treatment twice or thrice per session and several times in the day.


Stye Home Remedy #3: Cold Cucumber

Application of low temperature is another easy home remedy for styes that works in a similar way to the heat from a warm compress. The low temperature can be provided by slices of refrigerated cucumber or potato. Cool temperature and moisture stimulate drainage from the eye stye. This reduces swelling, itchiness and pain.

Wash a cucumber or potato and place it in the refrigerator to cool down. Cut slices of the vegetable and place it over the eye with stye. When the slice of cucumber or potato starts warming up, remove it and place a cool slice on the eye. Keep the eye covered with the cool slices for about ten minutes. You can repeat this treatment several times in a day as required.


Stye Home Remedy #4: Avoid Contact Lenses and Makeup

When you have an eye stye, it is recommended that you don’t wear contact lenses or makeup around the eyes. Instead, wear glasses until the styes heal. Wearing contact lenses can lead to transfer of the problem to the other eye or lead to reinfection. The same is true of makeup around the eyes. Besides, applying makeup around the eyes can cause further irritation and worsening of the stye.

You should also avoid touching your eyes and eyelids during this time. To reduce the likelihood of recurrent eye styes, clean your makeup brushes regularly and use disposable products when possible.


Stye Home Remedy #5: Turmeric

Turmeric is used in traditional medicine to treat many conditions for thousands of years. Various studies have found that curcumin, the main active compound in turmeric has powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin works by inhibiting the activities of inflammatory molecules 2http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12676044. Turmeric can be used in its fresh form, in powdered form or an extract.

To use turmeric as a home remedy for styes, put two cups of clean water in a pot. Add one teaspoon of turmeric powder or grated fresh turmeric and boil the mixture until it reduces in volume by half. Let the mixture cool. Apply some of the mixture to the affected eye three times a day for two to three days to get rid of the eye stye.


Stye Home Remedy #6: Coriander Seeds

Besides being a spice, coriander seeds are used traditionally for pain, vomiting, indigestion and fever. Coriander also has anti-inflammatory properties which come in handy in relieving styes. Coriander seeds work by inhibiting inflammatory activities. This reduces the swelling, itchiness and pain.

To use coriander seeds as a home remedy for styes, put two cups of water in a pot. Add one teaspoon of coriander seeds and bring the mixture to a boil. Remove from heat and let it cool. Use part of the liquid to wash the affected eyelid twice daily for two to three days to get rid of the stye.


Stye Home Remedy #7: Garlic

Garlic is a well-known home remedy for a wide range of conditions. It has traditionally been used to treat colds and ear infections among others. Review of many studies show that garlic has powerful antimicrobial properties. Its active ingredient called allicin is antibacterial and antifungal. Because heat denatures allicin, garlic should be used in its raw form.

To prepare garlic home remedy for styes, crush 2 cloves to extract garlic juice. Mix the juice with one teaspoon of clean water and use the mixture to soak the affected eyelid. Repeat this treatment twice a day for about a week to get rid of the stye.


Stye Home Remedy #8: Raw Honey

While most people only consider honey an excellent sweetener, in its pure, raw form honey is a home remedy for styes and other infections. Besides its nutritional benefits, pure, unprocessed honey is therapeutic. It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties which make it a handy home remedy for styes. Honey relieves the inflammation, soothes itching and reduces pain.

As a home remedy for styes, add two tablespoons of unprocessed honey to two cups of warm water and stir to mix. Use part of this mixture to soak the affected eyelid for a few minutes. Repeat the treatment twice daily for several days.


Stye Home Remedy #9: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar, also called ACV is a common home remedy for many different conditions. Modern science has found what traditional medicine has known for hundreds of years. Apple cider vinegar has therapeutic properties which can be linked to its contents. Made by fermenting apples, ACV contains acetic acid and alcohol. Other ingredients include beneficial enzymes and bacteria also known as probiotics. ACV also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. Its therapeutic benefits include stabilizing blood sugar levels, improving digestion and skin health.

To use apple cider vinegar as a home remedy for styes, add two teaspoons of ACV to one cup of warm water and stir to mix. Soak a cotton ball with the mixture and apply to the affected eyelid. Leave it in place for 1 to three minutes. Repeat this treatment twice daily for a few days.


Stye Home Remedy #10: Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has many beneficial properties which make it a popular ingredient in skin and hair care products. Recent research has also found that, while coconut oil has a 90 percent saturated oil component, it is different from other saturated oils and is in fact one of the healthiest oils for human consumption. Coconut oil which is produced from the flesh of coconuts has antibacterial, antifungal and antioxidant properties. It also contains vitamins E and K, and lauric. These properties make coconut oil a great home remedy for styes and other skin issues.

To use it as a home remedy for styes, melt one teaspoon of coconut oil. Soak cotton tipped bud with the coconut oil and apply to the affected eyelid. Repeat this treatment throughout the day to get rid of the eye styes.


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