10 Home Remedies For Eye Infections

By james
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Eye infections can be quite nasty. They can be itchy, sore, and painful and are also very unsightly. Unfortunately, they are also very contagious and touching contaminated objects can be enough for you to develop an infection.

Eye infections will usually pass without having done any real harm, but they should not be treated with complacency. Eye infections are relatively easy to deal with and a course of antibiotics is often prescribed.

There are also various home remedies that you can use if you don’t want antibiotics, or if you just want to make it go away quicker. Remember it is very infectious so you should do what you can to help protect other people from the infection.

Eye Infections

Home Remedy #1: Apple Cider Vinegar

As you can probably guess, apple cider vinegar is a type of vinegar that has been made from apples. It holds a range of health benefits and is often used as an ingredient in healthy diets. It is also often used as a remedy for various conditions, including eye infections.

Apple cider vinegar has antimicrobial properties. This means that it can help to kill the germs that are causing your eye infection. It can also help to remove debris and other unwanted particles from the eyes. To use it, mix some with water and soak some up with cotton wool. Then use this to rinse out the eye every few hours or so.

Eye Infections

Home Remedy #2: Warm Compress

A warm compress is useful for many things. The heat helps to dilate blood vessels in the area, thus improving the flow of blood. This increase in blood flow helps the body when it comes to healing wounds, while it can also be used to help with an eye infection. The increased blood flow can help to reduce swelling and ease any pain.

Making a warm compress is quite simple. Simply dip a clean towel into some hot water then wring out the excess water. The towel should then be warm and you should apply it gently to the infected area. Do this several times every day until the infection subsides.

Eye Infections

Home Remedy #3: Cold Compress

While a warm compress can help with an eye infection, quite the opposite can also be very useful. While they may not be able to actually cure the infection as such, they can certainly help to relieve the patient of their discomfort. The coldness can be soothing on the infected area, while it can also help to reduce any swelling.

Making a cold compress is just as easy as making a warm compress. You can dip a clean towel in cold water or maybe instead place a wet cloth in a freezer until it gets cold. Apply for a few minutes until the compress is no longer cold.

Eye Infections

Home Remedy #4: Green Tea

There are many different types of tea, and green tea is among the most popular. It is well known in healthy living circles and drinking it is thought to provide us with various health benefits. Some people swear that it can also help to remedy numerous health conditions, including an eye infection.

It has been shown that green tea has properties that help it to combat pathogens. This means that it can be useful in fighting off infections. To use green tea, place two tea bags into hot water for a while. Then, remove the tea bags, drain them, and then place them in the fridge. You can then use the tea to wash your eyes with, and then place the cold tea bags over your eyes for around 15 minutes.

Eye Infections

Home Remedy #5: Saline Solution

A saline solution is basically nothing more than salt water. It is a mild antiseptic and is even used in hospitals to help sterilize equipment. Its antiseptic properties mean that it can also be useful in helping to clear up an eye infection.

To make a saline solution, simply add 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 cup of water. You should then boil the water before letting it cool down. The solution should then be used to help rinse the eye. You should do this two or three times a day. Remember to use distilled water where possible to be sure there are no impurities in the water.

Eye Infections

Home Remedy #6: Colloidal Silver

Colloidal silver consists of tiny particles of silver that have been suspended in a liquid. It is claimed to provide various health benefits and can also act as an alternative to antibiotics. It is used as a remedy for a wide range of conditions and that includes eye infections.

Many people claim that colloidal silver can be used effectively as eye drops. It is thought that the liquid is able to help attract infected cells, which are then carried away in the bloodstream. In addition to helping fight bacteria, it is also thought to be able to help reduce itching and irritation.

Eye Infections

Home Remedy #7: Eyebright

Eyebright (Euphrasia) is a type of herb that belongs to the Orobanchaceae family. It is thought to have infection-fighting properties and can also help to speed up the process of healing wounds. It is a popular remedy for eye infections. It is readily available in pharmacies.

To use eyebright, add 1 teaspoon of eyebright to 1 cup of water, then simmer for around 10 minutes. Once it has cooled, use a cheesecloth to strain the solution. The resulting solution can then be used to wash the eyes with and should be used two or three times a day. Remember to use a clean cheesecloth for a solution that is free from unwanted particles.

Eye Infections

Home Remedy #8: Chamomile

Chamomile is a type of flowering plant that looks very similar to daisies. It has been used as a remedy for hundreds of years and is thought to have antimicrobial properties that can help combat infection. It is also thought to have anti-inflammatory and anti-irritant properties.

To use chamomile on an eye infection, first boil a cup of water that has had had a teaspoon of chamomile added to it. Once it has boiled, allow the solution to steep for a few minutes. Then strain the solution and let it cool. The solution can then be used to help clean the infected eye.

Eye Infections

Home Remedy #9: Boric Acid

Boric acid, which has the chemical formula H3BO3, is a weak acid of boron. It usually exists as a white powder or crystals that dissolve in water. It is often used as a flame retardant, neutron absorber, and an insecticide. It is also often used for its antiseptic properties.

Boric acid’s antiseptic properties mean it can be used to help deal with eye infections. To use it, you should mix 1/8 teaspoon of boric acid (medicinal grade) with 1 cup of water. Bring it to the boil and then strain it through a cheesecloth after it has cooled. You can use the resulting solution as an eye wash two or three times a day.

Eye Infections

Home Remedy #10: Honey

Honey is a welcome addition to many breakfast tables. Its sweetness helps to brighten up even the dullest of meals and it can also be used as a sugar alternative in tea, coffee, and other beverages. While it is very popular in the kitchen, it can also be used to help deal with eye infections.

One little known fact about honey is that in addition to being delicious, it is also antibacterial. You can mix honey with water and then apply the solution to the eye using a cotton ball. You should do this two to three times a day until the infection subsides.

Eye Infections

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