10 Home Remedies For Indigestion

By james
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Indigestion is a fairly common condition that can be the result of various causes. Some of the most common causes are eating too much or eating certain types of food that cause irritation.

Symptoms include bloating, pain in the abdomen area, and a burning sensation in the throat. Indigestion can be very uncomfortable, but it is rarely dangerous. It will usually pass naturally in time, although we will often want it to pass as soon as possible.

Fortunately, there are various remedies that will help our indigestion to go away. Here’s a look at some of the most common indigestion remedies available.


Home Remedy #1: Sodium Bicarbonate

Sodium bicarbonate, which is more commonly known as baking soda, is a very useful substance. One common use for it is in baking because of its ability to help make bread and other baked goods rise. Its chemical properties also mean that it can be very useful when it comes to cleaning, among other things.

Sodium bicarbonate can also be used to help relieve indigestion. It acts like an antacid, neutralizing the acids in the stomach, and this can help ease indigestion. It is very easy to use as simply consuming a half teaspoon of the powder will help. You could also try mixing some in with a glass of water.


Home Remedy #2: Ginger

Regardless of which ailment you are looking for a home remedy for, there’s a good chance that ginger will be on the list somewhere. Its properties have been known for as long as we can remember and it is still used in a wide range of remedies, even in the world of modern medicine.

Ginger is the go-to remedy for many people that are experiencing indigestion. It helps to encourage the production of digestive juices, which help us to break down any food in the stomach. If you wish, you could use ginger simply by chewing on fresh ginger slices. Other people may prefer to make a beverage from the root, for which there are many recipes online.


Home Remedy #3: Herbal Teas

There is a wide range of herbs available, most of which have medicinal properties. This also includes the ability to help relieve symptoms of indigestion. As such, it can be a great idea to enjoy them just after you have enjoyed a particularly large meal.

Among the most effective of all are chamomile and peppermint. You can use them by adding some fresh leaves or stems to hot water and allowing them to seep. Adding a teaspoon of honey can help to sweeten the brew if you so wish. To make things even easier, you should have little difficulty in finding herbal teabags.


Home Remedy #4: Apple Cider Vinegar

Another very popular remedy that is found in homes around the globe is apple cider vinegar. Many people find that it can be very helpful in dealing with indigestion. This might seem counterintuitive to begin with because it is acidic, but it can actually help to get the stomach digesting its contents.

Apple cider vinegar also has antibacterial properties and this can help in cases where harmful bacteria are present. A lot of people prefer to take apple cider vinegar in warm water. Just mix in a teaspoon along with a teaspoon of honey if you so wish. It is recommended to always consume diluted apple cider vinegar to prevent burning delicate tissues.


Home Remedy #5: Basil

Basil is a member of the mint family. It is found growing naturally in tropical regions, while it has also been exported and is grown commercially worldwide. It is very popular as a recipe in food, as a condiment, and as a garnish. It is also often used as a remedy for a wide range of conditions.

Basil has carminative properties and this means it is able to help relieve gas. It also has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties, meaning it can help to fight against pathogens that might be causing problems. It is a popular remedy when used to make a tea while mixing ground basil leaves in with yogurt can also be very beneficial.


Home Remedy #6: Coriander

Coriander originated in Iran but has since spread and is now found growing wild throughout much of Southern Europe and Western Asia. It is also known as Chinese parsley, and in North America, its leaves and stems are known as cilantro.

Coriander is often used in recipes to add flavor, although it is also used in remedies for certain ailments. It is able to give a boost to the productions and secretion of digestive enzymes, helping us to break down food. One popular remedy is to take a glass of buttermilk and add 1 teaspoon of coriander seed powder. This can then be consumed once or twice daily.


Home Remedy #7: Fennel Seeds

Fennel, which is a member of the carrot family, is native to the shores of the Mediterranean. It has been used as a remedy for various ailments since the time of the ancient Greeks and Romans. Fennel was even thought to give courage to their warriors before they entered into battle.

Nowadays, fennel is still used as a remedy for some ailments, including indigestion. If you have indigestion after eating food that is particularly fatty or spicy, fennel could be just what you need. One popular method of making a remedy is to make fennel tea and you can achieve this by adding two teaspoons of crushed fennels seeds to hot water and allowing it to brew.


Home Remedy #8: Carom Seeds

Carom seeds come from the carom herb, which is also known as ajwain, Bishop’s weed, or ajowan caraway. Carom is grown mainly in India and Iran and the leaves and the seeds, which are actually a fruit, are used. Carom is often found in Southern Asian cuisines and is sometimes used to help make remedies.

Carom seeds have carminative properties, meaning that they can help to relieve symptoms of indigestion. They also have antiseptic and antibacterial properties that can help to keep us in good shape overall. To use these seeds as a remedy, take a cup of warm water and add a teaspoon of crushed carom seeds and ginger.


Home Remedy #9: Cinnamon

Cinnamon is taken from the bark of trees that fall into the Cinnamomum family. It is often used as an ingredient to add flavor to dishes, while it is also often used in food because of its enticing aroma. It is used in a wide range of dishes, including sweets and pastries.

In addition to being used in food, cinnamon can also be used to help treat a variety of ailments, including indigestion. It can help the body to digest food and is also thought to be able to relieve bloating. To use it as a remedy, take a cup of boiling water, add half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder, and allow it to steep for a while before drinking.


Home Remedy #10: Smaller Meals

Our stomachs can only hold so much, but still we will often fill them with as much food as we possibly can. Cramming food into the stomach makes it difficult to digest, and this can lead to indigestion. The obvious solution to this is to eat less food in single sittings.

Instead, it is better to eat a number of smaller meals throughout the day. Not only can this help to prevent indigestion but it can also offer other benefits to our health overall. It also means that we get to have more variety as we can pick and choose different meals throughout the day.


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