10 Home Remedies For Fever

By james
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A fever is a very common symptom that most of us will have experienced at some point in our lives. It is a method that our bodies use to help protect us from disease, although this usually comes as little consolation.

A fever can be uncomfortable but is not usually dangerous, although vulnerable patients should be monitored closely.

If your fever is getting too high, or if you just want it to go away, then there are remedies available that can help. There are various medications that can help to ease the fever, while there are also some remedies that you will find around the home.


Home Remedy #1: Cold Water

One of the crudest methods of bringing down a fever is also the most effective. It simply involves applying cool water to the body to help bring the temperature down. It is also very easy and involves little more than some cold water and a clean towel.

The best place to place the towel is on the forehead because this is where the body naturally loses a lot of its heat. Other suitable places include under the armpits and in the groin area. You can leave the towel in place until it gets warm, and then replace it with a cold one again.


Home Remedy #2: Sandalwood

Sandalwood is a type of wood that is known for its natural aroma. It is the second most expensive wood that money can buy and is able to retain its natural aroma for decades after the tree has been felled. Its scent is part of the reason for its popularity, while it is also thought to have medicinal properties.

It is thought that sandalwood is able to help relieve the symptoms of stress and headaches, making the patient feel more comfortable. To use it, simply mix half a teaspoon of sandalwood with water, boil it, and then consume the water when it has cooled enough to drink.


Home Remedy #3: Bone Broth

Bone broth is a very popular remedy for a fever that many people swear by. It is pretty much as it sounds, a broth that has been made partly from bones. Chicken bones are usually used and other ingredients can be added.

Bone broth is packed full of important nutrients, which is always likely to be helpful to somebody that is ill. It is also thought to be able to help white blood cells as they fight against the pathogens that are causing the fever. It is also very easy to make and, even better, it tastes great. You will find plenty of easy to follow recipes online.


Home Remedy #4: Garlic

Garlic may be a food that many of us try to avoid to prevent bad breath, but it can still be irresistible. The smell of it cooking alone can be enough to make the mouth water. It is used in dishes from around the world and is very easy to use.

In addition to helping food taste great, garlic is also thought to have medicinal properties. It is thought to be able to help fight off pathogens and this can help bring around an earlier end to the fever. To use garlic to fight a fever, boil a cup of water that has had a crushed clove of garlic added to it. You could also try getting garlic capsules from a pharmacist.


Home Remedy #5: Apple Cider Vinegar

If you have spent any time in healthy living circles then you would probably have heard of apple cider vinegar already. It is a type of vinegar that has been made from apples and it is thought to provide us with various health benefits. Many people also use it as a remedy for a fever.

One way to use apple cider vinegar as a remedy is to mix two tablespoons of it into water with a tablespoon of honey. Drinking this two to three times a day can help to bring an end to the fever. Another solution is to mix apple cider vinegar in with water and then soak the liquid up with a washcloth. The wet washcloth should then be placed on the abdomen area, the forehead, or on the soles of the feet.


Home Remedy #6: Peppermint Tea

Not only does mint taste great, but it also has an aroma that fills the air. It is a popular flavor for candies and is sometimes used in food and beverages. Many people love to make peppermint tea for the great flavor it offers as well as its many health benefits.

Peppermint is thought to have antibacterial properties while it can also have a cooling effect on the body. Making peppermint tea is similar to making standard tea, adding some crushed peppermint leaves to hot water. You could also try adding some honey for some extra flavor.


Home Remedy #7: Turmeric

Turmeric is a popular spice that originates from India and Southeast Asia. It comes from the root of a flowering plant, which is a part of the ginger family. It helps to add flavor to a wide range of dishes and is also used as a pigment for some dyes. It is also thought to offer various health benefits.

Turmeric is thought to contain compounds that can help to reduce a fever directly. To use it as a remedy, you can mix half a teaspoon of turmeric powder with some warm water. You could also try adding some black pepper to complement the flavor.


Home Remedy #8: Raisins

Raisins are popular in dishes from across the globe. They have a naturally sweet flavor and are popular in cakes, desserts, and other meals. These dried grapes can also be eaten with nuts as a snack or even just as they are. In addition to their great taste, eating raisins is also beneficial to your health.

Raisins are thought to be able to help reduce a fever, while they also have antioxidant and antibacterial properties. To use them as a remedy, take half a cup of water and soak 25 raisins in them for 1 hour. Then, crush the raisins while they are still in the water. Strain what is remaining and drink it twice a day and your fever should subside.


Home Remedy #9: Basil

Basil is a popular herb that is a member of the mint family. It is native to tropical regions but has spread across the globe where it is used in countless dishes. It has a distinct flavor and an aroma that can get any mouth watering. In addition to being used in cooking, it is also often used as a remedy for disease.

Many people swear that basil can be used as an effective home remedy for a fever. To use it, add 20 basil leaves to a cup of hot water and boil for 20 minutes. You can also add some honey and some crushed ginger. Strain the solution before drinking it, a tasty treat that could help cool your fever down.


Home Remedy #10: Ginger

Ginger has been used as a medicine for hundreds of years, especially in Asia where it originates from. The root of the plant is used and can be prepared in various ways. It is commonly used in dishes from Asia but is also found in cuisines from elsewhere in the world.

One popular way to use ginger as a remedy is to make ginger tea. To do this, take one cup of boiling water and add half a teaspoon of grated ginger. You should drink this three to four times a day and you can also add some honey for added flavor.


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