10 Home Remedies For Eczema

By jolene
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Eczema or dermatitis is a skin condition where there is inflammation, erythema (redness), itchiness, and a rash. In some cases, there may also be some small blisters. Long-term eczema can result in thickening of the skin. Depending on the severity of the condition, the area of skin involved can range from a local area to the entire body.

The cause of dermatitis can be attributed to a combination of allergy, irritation, or poor venous return. Treatment usually involves the use of steroid creams, moisturizers, antihistamines, avoidant of irritant or allergen, and antibiotics.

Eczema is extremely common and involves over 30 million Americans. Globally, it is estimated to involve about 245 million individuals. Since it is a common condition, there are many home remedies that are available for it.


Home Remedy #1: Moisture

Eczema can worsen when the air is dry. This can be seen during the winter months. If the air in your home is dry, it can draw out more moisture from the skin. This is even more pronounced when the heat is turned on during the colder months. To maintain the moisture in your skin, stay hydrated and use a humidifier in the house.

Strategically place the humidifiers in areas where you spend most of your time in to gain the maximum benefit. Adding a humidifier can also be beneficial if any individuals in your household experience irritated eyes, dry skin, frequent coughs, cracked lips, dryness of the throat, allergies, sinus headaches, and bloody noses.


Home Remedy #2: Meditation

Meditation is where individuals focus their mind or practice mindfulness. This helps train their awareness and attention to achieve a calm and stable state. Meditation has been around since 1500 BC. It is a practice commonly seen in various beliefs and traditions.

Meditation can be used to help reduce depression, anxiety, stress, pain, and improve well-being, self-concept, and perception. Although meditation does not seem like a home remedy for eczema, if it helps decrease stress, it can also reduce eczema flare ups.


Home Remedy #3: Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, or copra oil, is oil that has been extracted from mature coconut palm. It is very versatile as it has many applications such as in cooking, in cosmetics, as home remedies, and as biodiesel. Due to its high saturated fat content, it is resistant to becoming rancid as it is slow to oxidise and can last up to 6 months at 75F.

It can also be a great home remedy for eczema as it is a great moisturizer that has natural anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Those with eczema may itch more and cause excoriations, which can result in a secondary infection. This makes the antimicrobial properties in coconut oil especially valuable.


Home Remedy #4: Exercise

Exercise is practiced to maintain or enhance physical fitness and well-being. It can help to increase development or growth, slow aging, improve athletic skills, and maintain loss of weight.

Exercise not only results in physical benefits but also helps to decrease stress and help with relaxation. This means it may be an effective home remedy for those suffering from eczema. However, it is important to remember to rinse off or have a quick shower after sweating as being overheated can worsen eczema.


Home Remedy #5: Oatmeal Bath

Oatmeal is coarse flour made from hulled oats. It is an effective and great home remedy for eczema. The oatmeal is ground into powder that is suspended in the bath water. Based on several studies, colloidal oatmeal has been found to soothe itching and irritated skin. It can also protect the skin and act as a buffer to maintain the pH of the skin.

When taking an oatmeal bath, it is crucial to use lukewarm water as hot water can worsen inflamed skin. Use about a cup of oatmeal and mix it with the bathwater. Soak for a minimum of 10 minutes to help reduce symptoms of eczema. Soaking for too long can aggravate the condition. Gently pat dry and apply emollient skin moisturizer.


Home Remedy #6: Moisturizer

Moisturizers or emollients are used to help protect, lubricate, and moisturize the skin. Water evaporates from the skin. The amount lost depends on the weather and various factors. This effect is known as transepidermal water loss. To regulate the water loss through the skin, moisturizers or emollients act as a barrier to help maintain the moisture in the skin. There are many types available. For example, emollients form an occlusive coat on the stratum corneum while humectants draw water into the stratum corneum.

Individuals with eczema should moisturize at least twice a day. Salves and creams are generally more effective than lotions. Products with fragrance should be avoided as they can irritate the skin. Moisturizing should be done within 3 minutes after a shower or bath as it helps lock moisture in the skin.


Home Remedy #7: Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a succulent plant that has been used for many years in folk or traditional medicine. It is often found in cosmetics, skin lotion, ointments, and beverages. Early records of aloe vera being used in traditional medicine have been found as far back as 1600 BC in the Ebers Papyrus. The gel can be extracted from the leaves of the plant.

A review from 2015 reported that aloe vera gel may have antimicrobial, antibacterial, wound healing, and immune system boosting properties. It is especially useful as a home remedy for individuals with eczema as it helps moisturize the skin and can prevent skin infections. Aloe vera gel can be acquired from stores. It can also be used directly from the leaves.


Home Remedy #8: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is made from fermented apple juice. It is used as a marinade, in salad dressings, as a food preservative, and in home remedies. Despite it being used in folk or traditional medicine for many years, there is little to no scientific evidence that supports its health claims. It is commonly used for skin conditions and weight loss.

The National Eczema Association has reported that it may be beneficial for those with eczema. However, those interested should use it with caution as the acid can damage the skin. The application of apple cider vinegar to the skin can help balance the pH levels of the skin and fight off bacteria that can cause secondary infections, especially in cases where there is broken skin. To use apple cider vinegar, dilute it by mixing 1 tablespoon of vinegar in 1 cup of water.


Home Remedy #9: Bleach

Bleach is a chemical product often used as a product to whiten clothes, remove stains, and lighten hair color. It has a general chemical reactivity to organic compounds and irreversibly destroy or denature many proteins. This is what makes bleach a versatile disinfectant. Although it may seem dangerous, there are several studies that have reported that bleach can improve the symptoms of eczema due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.

To use bleach as a home remedy for eczema, add half a cup of bleach to a full bathtub of water. The recommended soaking time is 5 to 10 minutes. After that, rinse the body thoroughly with warm water and pat the skin dry. It is best to discuss with a medical professional before trying this home remedy.


Home Remedy #10: Honey and Tea Tree Oil

Honey has been used in traditional medicine for various skin conditions for many years. It has been effectively used for the treatment of burns and wounds as it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. In eczema patients, the application of honey can help moisturize the skin, accelerate healing, and prevent secondary infections. However, it is only feasible if the eczema is localized.

Tea tree oil is also often used for skin conditions due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Derived from the Melaleuca alternifolia tree leaves, it may help relieve the itching and skin dryness. To use it as a home remedy for eczema, mix tea tree oil with a carrier oil and apply it to the affected area.


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