10 Home Remedies For Diaper Rash

By jolene
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Diaper rash is a common form of dermatitis where the skin is inflamed. Also known as irritant diaper dermatitis, the skin rashes that appear around the diaper can be caused by various irritants or skin conditions. It is most commonly related to infrequently changed or wet diapers, chafing, and skin sensitivity.

While it most commonly affects babies, it can affect any individual who wears a diaper regularly. Diaper rash can become a significant issue as it causes parents to worry and babies to become more irritable. The affected region can have patches of skin that are scaly and red. This is usually seen on convex surfaces while the skin folds are spared. The thighs, buttocks, and genitals are most commonly affected. An affected infant is also more likely to cry or fuss when the diaper area is touched or washed.

Left untreated, it can lead to secondary fungal or bacterial involvement, which spreads to the skin folds and exhibits redness on the skin with pustules. In adults who have incontinence, the diaper rash is also known as incontinence-associated dermatitis. When the skin does not improve after several days of home treatment, it may be best to seek professional opinion.

Diaper Rash

Home Remedy #1: Coconut Oil

Coconut oil, or copra oil, is oil that is extracted from mature coconuts. It is very useful due to its various applications. Since it has a high saturated fat content, it is also resistant to becoming rancid and can last up to 6 months at 75F without going bad.

Besides cooking, it has also been used for hair grooming, as a biodiesel, and for the manufacture of soap. It can also be an effective home remedy for a diaper rash due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties. To use it on a diaper rash, apply half a tablespoon of coconut oil to the affected area after the skin has been cleaned and dried.

Diaper Rash

Home Remedy #2: Breast Milk

Breast milk is the primary source of nutrition for newborns before they are able to tolerate other foods. Breast milk has been proven to offer a multitude of health benefits to mother and child. Examples include reducing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome, decreasing the likelihood of middle ear infections, increased intelligence, lowering the risk of childhood diabetes, and lesser dental issues.

Besides nourishment, it can also be a very effective home remedy for diaper rash as it has anti-infective properties and antibodies. To use breast milk on a diaper rash, apply some breast milk to the affected skin and leave it to dry.

Diaper Rash

Home Remedy #3: Cornstarch

Cornstarch is also known as maize starch. It is a common ingredient used in various soups, sauces, and the production of corn syrup. It is versatile and has many other uses such as being used in paper products, as adhesives, and in textile manufacturing. It is used in the medical industry as an anti-stick agent for products made from natural latex such as medical gloves, condoms, and diaphragms.

Cornstarch is also a great home remedy for diaper rash as it helps keep the skin dry by absorbing moisture effectively. After washing the affected area and letting it dry, cornstarch can be applied on the affected area until the rash improves. Cornstarch is also often used as a substitute for talc.

Diaper Rash

Home Remedy #4: Vinegar

Vinegar is a solution that contains about 5 to 20 percent of acetic acid. This acetic acid can be produced through fermentation of sugars or ethanol by acetic acid bacteria. There are various types of vinegar. It also has many uses such as in culinary arts, as a cleaning product, pesticide, and in folk medicine.

For many years, vinegar has been thought to help individuals with weight loss, diabetes, cancer, and as a probiotic. Some parents also use it as a home remedy for diaper rash. This can be done by mixing one teaspoon of white vinegar with one cup of water and cleaning the affected area whenever needed. Reusable diapers can also be rinsed in a mixture of vinegar and water as it helps neutralizes the urine that is alkaline in nature. This ensures that the skin is in contact with balanced pH levels.

Diaper Rash

Home Remedy #5: Oatmeal

Oatmeal is a coarse flour made from hulled oat grains. Consumption of oatmeal has been thought to be beneficial as it helps lower the risk of cardiovascular disease as it may help reduce cholesterol levels. Oatmeal can also be beneficial for skin conditions. However, the type of oatmeal used in baths is different than the one that is consumed. The oatmeal used for skin issues is known as colloidal oatmeal, which binds to the skin to form a protective barrier. It helps skin issues as it has anti-inflammatory properties and helps retain moisture in the skin.

It has been used for centuries to help ease skin irritation. It can also be an effective home remedy for diaper rash as the saponin compound in it helps remove unwanted dirt and oil. To use it for a diaper rash, add a tablespoon of dried oatmeal in bath water. This can be done twice a day for more severe cases of diaper rash.

Diaper Rash

Home Remedy #6: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is vinegar made from fermented apple juice. It can be used as a marinade, food preservative, in chutneys, and as a salad dressing. It is made by squeezing the juice out of apples and going through the fermentation process. It is a substance that is widely used in traditional medicine such as weight loss and skin infections. However, there is little to no reliable scientific evidence that supports these health claims.

It can also be an effective home remedy for diaper rash that has candida growth. Candida is a type of yeast or fungal infection. To use apple cider vinegar, it can be added to the affected individual’s bath water. It also has the potential to kill bacteria that may worsen the diaper rash.

Diaper Rash

Home Remedy #7: Petroleum Jelly

Petroleum jelly is a semi-solid mixture that is promoted as a topical ointment for various ailments and cosmetic purposes. Its uses include being beneficial for genital rashes, nail fungus, diaper rash, nosebleeds, and chest colds. In folk medicine, it is thought of as a “cure all.” However, better scientific evidence has shown little to no evidence of its “cure all” properties.

Petroleum jelly can be beneficial as a sunscreen or helps keep the skin moist to reduce skin scarring. It is especially effective to prevent moisture loss on hands or lips and soften cuticles. It can also be used as a home remedy for diaper rash by applying a thin layer to the affected area, as it protects the area from urine and feces. The regular use of petroleum jelly and diaper changes may yield a rapid improvement from the diaper rash.

Diaper Rash

Home Remedy #8: Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a succulent plant that has many uses. It is edible and can be used in cosmetics, lotion, or ointments. Traditionally, aloe vera has been used as a skin treatment. The earliest records put its use in 1600 BC.

Many consider aloe vera as a great home remedy for any type of rash, irritation, cuts, and itchy skin. It can help soothe a diaper rash as it helps reduce inflammation and also moisturizes the skin. To use aloe vera on a diaper rash, clean the affected area and allow to dry before applying aloe vera on the skin. It can be used straight from the plant itself or from bottles of aloe that are sold in stores.

Diaper Rash

Home Remedy #9: Plain Yogurt

Yogurt is a food made through the bacterial fermentation of milk. The fermentation process leads to the production of lactic acid. Yogurt has been said to be beneficial for health as it contains probiotics that have positive effects on metabolic, immune, and cardiovascular health.

Plain yogurt can be an effective home remedy for diaper rash. To use it on a diaper rash, clean the affected area and allow it to dry before applying room temperature all-natural plain yogurt to the skin like a cream. It can be reapplied after each diaper change.

Diaper Rash

Home Remedy #10: Baking Soda

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a chemical compound that often appears as fine white powder. It has many uses such as in cooking, for pest control, as a mild disinfectant, and to extinguish fires. It has also been used as a home remedy for the treatment of acid reflux, gout, and diaper rash.

To use it for a diaper rash, add 2 tablespoons of baking soda into warm water and bathe the affected area with the mixture. This helps the healing process and also decreases the redness that is associated with the rash. The affected area can be left to soak for about 10 minutes before drying with a soft towel or washcloth.

Diaper Rash

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