10 Home Remedies For Gas

By james
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The food that we eat goes down into the digestive system where it meets our digestive juices. These juices then begin to break down the food and one by-product of this action is gas.

This gas will usually pass through the body at one end or the other, but it can sometimes get trapped. Trapped gas can make us feel very bloated. It can be quite uncomfortable and even painful in some instances.

Fortunately, it is not usually too difficult to deal with and there are plenty of remedies available. There could even be a remedy readily available somewhere in your home.


Home Remedy #1: Baking Soda and Lemon

Baking soda is a substance that can be used in a surprising number of ways. It is often used in cooking but can also be used to help remove even the toughest of stains.

To use baking soda to relieve gas, first squeeze a whole lemon into a glass. Then, take a teaspoon of kitchen baking soda and add it to the lemon. Naturally, the solution will fizz up and you should continue to add more baking soda until it no longer fizzes. You should then mix this solution with a cup of water and then drink it all up.


Home Remedy #2: Ginger

Ginger is a plant that originated in Southeast Asia and is commonly found in cuisines from that region. Although all of the plant is edible, it is usually only the root of the plant that is used. While popular as an ingredient, it has also been used for centuries for medicinal purposes.

If you like the flavor, then you can eat ginger just as it is to help relieve gas. You can also try making some ginger tea or try adding some to your food. You can also find a wide range of ginger-based remedies in your local pharmacy.


Home Remedy #3: Pumpkins

Pumpkins are not only useful for making Jack-o-lanterns with at Halloween. They are also simply delicious and are also very flexible. They can be roasted, used in salads, and can also be used to make delicious pumpkin pie. They can also be used to help relieve people of the symptoms of gas.

The best cure is prevention, and including pumpkin in your meals can help prevent you from getting gas in the first place. If you do already have gas, however, then some boiled or steamed pumpkin can help to make it go away. That, and it will also make for a truly delicious treat.


Home Remedy #4: Garlic

Garlic is pretty much unmistakable. It is often used in Italian food but it can also be found in many other cuisines. It can add wonderful and distinct flavors to meals and, according to myth, it can even help to keep vampires away. According to some people, it can also help to relieve you of the symptoms of gas.

To use garlic as a remedy for gas, it can be enjoyed just as it is. As great as it may taste, though, a lot of people might be reluctant to do this because garlic can cause our breath to smell. If you would rather avoid eating whole, fresh garlic cloves then you could try using garlic capsules instead.


Home Remedy #5: Dandelions

Dandelions are a bane to many gardeners. Despite their attractive yellow flowers, dandelions are generally seen as weeds because they soak up nutrients that were intended for other plants and flowers in the garden. Despite them not being popular additions to a garden, they are often a very welcome addition to medicine cabinets.

Dandelions have been used for medicinal purposes for as long as we can remember. They are said to provide us with numerous health benefits and are able to help with various illnesses. Dandelions can be used in the same way as a spice to add flavor to your meals, while they can also be made into a tea. Either of these can help to relieve you of symptoms of gas.


Home Remedy #6: Activated Charcoal

Activated charcoal is standard charcoal and other sources of carbon that have been heated to very high temperatures. This results in a black power that is able to absorb toxins from within the body and it is often used in hospitals to help treat overdoses and poisonings.

The absorbing power of activated charcoal means that it is also able to help deal with gas. In absorbing the gas and chemicals that cause gas, patients using it can soon begin to feel relieved. It is taken orally as it is, and can also be mixed with water or added to food.


Home Remedy #7: Probiotics

Probiotics are bacteria that are helpful to our digestive system. They help us to break down our food so that the nutrients within can then be absorbed into our body. It is important to maintain these bacteria to healthy levels, and an imbalance can sometimes be the cause of gas.

One of the most common and popular sources of probiotics is natural yogurt. It is delicious on its own but can also be mixed with fruits and other ingredients. There is also a wide range of other foods that are also a good source of probiotics, and you can also find probiotic supplements.


Home Remedy #8: Parsley

Parsley is a popular herb that is used is countless different dishes from around the world. It is also often used as an edible garnish that helps to enhance the aesthetic appearance of meals. In addition to its culinary uses, parsley is often used for medicinal purposes.

If you add parsley to your food then you can help to prevent gas from occurring in the first place. That, and you are also helping to make your meal taste incredible. There are various remedies that you can use involving parsley that can help relieve gas if you already have it.


Home Remedy #9: Water

As far as we can tell, water is essential for life to be able to exist. With this in mind, it’s a good job that there is so much of it on our planet. A simple glass of ice-cold plain water can be so refreshing on a hot summer’s day. It could also be useful in helping to reduce the symptoms of gas.

Drinking water can help to flush sodium and excess gas out of your system, relieving the discomfort gas can cause. Not only is it effective, but it is also one of the simplest remedies available to us. Plus, drinking plenty of water can also be beneficial to us in other ways such as helping to maintain a clear complexion.


Home Remedy #10: Chamomile

Chamomile is one of those remedies that is found in medicine cabinets around the world. Should you pick up a scratch, a bite, or fall in some other way then there’s a good chance that somebody will be reaching for the medicine cabinet to grab some chamomile.

Chamomile is well known for its anti-inflammatory and relaxant properties. This can help to ease the symptoms of gas even if the gas itself does not go away. A popular way to use chamomile for gas is to make tea from it, and you can add to the flavor yourself with lemon, honey, or whatever else you like.


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