10 Home Remedies For Ingrown Hairs

By james
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Ingrown hairs can be very uncomfortable. They will irritate the soft tissues beneath the skin, causing inflammation, redness, and itchiness. In some cases, they can even cause an infection, potentially leading to sores that are filled with pus. Thankfully, there are remedies available that can help deal with the problem.

Most remedies focus on dealing with the discomfort that ingrown hairs can cause. The hair itself should be removed with a sterile needle where possible. They are not necessarily dangerous, but you might sometimes need the help of a nurse to remove them.

Below are some home remedies that can help to soothe the discomfort ingrown hairs can cause.

Ingrown Hairs

Home Remedy #1: Salt

Few dinner tables are complete without some salt. It is often used as a condiment, while it is also often used as an ingredient. It is also used in various applications around the home and can be useful when it comes to remedies for certain medical conditions. Salt can even be used to help with ingrown hairs.

Salt can help to stimulate the circulation of the blood, thus reducing swelling and aiding with healing. Perhaps more pertinently, it can also be used to help exfoliate the skin. To use it, take one cup of warm water, add one and a half teaspoons of salt, and then rub it onto the skin with a cotton ball.

Ingrown Hairs

Home Remedy #2: Baking Soda

As you would probably be able to guess by its name, baking soda is often used in baking. It helps bread and cakes to rise because it produces carbon dioxide. It is also found in a wide array of home remedies and cures.

Baking soda has anti-inflammatory properties and is able to help soothe the skin. It can also help to reduce the redness that can be caused by ingrown hairs as well as relieving itchiness. To use it, simply take a cup of water, add a tablespoon of baking soda, and apply the solution to the skin.

Ingrown Hairs

Home Remedy #3: Honey

The sweetness of honey helps to make it a suitable alternative to sugar, which is helpful to people that are on weight loss diets. It is also delicious just as it is and is very welcome on many breakfast tables. The sweet, sticky goo can also be used in various remedies, including remedies for ingrown hairs.

Honey is able to help reduce swelling and can also act as a moisturizer. What’s more is that it has antibacterial properties so it can help to prevent ingrown hairs from becoming infected. You can apply it directly onto the skin and leave it there for around 10 minutes. Do this three to four times a day and it should hopefully relieve symptoms that are causing you discomfort.

Ingrown Hairs

Home Remedy #4: Sugar Scrub

Sugar has a bad reputation because it is one of the biggest contributors to obesity. Eating too much of it can also lead to other complications such as diabetes. It is fine to consume it in moderation, though, and is actually a very important source of energy.

If you have an ingrown hair, then sugar can help to deal with the problem by using it to make a sugar scrub. This can help the hair to come out of the skin by removing dead cells that might be blocking it. To make this remedy, take half a cup of olive oil and mix in one cup of white sugar. Apply this to the area and gently rub it on the skin for a few minutes.

Ingrown Hairs

Home Remedy #5: Cucumber

Cucumber plants bear fruits, which we also know as cucumbers, although this fruit tends to be used more like a vegetable. It originates from South Asia but has since been exported and is grown commercially worldwide. It is often eaten just as it is, but is also pickled and eaten as gherkins.

Cucumbers have a very high water content and are able to hydrate the skin. They are also able to help overcome the irritation of ingrown hairs thanks to their anti-inflammatory properties. To use them, simply take a fresh slice of chilled cucumber and rub it on the affected area. Do this for several days and your symptoms should hopefully begin to subside.

Ingrown Hairs

Home Remedy #6: Tea Tree Oil

The tea tree is found living naturally in Australia. Despite its name, it is no relation to the well-known tea plant that comes from China. The oil is made using extracts from the tree’s leaves and is used in a wide variety of ailments, including acne and ingrown hairs.

Tea tree oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can help to soothe skin conditions. Its antiseptic and antibacterial properties also help it to prevent infection. To use it, take one tablespoon of olive oil and add three drops of tea tree oil and then gently massage this mixture into the skin. Do this twice a day and any irritation should hopefully begin to subside.

Ingrown Hairs

Home Remedy #7: Aspirin

Aspirin is a common medication that is found in home medicine cabinets around the world. It is often used to treat mild pain and many people will reach for the aspirin when they have a headache. It can also be used to help ease the symptoms that are caused by an ingrown hair.

Aspirin can be used to help treat mild infections and also has anti-inflammatory properties. This means it can be used to help soothe irritation while also combating against bacteria. To make a remedy from aspirin, take a teaspoon of warm water and soak two aspirin tablets in it. This should form a paste, which you then apply directly to the skin.

Ingrown Hairs

Home Remedy #8: Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is not as exotic as you may think it sounds, and you might even have one in your home. They are fairly small pot plants that are popular in homes around the world. Not only do they help bring some joy to the home, but they also have a wide range of medicinal properties.

Aloe vera is well known for its anti-inflammatory properties, and this is just what somebody with an ingrowing hair needs. It can also help to keep the area moisturized and can also help to accelerate the healing process. If you have some aloe vera at home, you can squeeze some of the gel from a leaf and apply it directly to the wound.

Ingrown Hairs

Home Remedy #9: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is another product that is welcome in home medicine cabinets. It is a type of vinegar that has been made from apples, as the name suggests, and it offers various health benefits. It can be used in cooking and is also a remedy for various ailments.

Apple cider vinegar is able to help reduce inflammation and can also help to prevent an infection from forming. To use it, you can apply it directly onto the affected area with a cotton ball. Leave it on the skin for a few minutes before washing it off. You can do this twice a day for as long as it takes.

Ingrown Hairs

Home Remedy #10: Tea Bags

Tea is one of the most popular beverages on the planet and has been consumed since the times of ancient China. The beverage contains caffeine, which is a stimulant, helping to give us a boost. Tea is also thought to be good for your health and it can even be used to help soothe the symptoms of ingrown hairs.

When you have used a tea bag to make tea, remove it and squeeze the bag to get rid of excess water. Then, rub this moist teabag over the affected area three times a day for 2 to 3 minutes. Thanks to the presence of tannic acid in black tea, it should help to soothe the skin and reduce any inflammation.

Ingrown Hairs

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