10 Home Remedies For Skin Tags

By nigel
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Skin tags are a fairly common condition that affect a large number of people. Skin tags are generally harmless and are not known for causing any sort of medical complication. Most complications that emerge from skin tags come from improper removal and the resulting issues. Regardless, some people find skin tags to be inconvenient and unsightly. Some consider them to be blemishes that need to be removed.

Some skin tags might fall away on their own. Other people prefer to get theirs medically removed, or to use some sort of pharmaceutical product to help eliminate the skin tag. If your skin tag is cumbersome or frequently gets caught on your clothing or causes you discomfort, it can be a good idea to get it removed quickly in one of these ways.

Other than this, some people may find that their skin tags are not in need of immediate removal. These people might be interested in learning some helpful home remedies to help them get rid of their skin tags. In this article, we’re going to address some of the most popular and effective ways to get rid of skin tags on your own.

Skin Tags

Home Remedy #1: Tag Removal Kits

Most pharmacies will have a number of different kits that you can use to help get rid of your skin tag. These kits are usually found in the same section where products for wart removal are located. These products are used to help eliminate blood supply to the area where the skin tag is located, a process referred to as ligation.

If blood is not able to get to an area, then any cells in that area will die. In the case of skin tags, it usually takes about 10 days for enough skin cells to die for the tag to fall off.

Skin Tags

Home Remedy #2: String

Another way that some people are able to get rid of skin tags is to use a piece of very thin string, or something similar like dental floss. You may want to enlist the help of someone else.

This works the same way as many of the products that you can buy at the pharmacy—by ligation. By starving the area of its blood supply, you’ll be able to kill the cells in the region and get rid of your skin tags.

Skin Tags

Home Remedy #3: Creams

Another thing that you can probably find at your local pharmacy is some skin tag removal cream. These usually come packaged with some sort of applicator device, making it very easy to apply directly to your skin tag.

In the case of a high-quality cream, you might only need to apply it once. Keep in mind that this means the stuff is quite strong and that you shouldn’t let it touch any other part of your skin or it could kill other, healthy skin cells.

Skin Tags

Home Remedy #4: Freezing

Many pharmacies sell kits that contain liquid nitrogen that can be used for freezing things like warts and skin tags. They will come with instructions that will help you understand how to apply the liquid nitrogen to the skin tag so that it will fall off.

Again, make sure to avoid getting the stuff in contact with other parts of your skin because it could cause distress or damage.

Skin Tags

Home Remedy #5: Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a wildly popular medicine that has been used since ancient times to treat all sorts of maladies, particularly those of the skin. While many people have reported positive effects using tea tree oil to remove their skin tags, scientific studies are yet to be done.

Putting a few drops of tea tree oil and adhering this over your skin tag is said to be enough to help kill the skin tag.

Skin Tags

Home Remedy #6: Apple Cider Vinegar

Another home remedy that hasn’t been researched in the realm of scientific study is apple cider vinegar. Regardless of whether or not it’s been scientifically tested specifically for treating skin tags, there’s little doubt that apple cider vinegar is useful for a ton of other ailments – skin-related and otherwise.

Your best bet is to soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and adhere this over the skin tag using something like duct tape. Duct tape will also starve the area of oxygen, making it more likely that the skin tag will die.

Skin Tags

Home Remedy #7: Blades

If you’re a brave soul, then you may be able to get rid of the skin tag on your own with a sharp knife or some scissors.

It’s important to note that this should only be done with small skin tags and only with the proper supervision. You should ask your doctor if this is appropriate, and if it is, chances are they’ll just shave it off for you.

Skin Tags

Home Remedy #8: Iodine

Liquid iodine has been used by some people to help them treat irritating skin tags.

To do this, you should put coconut oil or petroleum jelly around the skin tag before applying iodine to the skin tag. The oil or jelly will help to ensure that the surrounding skin isn’t damaged. Put a bandage over the skin tag until the iodine is dry and repeat this until your skin tag disappears.

Skin Tags

Home Remedy #9: Banana Peel

Banana peels are a popular home remedy for fighting warts. Some of the enzymes in the skin of the banana peel have been suggested to help get rid of unsightly skin conditions.

Whatever the case, adhering a piece of banana peel over a skin tag will starve the area of oxygen. Doing this for a week or two will cause the skin in the area to die, leading to the skin tag falling off.

Skin Tags

Home Remedy #10: Garlic

Garlic is another natural remedy that has been used to help treat warts, and while this is likely because of its powerful antiviral activity, there are some people who suggest that you can use garlic to help get rid of a skin tag.

The easiest way to do this is to crush a piece of garlic—this releases many of the powerful medicinal compounds found within—and then fasten the garlic over your skin tag with a bandage or a piece of duct tape. Leaving this on overnight and replacing once a day will help get rid of your skin tag.

Skin Tags

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