10 Home Remedies For Heartburn

By james
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Our stomach is lined with tissue that helps to protect it from the acidity of our digestive juices. Our esophagus has no such lining, however, meaning that it can be burned by the juices if it comes into contact with them. The lower esophageal sphincter usually prevents this from happening, but it is not always effective.

When stomach juices are able to escape from the stomach, it can be quite painful. The juices can rise up the esophagus resulting in what we commonly know as heartburn.

Fortunately, there are some natural remedies that can help you overcome the problem and here’s a look at some of the most popular.


Home Remedy #1: Lose Weight

Usually, the lower esophageal sphincter is made stronger by the diaphragm. If you are overweight, however, then the extra belly fat can push the sphincter away from the diaphragm, causing it to lose that natural support. This can, in turn, lead to regular heartburn attacks.

Losing weight can help the diaphragm to support the lower esophageal sphincter again, thus reducing or eliminating heartburn. Of course, this is not something that can be done overnight and it is also something that should be done carefully. Stick at it and you will enjoy many other health benefits in addition to reducing heartburn.


Home Remedy #2: Sleep at an Incline

People that suffer from heartburn will often find that they get heartburn attacks when they are in bed. This is, quite simply, because the juices in your stomach can escape from the stomach easier when you are lying level. As such, it can be a big help if you are able to lie at an incline when in bed.

Try using pillows and cushions to support the upper part of your torso as you are lying down. Some beds are even designed to allow them to be slanted, making it easier for you to lie at a slant. It might take a little getting used to, but it could be the answer to sleepless nights if heartburn is keeping you awake.


Home Remedy #3: Mustard

Mustard is made from the seeds of the mustard plant, of which there are several types. The seeds are crushed and mixed with other ingredients to make the popular condiment that we know. It is often found in dinner tables and is also a common sauce for fast foods such as burgers and hot dogs.

Mustard is alkaline, and this means that it can help to neutralize the acidity of stomach acids. While eating a spoonful of mustard may not seem appetizing, it will be well worth it if it works and your heartburn goes away. Different types of mustard may be more or less effective than others.


Home Remedy #4: Apple Cider Vinegar

As a kind of vinegar that has been made from apples, it may not sound like a good idea to use it as a remedy for heartburn. Regardless, this vinegar can still be a very quick and effective solution. Heartburn is often caused when there is not enough acid in the stomach, and apple cider vinegar makes a quick and easy way to counter that.

Apple cider vinegar can be consumed directly, making it an easy remedy to use. Not everybody is keen on the tart flavor, however, but it can also be used in cooking. Try adding some to a marinade or salad dressing and it could help prevent you from getting heartburn in the first place.


Home Remedy #5: Baking Soda

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, helps to produce carbon dioxide in bread when it is being baked, causing it to rise. Its chemical properties mean that it also has a wide range of other uses in the home.

Baking soda has a high natural pH level. This means that it is effective at neutralizing the acidity of the juices in your stomach. It is also easy to consume and all you need to do is to eat a teaspoon and your heartburn should hopefully go away.


Home Remedy #6: Loosen Clothes

Many people consider a slim waist to be attractive. Therefore, it is not uncommon for people to do their clothing up tightly at the waist, but this can cause problems. One problem is that the tightened clothing can compress the abdomen area, forcing stomach acid to rise up the esophagus.

If you are experiencing heartburn, try loosening belts and adjusting your waistband if possible, to give your stomach more space. You should try to make sure that your clothes don’t restrict your stomach too much even when you are sitting down. Another, longer-term remedy is to lose weight, which will give a big boost to your health overall.


Home Remedy #7: Kimchi

Kimchi is a type of fermented cabbage that originates from Korea. There, it is considered to be the national dish and many people will tell you that it is a type of superfood. It can be very sour and is often quite spicy, meaning it is not to everybody’s taste but there are different varieties available.

Kimchi is very good for the digestive system and can help to relieve symptoms of heartburn. Its high pH level can help to neutralize the acidity of the stomach’s digestive juices. It can also help to ease the lining of the stomach and reduce inflammation, while boosting your immune system at the same time.


Home Remedy #8: Ginger

Ginger is often used in Asian cuisine, while it is also used as a remedy for many ailments. In fact, instances of the use of ginger as an ailment go back as far as records began, and beyond. The good news for people that suffer from heartburn is that ginger could help them.

If you like the flavor, then you can eat ginger just as it is. Alternatively, you could try making it into a tea to which you could add various other ingredients to help make it taste just as you like. Not only can ginger help to relieve the symptoms of heartburn but it can also help to settle your stomach overall.


Home Remedy #9: Chewing Gum

Gum is useful to have in case your breath might begin to smell unpleasant. It tastes great and helps freshen the mouth, while some people simply like the sensation of having something to chew on. What’s more is that it can also help to relieve the symptoms of heartburn.

Chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva. This excess saliva is swallowed and this helps to wash away acid from the esophagus. Also, it can also help to dilute the acid in the stomach. If you do suffer from heartburn regularly, you should try keeping some gum with you just in case.


Home Remedy #10: Bananas

Bananas are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Their high potassium content means that they are highly recommended, while they are also high in fiber, which will help to keep your digestive system healthy. They are also known to provide an energy boost and can help to keep you going through the day.

In addition to helping to keep the digestive system healthy, bananas are also a good source of natural antacids. This means that they can help to neutralize the acidity of your stomach, relieving you of the symptoms of heartburn. Considering how healthy they are for you, there is no reason for you not to eat them, regardless of heartburn.


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