10 Home Remedies For Headaches

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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There is still a great deal more that we need to learn about headaches. We know little to nothing about how to treat them and yet they are still very common.

Headaches can range in severity from mild to agonizing, while some fortunate people will rarely get them, if at all. Painkillers will often help, but not always. In many cases, even medical professionals are left baffled as to what is causing them and what can be done about them.

There are some home remedies that will often be able to help, and here’s a look at some of the most effective.


Home Remedy #1: Dim the Lights

Our eyes are generally able to adjust to the light to prevent too much from getting in. Some people can still find that they are sensitive to lights, however, and this can cause problems for them. It is not uncommon for people to develop migraines because of the light entering their eyes.

In this case, you should try to turn the lights down low. Use dimmer switches if you have them, or try turning on lights in parts of the room that will not be too bright for you. Step away from the computer if you are using one, and consider wearing sunglasses if you are outside.


Home Remedy #2: Strong Coffee

Some people struggle without tea or coffee to keep them going throughout the day. They contain caffeine, which is a natural stimulant that helps keep us alert and awake. It can also be very helpful to people that suffer from severe headaches.

Strong tea or coffee can be very effective in relieving the pain from a migraine. Not only is it effective but it is also fast working, with the symptoms being relieved almost instantly. It may not be an ideal solution before bedtime, but it can certainly be a godsend during the day.


Home Remedy #3: Ginger

The ginger plant does not seem anything special going by appearances alone. It is usually only the root of the plant that is used and even that looks just like any ordinary root. Despite its humble appearances, however, it is thought to have many medicinal properties and it has been used as a remedy since ancient times.

In addition to all the other many things that ginger is thought to be able to help with, it can also help with headaches. Studies have shown that ginger can be very effective in dealing with headaches and one study even suggested that it can be more effective than certain prescription medicines.


Home Remedy #4: Ice Pack

You don’t always need to prepare fancy, complicated remedies in order to help ease your symptoms. Sometimes, the answer is as easy as removing some ice from the freezer and wrapping it in a towel. If you are suffering from a headache, this could be just the remedy that you need.

You can make a rudimentary ice pack and it should work just fine. If you have no ice, then use frozen peas or anything else you have in the freezer. Whatever you are using, keep the ice pack on your head for 15 minutes or so and the headache should hopefully begin to subside.


Home Remedy #5: Relax

One common cause of headaches is higher than usual blood pressure in the brain. This increased blood pressure applies pressure to the brain and blood vessels, resulting in the pain that we feel. As such, it makes sense that decreasing this pressure can help to alleviate the pain.

How you relax depends largely on your preferences. It might mean meditating or doing some yoga, for other people it can simply mean taking some time to sit in the garden. If you are having difficulty relaxing then you should really arrange to speak with a medical professional to find out the reason why. High blood pressure can also be quite dangerous. Be sure to speak with a medical professional if you suspect that you have high blood pressure.


Home Remedy #6: Water

You might be surprised at the suggestion of drinking some water to help remedy a headache, but it can actually be very effective in many cases. The reason for this is simply that headaches are often caused by dehydration, and water is an obvious cure for dehydration.

In fact, some studies have shown that dehydration is among the most common cause of a headache, even if you don’t feel particularly thirsty at the time. It can also cause other symptoms such as irritability and an inability to concentrate. Remember also to avoid certain beverages that can cause dehydration in the first place.


Home Remedy #7: Sleep

Depending on the severity of the headache, it can be quite debilitating. Patients are often left in agony, or at least unable to tend to their responsibilities. In such cases, it might be best to try to get some sleep—it could make all the difference.

This shouldn’t just be a short-term solution. You should also plan to get all the sleep that you need every night. This can help to prevent the headaches from happening in the first place. If you are struggling to get enough sleep then you should arrange a meeting with your doctor to find out why.


Home Remedy #8: Essential Oils

Essential oils are often used to help make the home smell wonderful. They are usually used in a diffuser that helps disperse the wonderful aromas into the room. They are often made from natural sources such as plants and they come in a huge variety of aromas. They are also often used in carrier oils to help with massages.

In addition to helping make the home smell great, essential oils are also thought to help with relaxation. If you do have a headache, then go to a quiet darkened room and place some oils in a diffuser. This can help you to relax which, in turn, will help you to overcome your headache.


Home Remedy #9: Massage

Massages have been around since ancient times, with even ancient Egyptian artifacts being found depicting massages. They are often still used today, and sports people, in particular, will have regular massages to help keep their muscles in the best possible condition.

A massage can help relieve aches and pains in muscle and encourage the blood to flow. Patients come away feeling relaxed and invigorated, and they are also often used in conjunction with aromatherapy and other techniques that further encourage relaxation. You can go to a professional masseur, although you could also try massaging your temples yourself to help ease the tension.


Home Remedy #10: Release Pressure on Your Head

Some headaches are caused by having something that is physically restricting the head. This can affect the flow of blood vessels in the head and this can, in turn, lead to tension. As such, it would make sense that releasing this pressure may be able to help relieve you of your headache.

For example, a tight ponytail could be restricting the flow of blood. Headbands, hats, and other headwear may also be contributing to your headache if they are too tight. Even if it doesn’t feel as though your headwear or hair is too tight, you should try releasing it as you may be surprised at the result.


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