10 Home Remedies For Itchy Eyes

By james
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Itchy eyes can be very irritating indeed. It can be almost impossible to stop itching them, even when we know it is only likely to make it worse. Scratch them too much and you might even end up causing damage to the eyes.

Itchy eyes can be caused by a wide range of things, including allergies and debris particles. Fortunately, though, there are various remedies that can help you to deal with itchy eyes. Some are medications that you can purchase from a pharmacy, while others can be made from items that you have at home.

Here’s a look at some of the most popular remedies for itchy eyes.

Itchy Eyes

Home Remedy #1: Castor Oil

Castor oil is a type of vegetable oil. It is made by pressing the oil from castor beans. It is used a lot in the cosmetics industry to makes soaps and perfumes, while it can also be used as a lubricant in engineering. Its list of uses is long, and on the list is its use as a remedy for itchy eyes.

Castor oil is able to help reduce inflammation, which makes it effective in preventing itchiness. It also helps to act as a lubricant. To use it to relieve itchy eyes, soak some organic castor oil in cotton balls and then place them on your eyes. Leave them there for around 15 minutes and repeat twice a day.

Itchy Eyes

Home Remedy #2: Tea Bags

Tea is many peoples’ alternative to coffee. A good source of caffeine, it provides a boost that can help you to get through the day. A lot of people also use it for medicinal purposes as well as an energy-boosting beverage.

If you have itchy eyes then tea bags might be just what you need. After you have made a cup of tea, keep the tea bags and place them in the fridge. Once they have been in for more than 30 minutes or so, place them on your cold eyelids and leave them for 15 minutes.

Itchy Eyes

Home Remedy #3: Cucumber

Cucumber is great in a salad, while it is also a popular addition to some sandwiches. Gherkins are also cucumbers, except they have been pickled. They are very popular in healthy living diets, can be used to help keep the skin beautiful, and they can also help ease itchy eyes.

Take some fresh cucumber slices and place them directly onto your closed eyes. Leave them in place for as long as they remain cool. You should do this twice a day and this will help to reduce redness and swelling and should hopefully also alleviate itchiness.

Itchy Eyes

Home Remedy #4: Aloe Vera Juice

Aloe vera is among the most popular substances when it comes to healthy living. It is packed full of important nutrients as well as compounds that can be very beneficial to our overall health. It is also a very common ingredient when it comes to remedies, including remedies for itchy eyes.

Take some unsweetened aloe vera juice and soak cotton balls in it. Make sure that you leave the juice in the refrigerator for 30 minutes or so. Place the soaked cotton balls on your closed eyes and leave them on for 15 minutes or so. You can repeat this as often as you like until your eyes have stopped itching.

Itchy Eyes

Home Remedy #5: Cold Compress

If you have some ice in the freezer, then you have a remedy already waiting to be used. If you have no ice then you could try a bag of frozen peas or similar instead. It is easy to use and can provide near-instant relief for eyes that are itchy.

All you need to do is to take the ice, or whatever else you are using, and wrap it in a small towel. Then, place this directly onto the eyes, leaving it there for around 2 minutes at a time. You can do this as often as you like every day. The cold will provide some relief straightaway, while the cold compress will also help to reduce any inflammation.

Itchy Eyes

Home Remedy #6: Water

Whenever your eyes are itching, there’s a good chance it is because of something in the eye. This could be random debris or maybe particles of something you are allergic to. The itchiness is actually intended to make you rub the eye, causing them to water, thus flushing the particles out.

This method is not always effective, though, leaving our eyes feeling itchy for a long time. You can help by adding some extra water to help flush the particles out. Simply lie on your back and wash your eyes with water. Make sure that the water is pure to prevent making it worse.

Itchy Eyes

Home Remedy #7: Milk

It is likely that you already have some milk in the fridge. If not, then it should at least be very easy to obtain some. Not only can it be used in your cereal, in cooking, or as a drink, but it can also be used to help relieve itchy eyes.

To use it as an itchy eye remedy, take some cold milk from the fridge and soak cotton balls in it. Then, place the cotton balls over the itchy eye and leave them there for 10 minutes or so. Repeat this process two to three times a day and your eyes should hopefully stop itching.

Itchy Eyes

Home Remedy #8: Potato

Potato is one of the most consumed vegetables on the planet. It can be cooked in so many different ways and is one of the most common ingredients in fast foods and snacks. In addition to helping make delicious meals at lunchtime, it can also help to treat various remedies.

First, take a raw potato and place it in the fridge until it has chilled. Then, cut the potato into slices and place a slice over each eye while it is still cool. Leave the slices in place and repeat the process two to three times every day. Using potatoes in this way allows you to take advantage of its anti-inflammatory properties, which will help reduce inflammation and itchiness.

Itchy Eyes

Home Remedy #9: Lavender Oil

Lavender, also known as Lavandula, is a group of flowering plants that are members of the mint family. They are widespread and are found growing naturally in parts of Europe, Africa, and Asia. They are sometimes used in cooking but are more commonly used for their aesthetic appeal and for their wonderful aroma.

The aroma that lavender oil gives off makes it popular for use in aromatherapy and other treatments. It can also be used to help relieve itchy eyes. Take one teaspoon of coconut oil and add four drops of lavender oil. Gently apply this mixture to the affected eyes and leave it on for around 15 minutes.

Itchy Eyes

Home Remedy #10: Witch Hazel

Witch hazel comes from a genus of plants that go by the same name. There are different species found in North America, China, and Japan. The North American species as also sometimes known as winterbloom. It is a common ingredient in remedies and is also used to help relieve itchy eyes.

Witch hazel has astringent properties and anti-inflammatory properties, meaning it can be an effective remedy for itchy eyes. To use it as a remedy, you should soak cotton balls in witch hazel and then place them over closed eyelids. You should leave them in place for around 15 minutes and you can do this twice a day.

Itchy Eyes

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